Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Start Page Handling

1 Requirements

A) Transfer of "Start Page" name in the area "Wiki Navigation"
Every page in a wiki can have an individual name, also the first page of a wiki. But in the "Wiki-Navigation" the first page is always displayed as "Start Page", even if the page has a different name.
I have described this behavour in the mantis, because I think it's a bug and not a new feature.

B) Default name of the "Start Page"
Per default in the german language file the "Start Page" is called "Hauptseite" and not "Startseite", in the english version "Main Page" and not "Start Page". This must be a mistake in the language files.
I have described this behavour in the mantis, because I think it's a bug and not a new feature.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Release 5.0 (will be set by Jour Fixe)
  • Funding: Funded by PH Zürich
  • Maintainer: Alex Killing
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (company, developer)
  • Contract settled: Yes
  • Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Additional Information

Contact the following persons if you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding:

  • Information about concept: Sarah Schilling, Werner Willi, werner.willi@phzh.ch
  • Information about funding: Werner Willi, werner.willi@phzh.ch
  • Information about implementation: (name, e-mail)

4 Discussion

Alex Killing 13 Apr 2014: I agree that A) should be tackled (as feature or as bug fix, JF should decide). B) should be disussed by the JF, too. In my opinion the different terms reflect their different meaning:

  • main page: the name for the most prominent page in the wiki) and
  • start page: the name of an option that defines the page that is opened first
The first can be changed, however the second (name of the option) will always be the same.

Jour Fixe, 14 April 2014: We agree that the wiki navigation should use the name of the page and not "start page". We consider this as a bug. Alex will fix it.

However we consider the title of the first page being created and the title of the option that defines the landing (start) page after entering the wiki, two different things. We keep the different namings here for now. Therefore we reject this part of the request.

Sarah Schilling, Werner Willi 20 Mai 2014: We are happy that you consider A) as a bug and can fix it soon. This solves already many problems…

However, among normal wiki admins (=user with “edit settings” permission), there is a big ambiguity between the function "start page" (landing page) and the name of the first page.

The normal wiki admin often doesn’t know the name of the landing page because this name is a default name in the process dialogue "new wiki". So the normal wiki admin doesn't change this name at first and can't remember it later.

Re-considering the situation, it may make sense, if the name of the landing page was not a default name, but an empty (required) text field (when adding a new wiki).
Though later on, if one opens the wiki settings, the Start Page setting shouldn’t be a text field any longer, but a drop down menu listing all existing pages. There the landing page could be changed by choosing another existing wiki page.
Renaming the landing page should only be possible using «Page Actions > Renaming Page». As for now, some wiki admins want to change the landing page’s name in the settings dialogue by mistake (which creates a new empty page with the new name instead of renaming the existing landing page -> confusion although indicated). Using a drop down menu would omit this problem, too.

Another (or additional?) option would be a new column in the dialogue of the wiki navigation. In this overview the user gets the information, which of the pages is the landing page.
a) Maybe it could be realised with the ordering-function.
b) Maybe it could have the same behaviour like the start-page in an HTML-Module.

a) Screenshot of the Wiki Navigation
There the admin can determine the ordering of the wiki-pages. It would be nice if a wiki admin can choose any wiki-page and determine this page to a landing page. The newly set start page (landing page) should automatically be placed in top of the wiki navigation and use indentation "0".

Choose wiki page and set it as Start Page / Indication of Purpose
Newly set Start Page now on top of the list

b) Screenshot of an HTML-Module
There the admin can determine the landing page. This behaviour is an alternative which could be realised either in the wiki navigation or in the «Page Lists > All Pages» dialogue.

Alex Killing, 12 June 2014: I support the ideas outlined by Sarah and Werner in their comments of May 20:

  • Start Page setting should be empty on creation.
  • Start Page setting should be a drop down on settings editing.
  • Renaming the start page is possible using the existing "Rename Page" feature.
  • Setting the start page should be possible in the navigation settings screen (see their screenshots a)), too.

Matthias Kunkel, Alexander Killing, 13 June 2014: We support the changes as outlined in the comment of Alexander on 12 June 2014 and schedule these for 4.5.

5 Implementation

Implementation done as outlined in the mockups and in the comment form 12 June 2014 above.

Last edited: 10. Oct 2014, 17:20, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]