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Opencast (API)

Idea / Conceptual issues: Universität Bern / David Graf: david.graf@ilub.unibe.ch
Maintainer: Theodor Truffer: support@studer-raimann.ch
Tester: Universität Bern
Current Version: 3.7.0 (october 2021)

Plugin DB: https://docu.ilias.de/goto_docu_dcl_3342_1_2759.html
Purpose of Plugin: Video Management, Media Content, Didactic Tool, Collaboration
Supported languagues: German, English

Docu/Install: https://github.com/studer-raimann/OpenCast/blob/master/README.md
Download: https://github.com/studer-raimann/OpenCast
Bug Tracker (ILIAS Mantis => Plugins => Opencast): https://www.ilias.de/mantis

1 Description

The Opencast (API) Plugin is a video repository and connects ILIAS with Opencast using the external API. Opencast is one of the leading open source video capture and distribution systems for universitites and organizations: www.opencast.org. A working Opencast server with an active api is needed in order to use the plugin on ILIAS.

The plugin enables the integration of existing or new Opencast series in ILIAS courses, groups or folders. Video files can be cut and edited using the Opencast video editor. They can be uploaded manually, without having to consider the usual ILIAS upload limit. Advanced settings and RBAC-functionalities enable a variety of pedagogical use cases, such as inverted classroom or peer review scenarios.

Main features:

  • Store and visualize large video and audio files (without having to consider the limitations of the usual ILIAS upload limit). Supported media files: mov, mp4, m4v, flv, mpeg, avi, mp4, mp3, m4a, wma, aac, ogg, flac, aiff, wav

  • Flexible right settings:
    • Streaming only: Users are not able to download the videos. The video are streamed via the Opencast Player. The player opens in a new window or is integrated within the plugin, depending on the settings.
    • Allow Download: Users are allowed to download videos (in mp4 format)
    • Individual rights management for each video: Videos can be assigned to users. Users see only the videos they are assigned for.
  • Collaboration: Create and organize peer groups. If the function is enabled, peer group members only see videos of other group members.
  • Upload for course members: Allow students to upload their own video material and define which group members are allowed to see it
  • Scheduling of lecture recordings: If enabled in the plugin settings, course administrators are enabled to schedule new events. The IDs of your recording stations are automatically retrieved via OPENCAST API.
  • OpencastStudio: Allow users to upload screencasts with the browser-based OpencastStudio (demo: https://studio.opencast.org/) . The recordings are uploaded directly in the corresponding series.
  • Video analysis: The Opencast Annotation tool allows to write text annotations and set labels, see https://github.com/opencast/annotation-tool. Use cases are...
    • Theory or category-based video analysis
    • Enhanced "lecture recording" scenarios
    • Video analyses for research projects
    • implementation in inverted classroom scenarios
    • Video-based self-reflection & peer coaching

  • Publish videos additionally on your local video portal: Course administrators can optionally publish their videos on the external video platform of your institution (e.g. SWITCHtube in Switzerland). The permission settings of your video portal can be configured in the plugin settings.
  • LiveStreaming Events: in combination with a separate WowZa server and compatible Recording Agents (e.g. Extron-Devices), you are able to livestream directly out of your lecture halls. When clicking on livestreaming Events, the livestream opens in the integrated Video Player. The feature also offers an optional on-screen chat.
  • Opencast Videos as PageComponents: embed opencast videos to any ILIAS tool & plugin that allows administrators to customize pages in the content view. (additional Plugin ist required)

  • Further functionalities:
    • Reporting function for Quality Problems (configurable in the plugin settings)
    • Reporting function for Date Modifications (configurable in the plugin settings)
    • Set events offline (videos are only visible for administrators)
    • Configure own opencast publication workflows in the Settings of the plugins. Optionally activatable configuration of all Opencast workflow parameters by the ILIAS course administrators in the series settings.
    • Export of list metadata
    • Write work instructions
    • Supports a configurable Tile View (ILIAS 5.4. +)

Sustainability: The initial development was funded by several institutes (University of Bern, University of Basel, University of Köln & Zurich University of Teacher Education). The plugin is in use at different institutions. Additional functionalities and regular updates are guaranteed. We would highly appreciate cooperations with other institutions and partners to extend the functionality and usability of the plugin.

Reach out to the adopters community in the "SIG Videos" ILIAS group: http://tinyurl.com/iliasvideo

Known users:

  • Universität Bern (www.unibe.ch)
  • Hochschule Luzern (www.hslu.ch)
  • PH Bern (www.phbern.ch)
  • PH Zürich (www.phzh.ch)
  • Universität zu Köln (www.uni-koeln.de)
  • Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln (www.rfh-koeln.de)
  • PH Freiburg (www.ph-freiburg.de)
  • Universität Tübingen (www.uni-tuebingen.de/)
  • Universität Bonn (www.uni-bonn.de)
  • Hochschule Fresenius (www.hs-fresenius.de)
  • Universität Münster (www.uni-muenster.de)
  • Universität Marburg (www.uni-marburg.de)
  • Universität Konstanz (www.uni-konstanz.de)
  • Hochschule Osnabrück (www.hs-osnabrueck.de)
  • Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (www.mhh.de)

2 Suggested Features

In the following list you can add a request for a new feature. Please use the following template:
As a < type of user: administrator;user,tutor >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >

Do not add features to the JF.

Suggested for 3.7 +

3 Scheduled Features

The following features are being developed and published in Version No. 3.7+, due for release in Q1/Q2 2022

  • Usability improvements of the features "Edit Owner", "Grant Access rights" and "Groups": consistent view, alphabetical order in drop-down list, filter function
  • Ability to change autopublish-setting of a scheduled events in the event metadata

Last edited: 26. Jun 2024, 17:25, Graf, David [dagraf]