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Page Overview
[Hide]Date and place
Monday, September 14, 2020 from 13:00 – 17:25 as VC meeting only, see below.
If you like to participate at the Jour Fixe, please join our Big Blue Button VC meeting! To access the room you need the following access code: 144888
We recommend to use BBB in Chrome (or Firefox).
Participants | Joined VC |
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Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel] (Minutes) | X |
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Clemens Robbenhaar | |
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1 Appointments
- 17 SEP 2020, 13:30 - 15:00: Weekly of Working Group Page Editor Revision
If you want to participate at one of the above mentioned workshops, please register for the related session. This helps to organise the workshop. Thanks!
2 Maintained Versions
2.1 Roadmap
- ILIAS 6.4 published at September 04, 2020
- ILIAS 5.4.16 published at September 04, 2020
- ILIAS 5.3.23 published at August 21, 2020 (final release – end of maintenance of ILIAS 5.3)
- ILIAS 6.5 scheduled for October 2020
- ILIAS 5.4.18 scheduled for October 2020
2.2 Mantis Bug Reports
All open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe were screened by the product manager before the Jour Fixe and assigned to the responsible developers if necessary. The following issues were discussed in detail:
- #28571: Remove Favourites from Slate leads to Dashboard Content Page: We would like to have the following behaviour (as suggested by Alexander):
- User opens 'Favourites' slate and clicks on 'Configure' action.
- ILIAS presents list of 'Favourites' with checkboxes and multi-action 'Remove' (but no more 'Cancel' – needs to be removed)
- User selects one or more items and clicks on 'Remove'.
- Confirmation screen opens in content area to confirm action. No matter if 'Confirm' or 'Cancel' is clicked, user is redirected after action has been executed on 'Configure' screen of 'Favourites' (like pos. 2)
No re-direct to Dashboard or any other page.
ToDo: Remove Cancel button (pos. 2) and confirmation screen should get page title "Favourites" (currently "Dashboard") - #28809: "Info Barrierefreiheit" im Footer wird auch angezeigt, wenn keine Informationen hinterlegt sind: We would like to have a setting in administration to enable/disable the Accessibility support (similar to Terms of Services). Default is "enabled". If feature is "disabled", the footer link "Accessibility Control Concept" disappears.
- #28833: Learning Progress Performance -> Missing table row selection: We follow the suggestion of the maintainer and accept the introduction of table row selector for all maintained versions and trunk as usability and performance bug fix.
- #28840: Learning Sequences create huge load on CPU and RAM: We accept the extension of the ILIAS administration by adding an new node "Learning Sequence" (in "Repository and Objects") where the suggested setting 'Polling Interval' can be configured. On the long run, a better solution to handle this problem needs to be implemented.
- …
2.3 Bugfixing Statistic
Bug reports[1] set to status 'open' and not been touched by responsible maintainer for more than 21 days (checked this morning) as well as bug reports with priorisation voting:
Open Bugs Without Feedback | Last JF | ø Age in Days | Last JF | New Votes* | Old Votes** | Resolved or Closed*** | |
126 | 66 | 108 | 143 | 1x3v 6x2v 12x1v | |||
10 | 10 | 375 | 347 | 1x2v 1x1v | |||
2 | 28 | ||||||
2 | 48 | ||||||
1x2v 36x1v | |||||||
3 | 121 | 2x1v | 1x1v | ||||
Thomas Joussen | 1 | 1 | 735 | 707 | |||
57 | 40 | 63 | 50 | 1x1v | 1x1v | ||
2x1v | |||||||
14 | 12 | 137 | 1x1v | 2x1v | |||
3 | 3 | 680 | 652 | ||||
3 | 3 | 238 | 210 | 1x1v | 1x1v | ||
29 | 26 | 159 | 145 | 1x3v 2x2v 37x1v | 1x1v | ||
1x1v | |||||||
1 | 181 | ||||||
5 | 1 | 76 | 245 | 1x4v 1x3v 1x2v 8x1v | |||
6 | 6 | 204 | 176 | ||||
17 | 76 | 1x1v | |||||
8 | 383 | ||||||
5 | 4 | 90 | 73 | 1x2v 5x1v | |||
4 | 4 | 336 | 308 | 2x1v | |||
Zehnder, Lukas | 1x2v 1x1v | ||||||
2 | 121 |
* New votes: bugs priorised within the last 14 days ** Old votes: priorised bugs before last JF (older then 14 days) *** Resolved: Resolved or closed bug reports in the last 14 days
Bug reports with status 'Fixing according to priorisation' should be fixed before other bugs are tackled. Priorised bugs very important for one or more institutional members of the ILIAS society. Handling this reports with low priority contradicts the intention of the established bug fixing process.
2.4 Open Pull Requests to Discuss
- PR2794 • Administration: show more git information (origin-url and branch added): We accept this PR for trunk. Please merge.
- PR2846 • UI: rules to fence direct Modal usage: We accept rule 6 (forms) but prefer a revision of rule 7 to avoid misunderstandings.
- PR2884 • Use of jQuery: We highly appreciate this PR and accept it for trunk. In case someone has a lot of dependencies in his component and needs funding to get rid of them, please contact Amstutz, Timon [amstutz].
2.5 Continuous Integration
- Dashboard: https://ilias-elearning.github.io/CI-Results
- automated tests: 5012 passing unit tests in trunk on PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 since JF 2020-08-17
- results of dicto architectural tests
- 7 violation resolved since 2020-08-17
- Please run unit tests locally and apply the style fixer before committing.
- Fabian (ILIAS e.V.) and Laura (CaT) are currently working on automating the packaging via Travis
- Next meeting of CI-Group will be announced. Please contact richard.klees@concepts-and-training.de if you like to join.
- If you know anyone who is somewhere between developer, administrator and hacker, maybe knows bash and likes to play with obscure tools on the internet: softly nudge her or him to join the group. We need (wo)man-power to make our developers more effective by automating stuff for them!
- Richard still doesn't find time to run this. Is there anyone who wants to step up?
2.6 Performance monitoring:
Postponed until Pascal joins JF again.
3 Developing ILIAS 7
3.1 Development Issues
Development issues and topics related to ILIAS versions 7
Use New Filter for Cron Jobs Table / Use New Filter for Didactic Templates Table / Use New Filter for Plug-Ins Table: If hereby suggest that new `UI Filters` could be used without the new `UI Data Table`, because the added value for this views is huge (for developers using plugins and cron jobs) and administrators. If the `UI Data Table` is finally part of the `trunk`, we should indeed make the usage a hard requirement. Maybe it would be okay for all if the maintainers and the funding party (ILIAS e.V.?) agree on something like: If the `UI Data Table` impl. and usage in the three components could not be finished until end of Oct., it could be added as a usability fix (because it adds not feature).
JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe]: We follow Michael's suggestion and accept the use of the new filters with the old data table implementation. In case the new data table is available within the ILIAS 7 beta phase, a substitution could be made as usability fix as well.
3.2 Suggested Features
Setup - Move (some) Configuration from Administration to Setup and Guideline for Configuration in the Setup : We highly appreciate feature suggestion and guideline and schedule them for ILIAS 7.
Create empty threads : We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept it for ILIAS 8.
Limited View of postings : We see the need of this feature, esp. for huge forums. But the current suggestion still needs some improvements on GUI level to make the feature easier to understand. The replacement of the "Add New Posting" button by "Reset" might be confusing for example.
Including Comments in HTML-Export in Blogs, Wikis, Portfolios : We still like this suggestion and re-schedule the feature for ILIAS 7. Requests from last JF are still valid.
Abandon Default Authentication Mode : We highly appreciate this suggestion and adandon the Default Authentication Mode with ILIAS 7. To prevent multiple Save actions on one screen, please move the Captcha setting on Administration » Authentication and Registration » Registration Settings to a new subtab "Captcha".
Separate Deactivate calendar option from Show calendar block option : We still like this suggestion and re-schedule the feature for ILIAS 7. For the byline of the new checkbox we suggest to say: "Show calendar block inside the Content tab."
Activate/Deactivate notifications of deleted, censored and edited postings : We like the suggestion. But for us it is unclear if the settings in courses and groups have only an effect when users are not allowed to disable notifications or if this is a general requirement that has also an effect when users are allowed to enable/disable notifications.
Integrate On-Screen Notifications into Notification Center : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for ILIAS 7. For the position of the new administration node "Notifications" we suggest to make it a sub-entry of the node "Communication". New KS element for Notification Center will be discussed separately when the PR is available.
4 Miscellaneous
Next Jour Fixe dates
- Monday, September 28, 13:00 - 18:00
- Monday, October 12, 13:00 - 18:00
- Monday, October 26, 13:00 - 18:00 (last JF before 'coding completed')
Last edited: 14. Sep 2020, 17:25, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]