Style Guide for Language in ILIAS
Style Guide for English Language in ILIAS
Page Overview
[Hide]Up until now, English language entries in ILIAS have had a bit of a Wild West feel to them. Everyone working on ILIAS (at least on the English language parts) writes English pretty darn well. But everyone also writes things slightly differently. This can make things look untidy and unprofessional. In an effort to bring some overall cohesion to things, I have decided to put together some guidelines on the use of the English language in ILIAS.
1 The Basic Guidlines
- British vs American English
- Title Case and Sentence Case - Using the Correct Case.
- Bylines
- Notifications
2 Grammar and Punctuation
- Compound Adjectives (Hyphenating Words).
- Title Case Rules
- Quotation Marks
- Exclamation Marks!!!
3 Some Notes on Style
4 Terminology
5 Special Cases
Last edited: 11. Nov 2024, 12:06, Potter, Chris [ChrisPotter]