Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



1 Requirements

the possibiliy to import/modify user accounts using xml-files is good, but not an option for automated needs.

So a new interface for import, update and deletion of the users in ilias automatically could be developed.
It would be a flexible interface for import from any other system (i.e. SAP, PAISY etc.)

The main difference to the current import-datasets is the automation and a way for non-programmers. (CSV)

Option 1: automated Database Import

  • a new table will be created with a defined structure.
  • This table can be filled by the user using any self-developed script to import/update or delete any user in ilias.
  • Because it is a separate table, its less risky to edit this table for non-programmers
  • The structure is most equal to usr_data. In addition X(?) data columns for global or local groups the users have to be added or removed from.
  • In administration - user administration - settings is an option to activate/deactivate this import and set error handling and log-file
Option 2: automated CSV Import
  • same setting like database import, but the source is a defined CSV-File on the server

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

(Joel Hesse) With this feature ILIAS could be more easily promoted as lms with a flexible and defined data interface for exchange with any HR-System.
In my opinion its very important to ilias to implement more automated and more flexible data interfaces to connect to other software.

[Joel Hesse] Please leave a comment or "like" if you like this feature, too!

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 18 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

4 Implementation

Could this feature be an addon?

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case numberlinked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Tested successfully and approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 18. Aug 2022, 09:39, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]