Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



1 Purpose of the Plugin

Legally compliant archiving is a necessity for many institutions when conducting exams. Many universities introduced e-exams with ILIAS but many events that happen within the room (e.g. going to the toilet or an interruption of the exam) are simply written on a paper which must be archived somehow. This plugin is supposed to digitally create the examination protocol within the ILIAS test that is used (as a UI Component Plugin). Every event will be saved to one line in a table that can be exported later.

The export will probably be made via the "TestArchiveCreator" plugin (https://github.com/ilifau/TestArchiveCreator) which asks an interface of the Examination Protocol if there is a protocol to export. This means that we recommend to install the TAC, TAC-Cron and the Examination Protocol together if you want to conduct e-exams with the ILIAS test component.

2 Status

  • Workshops, concepts and mockups: Universität Freiburg
  • Development: Universität Stuttgart

  • Status of implementation
    • 2022/2023:  Several Workshops and meetings were held in order to find out the needs of all stakeholders and create proper mockups for development
    • 2023-08-16: The examination protocol is in a beta state and currently internally tested (if you are interested in more information contact rob.falkenstein@rz.uni-freiburg.de or sven.slotosch@rz.uni-freiburg.de

Additional information

  • GitHub repository: https://github.com/TIK-NFL/ExaminationProtocol/
  • Mockups: Please view the introduction feature wiki article Introduction of Examination Protocol (should be available by 2023_09)

3 Suggested Features

The following features have already been suggested to extend/improve the plugin:

4 Versions and Implemented Features


Published at

Supported ILIAS vers.

Features / Comments



5 5 Stakeholders and Known Users

  • bwILIAS
  • Uni-Stuttgart
  • Uni-Freiburg
  • Uni-Mannheim
  • Uni-Hohenheim

Last edited: 17. Jan 2024, 15:14, Falkenstein, Rob [rob]