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Page Layout Revision - Questions & TO DOS for ILIAS 7

1 Q u e s t i o n s   &   T O D O S   f o r   I L I A S   7

1.1 Ideas

The following ideas, which were discussed during the design of the page layout, were not implemented in the initial implementation.

Ideas are not a high priority for PLR Step 2, they are welcome to be taken up and pursued in future releases.

1.) Tools

  • Tools could get its own MainBar. Users can switch between different MainBars (Main-MainBAr, Tools-MainBar). This way the problem can be solved with a maximum of 4 open tools.
  • If only one tool is open, this tool could be displayed directly in the MainBar. The tool tile is replaced by the tool. This way the singel tool is not hidden below a main entry. Especially in the mobile view this would be very helpful (e.g. mail system, mail folders are displayed directly in the MainBar, NOT in Tools > Mail Folders). A disadvantage is that the MainBar entries would change permanently.

2.) Metabar-Items (mobile view)

  • Should the Metabar elements be combined in a "Disclosure" glyph? In this way, not all information is visible at first glance. Reasons for using a "Disclosure-Glyph" is the limited space. Breadcrumbs, logo and MetaBar items must be displayed in the Metabar. The available space can vary greatly due to different logo sizes.

1.2 Conceptual issues

1.) Dashboard

  • Slate behaviour: If the user opens a slate on the dashboard and then reloads the page, the slate is closed even though the user chose to open it. The rule that no Slate can be opened on the Dashboard is not compatible with the behavior that users expect.

2.) 'Empty' Slates

  • If a tree has no entry and only the root node is displayed or there are no favorites, the "Slate" appears empty. How do we deal with the problem when a slate is empty or very little content is displayed? Does a text message "No tress entries available" work better compared to the root node. 

3.) Trees

  • How are empty trees displayed? Is only the root node enough? (see above)

4.) Online Help

  • At the moment the Online Help can only be closed via the MetaBar. Do we need a "Close" action within the online help so that I can close the help in Slate?

5.) Favorites

  • How do the Favorites Slate, the Configure Screen and the Favorites on the Dashboard work together? Where are the favorites organized/configured? Where are favorites deleted and sorted? What sortings are there? Should subheadings be displayed in Slate?
  • Would it be useful to have a separate action "Remove from Favorites" in the Favourites-Slate (Persomal Workspace > Favourites) for each favorite entry (e.g. if hover over favorite entry, a "Delete" action is displayed -> But what happens on Mobile where there is no hover?)

6.) Breadcrumbs (mobile view)

  • Breadcrumb-Slate needs icon to display the nodes. The entries represent a repository structure, which is currently not visible. All entries are displayed on the same level (https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=27330).

7.) Notification Center

  • OnScreenChat: Currently, conversations are stored in the Notification Center (see ILIAS 5.4). In the long term the NC should not receive any objects/services. Where can "read" conversations be stored (Mainbar > Communication?)? 
    • Concept: Conversations are no longer kept in the Notification Center. Only new messages are displayed here. The conversation can be opened by clicking on the new message. Conversation and message are displayed. If the conversation is closed (there are no more unread messages), it will no longer be displayed in the Notifivation Center. Conversations are stored in the Mainbar under Communication >> Chat in Slate in a Drilldown (there is no separate screen).
  • OnScreenChat: Conversations can be closed in the chat window. Actually the chat window is minimized and not closed. Should there be a "minimize" glyph in addition to the "close" glyph? How about an action menu where it is written out which action can be done (like teams or Skype)? (https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=26920)

8.) Memberview

  • Breadcrumbs are displayed in a shortened form in the Memberview, although they are not part of the Memberview.
  • In ILIAS 5.4 the Repository Tree adapts to you as soon as users activate the Memberview (e.g. Course). For ILIAS 6 we suggest that the Repository Tree no longer adapts and displays everything. With ILIAS 7 you could use the tool area and add local trees (local navigation) for Courses/Groups.
  • The label "Memberview" should remain/fixed, so that you can close the Memberview at any time (no matter how far scrolled in the content).

9.) Fat Footer für ILIAS 7

  • Currently the footer entries are separated by characters. Introduction of a fat footer in ILIAS would allow to structure the current footer entries better and to add helpful links from page institution if desired.

10.) Canvas - File Upload

11.) System Info

  • Since the percentage of IE users within the ILIAS user community is relatively high, we should display a system info "This browser is no longer supported". (KS HeadInfo)

11.) Transferring objects to the new layout

  • We should check which objects do not yet use elements of the new layout. To further standardize the system, these can be transferred in future releases.
    • LTI, SCROM RTE, more?

1.3 Kitchen Sink

1.) Slate Navigation

  • Should the Slate Navigation (see Back-Button in Notification Center) be transferred to KS?

2.) Transfer of further legacy components into KS components

  • Conversion from Trees to the KS component. For this, the KS component must be extended (e.g. with a 'Show more' function or a search).
  • Introduction of the Standard Listing Panel in the Repository.

3.) MetaBar

  • Metabar Alignment Mobile (https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=26512). Visual adjustment is done via placeholders. However, this adjustment only covers part of the problem. As soon as the counters display a two-digit number, the indentations are no longer uniform. A technical solution should be found.

1.4 Icons


  • How can we reduce the different types of implementation?
  • Which icons are included as img, which as font?
  • Who maintains the fonts?
  • Where do we use what kind of icon/glyph?
  • When is something an icon (thing) and when a glyph (concept)?
  • How do we organize the image directory?
  • Should we develop our own glyph set in addition to the glyphs in Font?
  • How do we jointly define which icons ILIAS delivers and how they are integrated?

2 Contact

3 Discussion

Last edited: 30. Jul 2020, 15:13, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]