Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Cloud Object

1 General

As of ILIAS 8 the Cloud Module has been abandoned. See: Abandon Cloud Object

2 Scheduled Features

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 8:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 7:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 6:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.4:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.3:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.2:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.1:

The following features have already been developed and published in ILIAS Release 5.0:

The following features have already been developed and published in ILIAS Release 4.4:

Feature has been introduced with ILIAS 4.4.

3 Redundant and Rejected Feature Requests

Requests that are redundant (already implemented in other requests)

Rejected Feature Requests

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:10, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]