Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Page is read-only.


Date and place

Monday, April 23, 2018 from 13:00 17:20 at ILIAS-Verein office in Köln



13:00 - 14:30

1. Appointments
2. Maintained Versions

14:40 - 17:10

3. Developing 5.4

17:10 - 17:20

4. Miscellaneous


If you like to participate at the Jour Fixe via Skype, please contact Schmid, Fabian [fschmid] to get invited to the call. His Skype-Username is fschmid.srag

1 Appointments

2 Maintained Versions

2.1 Roadmap

Last releases:
  • ILIAS 5.3.3 published at April 05, 2018
  • ILIAS 5.2.14 published at March 15, 2018
  • ILIAS 5.1.25 published at March 15, 2018
Next releases:
  • ILIAS 5.3.4 scheduled for April 25, 2018
  • ILIAS 5.2.15 scheduled for April 25, 2018
  • ILIAS 5.1.26 scheduled for April 25, 2018

2.2 Mantis Bug Reports

All open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe were screened by the product manager before the Jour Fixe and assigned to the responsible developers if necessary. The following issues were discussed in detail:

  1. #22934: External login ignores activated status of user : We do not see this as a bug as LDAP has always been considered as leading system. We highly appreciate a change of behaviour for 5.4 but would like to keep the current behaviour for published versions. Please create a feature wiki request "Limitation of LDAP User" (or similar) to finally decide upon it in one of the next JFs.
  2. #22908: noch eine Dateiendung, die ILIAS nicht mehr annimmt: keine Dateiendung : We decided to add a checkbox to the whitelist that allows files without file ending.
  3. #22642: Error message on uploading and unzipping .zip archive : We do not want that ILIAS has no write permissions on unzipped files due to presetted permissions for this file object. But we need to work out a concept how to solve this problem without changing file permissions. Bug report is set to funding needed.
  4. ilClientId cookie not marked : Solving this issue would require a new implementation for the initialisation. We do not want this for published versions but would accept it for a future 5.4 (needs feature request). If anyone wants to have secure cookies, this is already possible by configuring Apache.
  5. Open Redirect in TestPlayer : We would like to fix this problem - even if it needs additional testing. The event listener should be modified to trigger an ajax post request and re-direct only client-side.
Postponed :

2.3 Bugfixing Statistic

Bug reports[1] set to status 'open' and not been touched by responsible maintainer for more than 21 days (checked this morning):

Responsible Maintainer

Open bugs without feedback

Last JF

ø Age in days

Last JF

Priority bugs and votes *

Last JF

Amstutz, Timon [amstutz]

Becker, Maximilian [mbecker]



1x2v 2x1v

Braun, Jean-Luc [braun]







Hecken, Stefan [shecken]

Heyser, Björn [bheyser]



1x3v 33x1v

1x3v, 2x2v, 32x1v

Jansen, Michael [mjansen]

Thomas Joussen





Killing, Alexander [alex]






1x2v, 5x1v

Klees, Richard [rklees]


Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]





Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]







Ahmad, Nadia [nadia]



Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]





4x2v, 26x1v

5x2v, 23x1v

Neumann, Fred [fneumann]

Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]


2x2v, 1x1v

Schneider, Stefan [sschneider]



Studer, Martin [mstuder]

Vollbach, Guido [gvollbach]

Weise, Daniel [daniwe4]


Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard]

* Reports set to 'funding needed' are not listed.

Bug reports with status 'Fixing according to priorisation' should be fixed before other bugs are tackled. Priorised bugs very important for one or more institutional members of the ILIAS society. Handling this reports with low priority contradicts the intention of the established bug fixing process.

2.4 Open Pull Requests to Discuss

The following pull requests in the ILIAS GitHub repository were marked with 'Jour Fixe' this morning:
  1. PR1028 : Proposal for the new Kitchen Sink "Textarea" component : PR is highly appreciated. Please consider the requirements of the Jour Fixe before committing this PR to trunk.
  2. PR1029 : Proposal for the new Kitchen Sink "Select" component : We highly appreciate this PR and accept it for trunk. Please consider the JF requirements before merging this PR into trunk.

2.5 Continuous Integration

Overview on current status and reports from CI-server at http://ci.ilias.de:
  • automated tests: 2604 (+21) passing unit tests on PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1..
  • results of dicto architectural tests
    • 402 violations (net) resolved since last JF.
    • Please use this script to fix violations of "WholeIliasCodebaseExceptInitialisation cannot depend on GlobalsExceptDIC". It's easy.
    • Richard has started created bugs and already got a lot of responses. Thx!
  • Performance monitoring:
    • CI-Server (Login as Guest)
    • Colin continued with performance measuring and stated clear performance advantages of php7 - even against hhvm (php7 needs only 75% time of a php5 request compared to 88% with hhvm).

2.6 Status of Documentation of 5.3

Among the new features for ILIAS 5.3, the following 4 feature pages still have no information about how the feature is implemented. Please add / complete the missing information until May 07, 2018 to avoid misunderstandings on the feature's new or changed functionality:

3 Developing 5.4

3.1 Release Cycle for Version 5.4

Feature Freeze

30 APR 2018

Coding Completed

29 OCT 2018

Test Cases Completed

29 OCT 2018

Beta1 Release and Start of Testing 5.4

31 OCT 2018

Testing Completed

31 JAN 2019

End of Bug Fixing

08 MAR 2019

Stable Version 5.4.0

13 MAR 2019

New dates were highly appreciated by Jour Fixe at March 12, 2018 and effective for 5.4.

3.2 Development Issues

  • Required Software ILIAS 5.4 : The list of supported software for ILIAS 5.4 has been accepted. Support of 5.6 has ended. Decision about Abandon Oracle Support is handled in separate request.
  • Suggested Changes in Labels for 5.3 and 5.4 - the ILIAS language front in coordination with the product manager suggest the following changes or definitions of labels for 5.4 and for the glossary of ILIAS terminology: We discussed the following suggestions and decided:
    • "Checkbox aktivieren" : accepted
    • "Container" : refused, needs revision
    • "Einstellungen » Allgemein" : accepted
    • "Einträge" in Menüs : accepted
    • "Type" vs. "Modus" : accepted
  • Bibliographic List Item: Sorting of Fields in Detail-ViewWe asked peter Rempis for a default sorting of the fields in Bibliografic List Item as demanded during JF. Currently he's unable to provide such an default sorting. Shall we (srag) propose one or does anybody know e spacialist for this? We suggest to contact Linda Halm at FH Bielefeld for support.

3.3 Feature Requests to be Discussed

The following features suggested for 5.4 were added to the data collection 'Suggestions for Jour Fixe Agenda' to be discussed today (see procedure documented in ILIAS community FAQ):

  1. Workflow for Personal Profile : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. We would like to have a "Save and Continue" button on those tabs where the user is re-directed to the next tab after submitting inputs. Adding the 'Check List' as a new KS element would be highly appreciated but is no requirement by JF as it is an already implemented UI element. A decision about using the KS form depends on implementing missing UI elements (e.g. radio boxes, file input, image map, multi-select). We will discuss this separately after Timon's return from vacation.
  2. User Settings: Configure away General Settings : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. For all user settings that are supported in Administration » User Settings » Standard Fields a option to set the default should be available. Stefan's suggestion is accepted as well. Alexandra is asked to restructure the current screen of General Settings and cluster it into reasonable blocks.
  3. Usability: Creating a Portfolio from a Portfolio Template : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. Please add an info message to the portfolio template that clarifies that the title given for the template is re-used as default title for every portfolio created from this template and that the blog title is als re-used for every blog in such a portfolio. This will help to avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Improve Usability of List of Portfolios : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. Matthias and Alexandra will discuss the final labels for status online/offline and sharing. Please make a KS proposal for integration of lead icons and highlighted properties in the item lists.
  5. Mail: Option to Hide Mail Settings Tab in Personal Settings : Highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.4.

    Postponed to next Jour Fixe due to missing time

  6. Abandon Abandon Oracle Support :

4 Miscellaneous

  • Usage of Mockery for Mocks in PHPUnit-tests in ILIAS. We want to inform that the Mockery-Library is part of the dev-dependecies in ILIAS and can be used for Mocks in Tests. This also reflects the poll made in https://www.ilias.de/docu/goto_docu_cat_582.html last year.
  • Mantis bug tracker has been updated to version 2. Please report any problems with this new version to Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel].
Next Jour Fixe dates:
  • Monday, May 07, 2018, 13:00 - 18:00
  • Monday, June 04, 2018, 13:00 - 18:00
  • Monday, July 02, 2018, 13:00 - 18:00

[1] Bug reports counted only for core project, not for plugins

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:28, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]