Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


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Date and place

Monday, 08 July 2024 from 13:00 – 16:55 at VC meeting in BBB.

If you like to participate at the Jour Fixe, please join our BigBlueButton-based Jour Fixe VC!
We recommend to use BBB in Chrome (or Firefox).

1 Appointments

Workshops / Working GroupS

If you want to participate at one of the above mentioned workshops, please register for the related session. This helps to organise the workshop. Thanks!

Jour Fixe

  • Monday, 22 July 2024, 13:00 - 17:00
  • Monday, 05 August 2024, 13:00 - 17:00
  • Monday, 19 August 2024, 13:00 - 17:00
  • Monday, 16 September 2024, 13:00 - 17:00

No Jour Fixe at 02 September due to upcoming ILIAS Conference in Graz

2 Technical Board

This is a new topic on our agenda that should improve the information flow between the Technical Board and the society members and ILIAS users.

  1. Together with our Product Manager Matthias we have decided to extend security support period for ILIAS releases from 12 to 18 month, starting with ILIAS 9. This issue was raised on the general assembly of the ILIAS society after it was discussed thoroughly on the ILIAS Jour Fixe. We kindly ask every member of the ILIAS community to use the ILIAS Jour Fixe to bring up and discuss issues related to the ILIAS development process and also partake in these discussions as required.
  2. Together with our technical writer Ann-Christin we have discussed how changes in the documentation can be handled in the future and what Ann-Christins role should be in that process. The proposal is presented here.

3 Miscellaneous

3.1 Documentation

3.2 UI Clinic

Our UI/UX/A11y experts Yvonne Seiler, Kristina Auerswald and Kendra Grotz are offering bi-weekly UI clinic consultation hours for UI/UX and accessibility topics. The consultation hours are open for all users that need or are interested in related help for their ILIAS development activities. The date of the UI Clinic consultation hours has changed! From now on they take place every Wednesday before Jour Fixe from 10h30 to 11h30.

If you are interested in discussing an issue, please register here!.

3.3 Style Guide for English Language

Our expert for English language, Chris Potter, has created a Style Guide for English Language in ILIAS to help developers when writing English labels and bylines. Major aim is to improve the quality and the consistence of the English language file. We kindly please all developers to have a look at this style guide and follow its recommendations!

In addition, Chris is currently revising the entire ilias_en.lang for ILIAS 9 and corrects and streamline the texts. This already came with a couple of commits in the last weeks (and still will go on).

In case of questions to the style guide or the correct use of English language in ILIAS, please feel free to contact Chris.

3.4 Authorities

3.4.1 Authorities to be Handed Over

For the following components there are authorities to be handed over:

  • Learning Module SCORM: Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle] would like to hand over the authorities to sign off on conceptual changes, to sign off on code changes and to (de-)assign authorities.
  • LTI: Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle] would like to hand over his authorities to sign off on conceptual changes, to sign off on code changes and to (de-)assign authorities. Meyer, Stefan [smeyer] keeps authority to sign off on code changes.
    • LTI already consists of two components – LTI for the provider function and LTI consumer. According to Uwe it is possible to keep only one of both in ILIAS while the other component can be abandoned if no new developer is willing to take over the authorities for entire LTI.
  • Excel: Excel service was under implicit maintainership but has currently no person that takes care of it.

Community members who are willing to take over one of the offered authorities are highly appreciated. In case of interest, please contact the Technical Board.

3.4.2 Changed Authorities

4 Maintained Versions

At the time being, we are maintaining ILIAS version 8 and ILIAS version 9.

4.1 Roadmap


  • ILIAS 9.2 has been published at 18 JUN 2024
  • ILIAS 8.13 has been published at 25 JUN 2024
  • ILIAS 7.30 has been published at 14 MAY 2024


  • ILIAS 9.3 is planned for end of July
  • ILIAS 8.14 is planned for August

Lifecycles of maintained versions

  • ILIAS 7 : the regular maintenance of ILIAS 7 has ended with release 7.30 after we have successfully published a first stable ILIAS 9 release.
    • As there is a need in the community to use a secure ILIAS 7 at least until end of the year, ILIAS service provider Databay AG will offer a ILIAS 7 LTS release when the regular end of lifetime of ILIAS 7 has come. This ILIAS 7 LTS release will mainly contain the security fixes that are made for ILIAS 8 and higher. It is intended to maintain this security branch until December 2024. The costs will be jointly financed in a funding pool by those who have the need. Users who also have the need to use it can contact info@databay.de. The ILIAS society, its Technical Board and the Product Manager support the project and appreciate the joint solution for all users.
  • ILIAS 8 : end of full maintenance at 31 DEC 2024, security bug fixes (only) until 31 DEC 2025.
  • ILIAS 9 : end of full maintenance at 31 DEC 2025, security bug fixes (only) until 30 JUN 2027.

4.2 Mantis Reports

The following Mantis reports have been tagged with 'Needs Jour Fixe Decision' and were therfore be discussed in detail:

  1. #40076: information for feedback of question in question pool is broken: Introducing a button to delete an existing but empty feedback does not solve the underlying problem. ILIAS should not show that feedback exists when the feedback is empty. Therefore, the icon for an existing feedback should only be presented when feedback is really existing (content within the feedback page) - and not only because the tab has been opened by the author. To fix this, funding is needed. If you are interested in solving this problem, please contact Denis Strassner.
  2. #41455: Incorrect informations in «View Configuration» and UI Workflow: We follow the recommendation of Oliver and remove the UI element in ILIAS 9, too. For a better documentation we prefer to change the release version of the already existing abandon article from 10 to 9. A short notice about this bug report should be added to the abandon article.
  3. #41535: Usability-Issue : hohe Komplexität durch Anzeige von ohnehin nicht auswählbaren Optionen: We highly appreciate this usability fix and accept it for 9 and trunk.
  4. #:

Postponed to next Jour Fixe:

  • none

4.3 Mantis Statistic

Current information from Mantis:

                        * … Issues with status 'open' and 'fix.acc.prio.' are recorded.

Please check the list of issues that have been voted on by association members. This prioritisation should be considered.

4.4 Development Issues of Maintained Versions

The following development issues concern one or more maintained versions. Issues related to upcoming versions have to be added in chapter 4.

  • none

4.5 Pull Requests for Maintained Versions

Pull requests in the ILIAS repository on GitHub that are related to maintained versions of ILIAS.

  1. PR7672 • 9/Learning-Sequence push footer down 41463: We accept the suggested change of the ID for Release_9 and trunk. Please add a short notice to the Release Page of ILIAS 9 -> Changed Behaviour to notify users that have a customised skin.
  2. PR7765 • Notifications: Fix deactivation of Toasts aka. OSD-notifications: Ingmar notified us about a change in the toast handlings. PR is already merged.

Looking for Shepherd

The following PRs are adressing components that are currently under no authority. So nobody has the authority to do the related code change and accept the PR. We are looking for shepherds that check and review the PR and merge it.

  1. PR6538 • Fix value presentation and allow combination input types:
  2. PR6936 • Block Removal of obsolete Code regarding old rendering: …
  3. PR7326 • CI: Fix php-cs-fixer config: …
  4. PR7618 • Prevent deletion of required file uploads: …
  5. PR7622 • CI: Check the code style of files in PRs, don't try to fix it: …
  6. PR7640 • ilUIPluginRouterGUI: Fix class paths handling

4.6 Continuous Integration

  • Unit Tests:
    • For ILIAS 10 we upgraded PHPUnit to version 10.x. Accordingly, the following methods are no longer available an MUST be removed from our unit tests:
      • withConsecutive
      • getInvocationCount
    • As of today, there are (executed with PHP 8.2) / --random-order-seed 1720173999
      • 11510: (-489)
      • 28245 assertions (depends on the order of tests being executed / not stably determinable)
    • 1 failure:
      1. ILIAS\Cache\CacheTest::testLockFailed asserting that false is true.
        • /var/www/ilias/trunk/components/ILIAS/Cache/tests/CacheTest.php:166
    • 190 errors:
      • 1. TestScreen\ilTestScreenGUITest::testConstruct
        • Error: Undefined constant "ILIAS\TestQuestionPool\Import\CLIENT_DATA_DIR"
      • 2 - 190: components/ILIAS/Test/*
        • Error: Typed static property MockObject*::$__phpunit_configurableMethods must not be accessed before initialization
    • 60 skipped:
      • See file below

5 Developing ILIAS 10

5.1 Timeline for ILIAS 10

  • Big Projects Jour Fixe at November 27, 2023
  • Feature freeze at April 30, 2024
  • Coding completed: all features implemented and test cases finished until October 25, 2024
  • Release 10.0 beta1 and release-10 branch planned for October 28, 2024
  • Beginn of testing phase scheduled for October 30, 2024
  • End of testing phase planned for Februar 05, 2025
  • First stable 10.0 release planned for March 13, 2025
  • Full maintenance support for version 10: until December 31, 2026
  • Security bug fixes only: until December 31, 2027

5.2 Software Requirements for ILIAS 10

The required and supported software for ILIAS 10 is as follows:

  1. PHP:
  2. PHPUnit: 10.x
  3. Composer: Composer 2
  4. DBMS:
    • MariaDB: 10.5 - 10.11
    • MySQL:  8.0.x
  5. HTTP:
    • nginx:
      • Supported: …
      • Recommended: …
    • Apache >= …
  6. JAVA:
  7. NodeJS:
    • Supported: 20 (LTS, 21)
    • Recommended: 20 (LTS)
  8. Other Software:
    • Ghostscript: …
    • MathJax (optional): …
    • ImageMagick: …

5.3 Dependencies

No dependencies to be discussed today.

Luka Stocker has created a new package.json und and composer.json with the approved dependencies and notified us about several issues and missing JS, see here!

Dependencies discussed at 10 JUN 2024

  1. PR7629 • Jour Fixe monolog dependency  / PR7619 •Logging: remove Monolog:
    • Library is used at several places within ILIAS. It is one of the main logging frameworks with a high number of contributors.
    • Dependency is accepted for ILIAS 10.

Dependencies discussed at 13 MAY 2024

  1. PR7485 • Composer: Add dflydev/fig-cookies as dependency:
    • Used by CookieFactory in HTTP Service. One small new release per year. Should the library no longer be maintained, a separate implementation would be manageably large.
    • Dependency is accepted for ILIAS 10.

Dependencies Discussed at 29 APR 2024

  1. PR7427 • Composer: add phpunit/phpunit as dependenc:
    • We use phpunit/phpunit to run unit tests. It is the standard PHP testing framework.
    • Dependency is accepted for ILIAS 10/trunk.

Dependencies Discussed at 22 JAN 2024

  1. Composer: Add `league/flysystem as dependency
    • league/flysystem is the quasi-standard for file system operations. the library is actively developed and continuously maintained. With 116 contributors, many people are working on flysystem
    • Dependency is accepted for ILIAS 10/trunk.

Dependencies Discussed at 22 JAN 2024

  1. PR6887: NPM: Add jQuery
    • jQuery is actively maintained and has an existing security policy. Used in many components (2414 occurences). Michael Jansen will take care of the dependency.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  2. PR6952: NPM: Add moment
    • Dependency is actively maintained. Used in calendar component and in chat, too.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  3. PR6893: NPM: Add linkifyjs
    • Dependency is actively maintained. Used in COPage, LearningModule and OnScreenChat to make links clickable.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  4. PR6945: NPM: Add jest
    • Dependency is actively maintained. 
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  5. PR6946: NPM: add @uppy/tus and  PR6947: NPM: add @uppy/core
    • Dependencies are actively maintained.
    • Dependencies are accepted for trunk.
  6. PR6949: Composer: Add firebase/php-jwt as dependency
    • Dependency is actively maintained.
    • Uwe Kohnle will call a meeting to check if this lib is used by others, too. Or if it could be removed from trunk. Decision postponed after meeting.
  7. PR6950: Composer: Add celtic/lti as dependency
    • Not too many but requently commits. Could probably be replaced by lib-lti1p3-core
    • Decision about dependency is postponed. First, it should be tested if lib-lti1p3-core could replace celtic/lti and if LTI 1.1 should be dropped with ILIAS 10. 

Dependencies discussed at 11 DEC 2023

  1. NPM/Chatroom: Add uuid:
    • Library is well maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  2. NPM/Chatroom: Add mysql:
    • Lot of contributions but last activity from 2022 which could be a potential risk. Library has to be monitored, forked if necessary and maintained by ourselves.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  3. NPM/Chatroom: Add node-mysql:
    • Library has only one maintainer and last activity from 2015. Could be a risk for new releases of Node.js.
    • Dependency is rejected for security reasons. node-mysql lib should not be used in ILIAS 10. Necessary functions have to be adapted by Chatroom component.
  4. NPM/Chatroom: Add async:
    • async is a well maintained package with a lot of contributions and recent activities.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  5. NPM/Chatroom: Add node-schedule:
    • node-schedule is a well maintained package with a lot of contributions. However, there were only few commits in the last months.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  6. NPM/Chatroom: Add express:
    • express is a well maintained package with a lot of contributions. However, there were only few commits in the last months. 
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  7. NPM/Chatroom: Add winston:
    • winston is a well maintained package with major releases every few years. It is an active project, the latest changes are from November.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk with version 3.
  8. NPM/Chatroom: Add socket.io and socket.io-client:
    • socket.io is a well maintained package with major releases every few years and recent activities.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk. Please update to version 4.7.
  9. Composer: Add jumbojett/openid-connect-php as dependency:
    • Not to many commits in the last years, but there are automatic tests for php up to 8.2. There are several people contributing to the software.
    • Dependency rejected for security reasons. Library has a certain risk for us. We should try to substitute this dependency by another one with similar functions but better maintenance.
  10. Composer: Add apereo/phpcas as dependency:
    • Library needed to enable CAS authentication in ILIAS. Not to many commits in the last years, but there are automatic tests for php up to 8.2. Security issues are always fixed in a timely manner followed by new releases.
  11. NPM: Add chart.js as dependency:
    • chart.js is actively maintained by multiple contributors. New releases are published every few weeks/months.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  12. NPM: Add rollup as dependency:
    • The package is actively maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk. Please update to latest major release.
  13. NPM: Add @rollup/plugin-terser as dependency:
    • The package is actively maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk. Please update to latest major release.
  14. NPM: Add @rollup/plugin-node-resolve as dependency:
    • The package is actively maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  15. NPM: Add mocha as dependenc:
    • The package is no longer maintained actively. Last release was made in 2022.
    • Dependency rejected for security reasons. We should try to substitute this dependency by another one with similar functions but better maintenance.
  16. Composer: Add league/commonmark as dependency:
    • The package is actively maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  17. NPM: Add eslint as dependency:
    • The package is actively maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  18. NPM: Add eslint-plugin-import as dependency:
    • The package is actively maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  19. NPM: Add eslint-config-airbnb-base as dependency:
    • The package is not actively maintained (last release 2021). But as it is only a configuration for the eslint package there is no need for an update as long as the configuration is not changed.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  20. NPM: Add dropzone as dependency:
    • The package is NOT actively maintained anymore (last release 2021). Lib is helpful as file upload is a complex subject that should not be handled by the file service itself.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk. But we have to look for alternatives in case security problems arise.
  21. NPM: Add chai as dependency:
    • The package is actively maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  22. Composer: Add ramsey/uuid as dependency:
    • ramsey/uuid is actively maintained by multiple contributors. 
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  23. NPM: Lib tinymce:
    • Version 5 used by page editor for text editing. No need of current fork additions. Library well maintained, has commercial background and is still widely used and integrated.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  24. Composer: geshi lib:
    • Very few parts of the lib needed for syntax highlighting in page editor. Little maintenance in the last years. Risk is considered low.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk. In case of an emergency, we deactivate syntax highlighting in the page editor.
  25. Composer: getid3 lib:
    • Used to determine the length of media files. The lib is on github since > 10 years, always got maintenance.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  26. NPM: Add @yaireo/tagify as dependency
    • The library has 58 contributors and got its last release in August '23. It seems to be feature complete.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  27. Composer: Add friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer as dependency
    • The library is under active maintenance. It would be non-critical (although quite sad...) to lose this lib.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  28. Composer: Add phpunit/phpunit as dependency #6733 
    • Won't go away any time soon.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  29. Composer: Add mustache/mustache as dependency
    • The library is widely used by many PHP projects. It has 41 contributors, but the most contributions have been made by one person. 
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  30. Composer: Add ifsnop/mysqldump-php as dependency
    • Needed to create release packages. The package is actively maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  31. Composer: Add seld/jsonlint as dependency dependencies:
    • The library receiced its last update in May '23. The maintainer Jordi Boggiano works on packagist and composer and is a well known person in the PHP community.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  32. Composer: Add symfony/console as dependency #6733:
    • Needed for Setup. The library is under active development and part of the Symfony framework.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  33. Composer: Add pimple/pimple as dependency #6733:
    • The library has been stable for a long time and didn't receive updates since 2021. The actual code is only about 150 LOC and hence could be easily maintained by us, if necessary.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  34. Composer: Add filp/whoops as dependency:
    • Library is stable for a long time now. Maintenance seems to be stable. There is a corporate sponsor of this library.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  35. Composer: Add phpstan/phpstan as dependency:
    • PHPStan is a very active project. The risk of relying on this library is relatively small. It is a development dependency and our production code does not rely on this library. But: The project mainly relies on one contributor and there might be funding issues in future.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  36. Composer: Add mikey179/vfsstream as dependency:
    • Not much development activity, so it might occur that there will be issues with upcoming PHP versions. The risk of relying on this library is small. It is a development dependency and only a small number of unit tests rely on a mocked file system. With the increased use of the IRSS, the number of unit tests will decrease and the lib will no longer be needed.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  37. Composer: Add captainhook/captainhook and `captainhook/plugin-composer as dependency:
    • CaptainHook is well maintained. Risk is small as it is only a development dependency.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  38. Composer: Add cweagans/composer-patches as dependency:
    • Composer Patches is still maintained,
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk but should be monitored.
  39. Composer: Add ezyang/htmlpurifier as dependency
    • HTMLPurifier is actively maintained by multiple contributors. Security issues are always fixed in a timely manner followed by new releases. In case of problems in the future, Symfony is offering a similar library that can be used instead.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  40. Composer: Add simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp as dependency:
    • SimpleSAMLphp is actively maintained by multiple contributors. Security issues are always fixed in a timely manner followed by new releases. A proper security process is implemented.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk. An update to version 2.0 might be done with PR6725.
  41. Composer: Add phpmailer/phpmailer as dependency:
    • Library is needed to create mails from ILIAS. PHPMailer is actively maintained by multiple contributors. Security issues are always fixed in a timely manner followed by new releases.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  42. Add sabre/dav as dependency:
    • Actively maintained.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  43. Composer: add symfony/yaml as dependency:
    • The library receives updates and new releases and is part of the symfony framework.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.
  44. Composer: Add guzzlehttp/psr7 as dependency:
    • Is actively maintained. Needed by nearly every GUI class in ILIAS.
    • Dependency is accepted for trunk.

5.4 Deprecated for ILIAS 10

The following services, methods and UI elements are deprecated for ILIAS 10:

  • Services/UIComponent
    • Checkbox List Overlay
    • Glyph
    • Grouped List
    • Lightbox (Has been removed from trunk while ILIAS 9 has being developed.)
    • Modal
    • Nested List
    • Overlay
    • Panel
    • Progress Bar
    • Split Button
    • Tooltip
  • Services/FileSystem
    • ilFile
    • ilFileData
    • ilFileDataImport
    • ilFileSystemAbstractionStorage
    • ilFileSystemGUI
    • ilFileSystemTableGUI
    • ilUploadFiles
  • Services/Database
    • ilDBAnalyzer
    • ilDBGenerator
  • Services/FileDelivery (replacement will be done with PR)
    • ilFileDelivery
  • Services/PermanentLink (replacement will be done with PR)
    • ilLink
  • Services/Utilities (ongoing)
    • ilArrayUtil
    • ilLegacyFormElementsUtil
    • ilShellUtil
    • ilStr
    • ilUtil

5.5 Important Changes

  • none

5.6 Development Issues

  1. Development Issue to Shibboleth Authentication: Customizable User Creation, Lorenz, Katharina [klorenz] 08 JUL 2024 :
    Contrary to our plan, the new function should not be activated/deactivated with a separate checkbox, but instead a new radio group with three options will be available to decide how new accounts should be handled.

    JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe] : We accept the suggested change of the UI for using a radio group with the three mentioned options. 

5.7 Pull Requests for Current Development / Trunk

The following pull requests in the ILIAS repository on GitHub are related to the current development activities in trunk.

  1. PR6646 • DateTime and Duration Inputs for Filter (follow-up of #6444): Suggested change is highly appreciated and accepted for trunk.
  2. PR7656 • [FEATURE] CI: JavaScript code-style exception: Thibeau notified us about a code style exception. Unlike the original AirBnB code style, we allow the reassignment of parameter properties. Change is highly appreciated.
  3. PR7753 • Fix copyright checker for examples: Ingmar notified us about the fixed copyright checker for examples. Change is highly appreciated and accepted for trunk. It would be great if a developer from the community could check the shell code script and give feedback.

5.8 Project 'Removing of Legacy-UIComponents-Service and Table'

  • Next Bi-Weekly-Meeting : Monday, 15 July 2024, 14:30 - 16:00 
  • Slow progress of the project due to lack of funding.
  • Estimated funding needed to realise project for 2024 and 2025: 430.000€ (like 300 Person Days).

5.9 Suggested Features for 10

  1. Study Programme: Abandon Dynamic Tree in Manage View: We still would like to get rid of this unicorn and abandon the feature with ILIAS 10.

  2. Study Programme: Automatically Add Users from Organizational Unit Subtree: Suggested is still highly appreciated. Feature is now scheduled for ILIAS 10.

  3. Test: Revise Test Tabs: Thank you very much for this extensive conceptual work. We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature for ILIAS 10. Additional funding for this implementation is highly welcome. In this case, please contact Strassner, Denis [dstrassner].

  4. Abandon Settings for Manual Scoring and Adjustment per Question in Administration: We follow this suggestion and abandon the settings for manual scoring and corrections per question type with ILIAS 10.

  5. Data Collection : Revision of the Placeholder Usage: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 10.

  6. Manual Sorting of Favourites: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 10. We follow Oliver's suggestion to check which presentation (modal or extra page) is the better solution for this feature.

  7. Manual Sorting of My Courses and Groups: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 10. We follow Oliver's suggestion to check which presentation (modal or extra page) is the better solution for this feature.

  8. [[]]:

    • Feature request presented by
    • Length of slot: 15'

  9. [[]]:

    • Feature request presented by
    • Length of slot: 15'

6 Developing ILIAS 11

6.1 Timeline for ILIAS 11

  • Big Projects Jour Fixe at November 25, 2024
  • Feature freeze at April 30, 2025
  • Coding completed: all features implemented and test cases finished until October 28, 2025
  • Release 11.0 beta1 and release-10 branch planned for October 28, 2025
  • Beginn of testing phase scheduled for October 31, 2025
  • End of testing phase planned for Februar 06, 2026
  • First stable 11.0 release planned for March 17, 2026
  • Full maintenance support for version 11: until December 31, 2027
  • Security bug fixes only: until December 31, 2028

6.2 Deprecated for ILIAS 11

The following services, methods and UI elements are deprecated for ILIAS 10:

  • Services/UIComponent
    • ilConfirmationGUI & ilConfirmationTableGUI
    • ilExplorer
    • ilSyntaxHighlighter
    • ilTextHighlighterGUI
    • ilToolbarGUI
    • ilTabsGUI
  • Services/Table

6.3 Suggested Features for 11

  1. Abandon Hints in Test Questions: The current implementation of hints will be abandoned with ILIAS 11 due to the mentioned issues (missing UI elements, missing conceptual elements).

    Nevertheless, we all would like to keep such a feature in the T&A - especially also as a distinguishing element compared to paper tests. Therefore, we would highly appreciate if an improvement of this feature would be realised for ILIAS 11. A feature request has already been created but needs to be completed, see Test: Revise Hints and their visibility in manual scoring. Based on a more specific description of a future implementation, funding requests through the community could be made.

7 Participants


Joined VC

Abijuru, Jephte [Jephte]


Amstutz, Timon [amstutz]

Appel, Alina [alinaappel]

Asbih, Fadi [Fadi]

Auerswald, Kristina [kauerswald]

Becker, Matthias [matthias.becker]


Becker, Maximilian [mbecker]


Bechtold, Patrick [pbe]

Beym, Marvin [mBeym]

Bongers, Tim [tbongers-cat]


Clausen, Keven [keven.clausen]


Copado, Jesús [jcop]

Detemple, Konstanze [kdetemple]

Dyhr, Sven [sdyhr]

Elagamy, Ahmed

Engländer, Ferdinand [fenglaender]

Falkenstein, Rob [rob]

Famula, Thomas [tfamula]


Fischer, Yvonne [yvonne.fischer]

Fries, Tomke

Fuhrer, Thibeau [tfuhrer]


Giebeler, Ina [igiebel1]

Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz]

Gribchenko, Kseniia [ksgrie]


Großkopf, Katrin [katrin.grosskopf]

Grotz, Kendra [kgrotz]

Gruber, Ann-Christin [acgruber]


Günther, Andre

Haagen, Nils [nlz]

Hartung , Marion [M.Hartung]

Helfer, Fabian [fhelfer]

Heim, Johannes [jheim]

Hergerdt, Marcel [mhergerdt]

Jacobs, Maximilian [m.jacobs]

Jäggi, Damian [fajaeggi]

Jackisch, Ingo [jackisch]


Jansen, Kelly [kjansen]

Jansen, Michael [mjansen]


Joussen, Thomas

Kaufmann, Olivia [o.kaufmann]

Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard]


Killing, Alexander [alex]

Klees, Richard [rklees]


Knof, Christian [cknof]

Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]


Kösling, Arne [arnewolf]

Kruse, Fabian [Fabian]

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel] (Minutes)


Lorenz, Katharina [klorenz]

Lowe, Simon [simon.lowe]


Ludolf, Christoph [cludolf]

Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]

Müller, Tobias [Tobias246810]

Neumann, Fred [fneumann]


Potter, Chris

Rabah, Rachid [rabah]

Riebe, Katharina [kriebe]

Roeser, Nico [nicoroeser]

Rüping, Stefan

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]


Scharmer, Lukas [lscharmer]

Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]


Schmidt-Sielex, Wolfgang

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]

Seeland, Per Pascal [PerPascalSeeland]

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

Seidel, Elyesa


Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler]


Sesterhenn, Fabian [sesterhenn]

Solzbacher, Bettina [BettinaSolzbacher]

Spirou, Ilias [ispirou]

Stake, Sebastian [sstake]


Stepper, Christian [christian.stepper]

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]


Szmais, Ingmar [iszmais]


Tesche, Uwe [utesche]

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

Vollbach, Guido [gvollbach]


Vorkauf, Klaus


Wischniak, Stanislav

Wolf, Fabian [fwolf]

Yadel, Simon

Zehnder, Lukas [lzehnder]

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

Last edited: 18. Dec 2024, 14:20, Falkenstein, Rob [rob]