Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Required and Supported Software ILIAS 7

1 Required Software Versions

The following software versions are required/supported for ILIAS Release 7.

1.1 PHP

1.2 PHPUnit


1.3 DBMS

1.4 HTTP Server

  • nginx:
    • Supported: 1.12.x  - 1.16.x
    • Recommended: 1.16.x
  • Supported (but not recommended) for special scenarios (e.g. Shibboleth): Apache >= 2.4.x

1.5 Java

  • Supported: OpenJDK 8, OpenJDK 11
  • Recommended: OpenJDK 11

1.6 NodeJS


  • Supported: 12 (LTS), maybe 14 and the next LTS version (has to be evaluated when released)
  • Recommended: 12 (LTS)

1.7 PDF Generation

  • PhantomJS will be removed from the ILIAS 7 code base, existing usages will be migrated to wkhtmltopdf
  • wkhtmltopdf
    • Supported and Recommended: 0.12.5

1.8 Other Software

  • unzip: 6.0+
  • zip: 3.0+
  • Imagemagick: TDA
  • Ghostscript:
    • Supported/Recommended: 9.51
  • MathJax (optional): Supported/Recommended: 2.7

1.9 Browsers

  • We'll support/recommend devices with a support of ES6 / CSS3 / HTML5

2 Contact

  • Author of the Request: Jansen, Michael [mjansen] on behalf of the ILIAS e.V. and the Technical Board ( tb [at] lists [dot] ilias [dot] de)

3 Funding

Currently no indication that funding will be needed.

  • If you are a maintainer and see a need for funding, please adress the Technical Board.
  • If you are a user/decision maker and interested in a particular software or software version being supported, please contact the Technical Board as well.

4 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 16 MAR 2020 : We highly appreciate this list of suggested software and accept it for ILIAS 7. Test system for ILIAS (test7) will be set up accordingly.

Last edited: 2. May 2022, 17:23, Neumann, Fred [fneumann]