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New Survey Mode: Individual Feedback

1 Initial Problem

The survey offers «360°-Feedback» and «Self-Evaluation Only» Modes. However capturing workplace-based performance appraisals from mentors is difficult, because:

  • apraisees must close the survey to view results
  • results are aggregated and names of the raters are not visible.
For example, upon completing the internship, students get a detailed feedback on their performance from their supervisors. The individual appraisal feedbacks serve as a bond between theory and practice and encourage the development of practical skills.
Both internal (ILIAS-Access) and external raters should be considered for appraisal feedback.

2 Conceptual Summary

To capture individual feedbacks we offer a new survey type «Individual Feedback». Following features distinguish this mode from 360° Feedback

If "Appraisees Select Own Raters" is checked in Settings-tab, then participants should get an improved Manage Raters tab guiding them through the process. 

  1. Landing directly  in Manage Raters Tab and starting the workflow by clicking on [Add Rater] button in toolbar
  2. Selecting or searching a type of rater and adding a rater
  3. Sending an invitation mail to the selected rater
To navigate users can use "save and continue" or "cancel" buttons. Cancel button leads users to the overview Table of all previous added raters or they may start a new workflow by clicking on [Add Rater] button in toolbar.

Overview Table offers users three actions:
  • Send message -  user can send an invitation mail. Unlimited number of mails can be sent to the same rater. However, once the survey has been submitted, send mail action should not be available anymore. 
  • View sent message - user is directed to the previously sent message. This action is only visible, once a mail has been sent. "View sent Massages" can only be displayed, if has not been deleted from the Mail Service. Users will be taken out of the survey context and being taken to the respective Mail in Sent-Mail-Folder to access the Mail. In case more than one Mail had been sent, ILIAS will present a Modal to choose the Mail from.
  • Remove rater - user can remove rater anytime. However user should get a notification screen with the information that all submitted results of a chosen rater would be deleted. A deleted rater should also get a notification (error message), if he tries to open the link to the survey.
Appraisees can remove their Raters - regardless of them being added by Appraisee or by Course Administrator - very much as i the 360° survey.  
On the Info-tab in "General Properties" in "Privacy" it reads: "In the tab ‘Results’ participants' names are displayed. Appraisees get feedback along with the respective raters name."

Results Tab gets two sub-Tabs:

  • Individual Answers of Raters: individual answers are sorted separately acording to the questions used in the survey. For better overview the raters should be sorted according to the time the survey was submitted.
  • Competence Results: if competence service is activated in the settingstab, then user gets a competence results Tab.

  • Individual Results should be displayed immediately after the survey was submitted by a rater. Apraisee can see the results and the names of  their own raters. (default)
  • Competence Results are to be shown, when the survey was closed for all raters. Only one competence entry per survey should be written.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Create Dialog

3.2 User Interface Details

Compared to 360° survey the options "Self-Evaluation" and "Open 360° Feedback" are removed / not offered.

Note: Apraisees will not have to close survey to access results. Results are not aggregated, results are presented immediately after feedback was provided.

Add Rater Button starts Workflow
Adding a known user that is already registered on the plattform by typing in the login. Hitting "Cancel" takes you back to empty "Manage Raters" Screen.
a. Selecting "Search User" option and then click "Save and Continue"
b. Search form appears
Adding an exteral rater
Overview of all added raters
Modal presented in case there was more than one Mail sent
Toolbar for selecting the respective rater and table of content
Multiple Choice (Multiple Answers)
Metric Question
Essay Question
Matrix Question
Competence Results Tab - Survey has been closed for all raters

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications

We do not see any special accessibility issues. Existing UI elements will be used, like Toolbar, Buttons, Forms, Panels, Modals and Tables (new KS Data Table in the results tabs, if available).

4 Technical Information

Killing, Alexander [alex] 29 Apr 2021: No special technical issues.

5 Privacy Information

Users can see the names and individual feedbacks of their own raters. The privacy impacts are comparable to the 360 survey.

Following personal data will be stored:

  • Name of the rater: this personal data will be stored and used for the purpose of receiving an individual feedback from specific person. Note: raters and appraises already know each other personally before requesting a feedback via ILIAS.  
  • Individual answers of the rater: this personal data will stored and used for learning purposes, e.g. enhancing learning progress, improving one´s performance by formative skills assessment.
  • Date of survey completion: this personal data will be stored und used for the purpose of representing the status (finished/not finished) of the request. Note: other user´s activities on the platform are NOT collected in this survey mode.
  • Date of sending the invitation mail: this personal data will be stored and used for the purpose of representing the status (sent/not sent) of invitation mail.

6 Security Implications

No impact on security issues.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 29. Apr 2021: I support the idea. It will fill the "last gap" of the evaluation scheme (360, self, individual).

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 03 MAY 2021 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 8. Please add additional information about the privacy related storage of personal data (even if these are the same as in a 360° survey) to get a better overview of these data. A general overview per component could be helpful and allow to link to such a page from this section and to add only new stored data in the future.

10 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • 49207: Umfrage zur Selbstevaluation erstellen 
  • 49209: Eine Frage aus einem Fragenpool einfügen 
  • 49208: Einstellung zur Fremd-Evaluation 
  • 49210: Feedback-Nehmer hinzufügen 
  • 49211: Externen Feedback-­Geber hinzufügen 
  • 49212: Internen Feedback-­Geber hinzufügen 
  • 49213: Feedback abgeben
  • 49222: Feedback-­Geber entfernen


Approved at 01-12-2021 by .

Last edited: 1. Dec 2021, 12:56, Undisclosed