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Overview Personal Desktop Revision

1 Initial Problem

The Overview of the Personal Desktop has issues:

  1. Overcrowding: Three-columns-layout looks dated. In addition to that the third column is hampering the Page Layout Revision (Desktop)
  2. Lack of Concept: It is unclear why certain blocks exists and others are not implemented. Certain types of blocks (selected items, memberships, study programme) show a different behaviour than all other blocks. There should be at least a reason for doing so.
  3. Consistency: User navigation experience is not consistent through the blocks, sometimes information is displayed in the center area, sometimes links open new views.
  4. Learnability:
    • The "Selected Items" / "Add to Desktop" requires instruction to opterate and is not self-evident.
    • The different "Levels of Detail" are typically overlooked by users and could be removed.

1.1 Analysing the Overview in 5.3 

1.1.1 Purpose of the 'Overview'

More than all other views, this one gives an overall overview and entry point to the most important information and workflows for the user. We identified the following general purpose of the view as it is implemented: 


Aggregating Information that has consequences if missed. 

The Overview provides guidance to users. We distinguish different kinds of guidance: 

  • General Guidance by Educational Provider: Items that provide personalised guidance for the user by others (or the system).
  • Specific Guidance by Educational Provider: Items that require action by the user personally on time. (Hand something in, participate in an event)
  • User-customised trails: navgation to access content created by the user

The Overview provides information aggregation to users. We see two aspects of information aggregation:

  • By others:  Especially on new things being triggered by others like appointments.  
  •  Relevance of Information:  
    • Missing information hardly has consequences
    • Missing information has negative consequences
    • Missing it has servere negative consequences

1.1.2 Rival Components or Services

We identified some rivals of this view

  • Guidance: The Main Menu is a main component that guides the user to different views.
  • Information Aggregation: The future Notification Center and the existing news system are rivals when it comes to aggregate information.

Rational for Treating blocks existing in 5.3

PD- Blocks to be kept on this Overview

  • My Memberships provide guidance from the educational provider. The list is pretty stable and has a low update frequency. Information update can be frequent if changes of Learning Progress is considered.  (For groups learning progress is usually not important.) Missing an entrance point into current courses has severe negative consequences. Suggestion: Separate the list of Course Memberships  from the list of Group Memberships. Provide access to both lists through Main Menu. Course Membership list should be kept as a configurable block on overview, provide visuals on learning progress and provide navigation into courses. An optional group list block could be discussed, too.
  • Selected Items provide guidance from the user him- or herself or from educational provider. The list is pretty stable and has a low update frequency. Information update can be frequent if changes of Learning Progress is considered.  Even if learning progress is visualised, this is done for a quite arbitrary selection of objects. Some users may never use the feature and be fine (e.g. using the course list). In rare cases a selected item may require action by a user in time (e.g. survey being put on PD). This should be dealt with using reminders. Suggestion: list should be kept as a configurable block on overview. It should be moved to Main Menu and be consolidated with bookmarks/favourites. Strong guidance (e.g. fill out survey) could be provided by task list or other means in a better way.
  • Calendar appointments provide specific guidance and require some action from users. Typically appointments are updated very frequently. Suggestion: The Calendar (specifically Upcoming Events) block should be kept on PD Overview. Modals may show details and keep the user on the PD overview. Links into calendar and repo objects should be provided.
  • Mails provide guidance by others or provide relevant information. The Mails block updates with a high frequency. It can be safely assumed that there are negative or severe negative consequences if the information is being missed. Suggestion: The Mail block should be kept on PD Overview. Even if new mails are featured in the notification center, important mails may get lost, if there are a lot of notifications. Modals should be used to quickly read individual mails, navigation into the mails system (e.g. to reply) should be provided.
  • News provide information about past activities. News about new files that need downloading can be highly relevant. Typically News attest the vitality of an educational measure. Suggestion: The News block should be kept on PD Overview. Use modals and navigation into repo objects.
  • Study Programes provide important general guidance. They typically are pretty stable objects that are rarely updated. Information update can be frequent if changes of Points is considered. They have a high relevance and there are severe negative consequences if they are missid. Same reasons as for course list. Suggestion: The Study Programs block should be kept on PD Overview. It seems to be an alternative to the course list block, thus it should be configurable which of the blocks is displayed (by admins). As for the courses a good visualisation of the learning progress seems to increase guidance, frequency and relevance.
PD-Blocks to be moved to other parts of ILIAS 
  • Notes are user-customised navigational trails. Their update frequency varies with individual usage. Loosing your Notes would be really bad.  Suggestion: Move block Notes from PD Overview. Provide access to the feature through main menu, since even if frequency and relevance are high, all the notes are being provided by the users themselves. 
  • My Portfolios are user-customised navigational trails. Their update frequency varies with individual usage. Typically there is a low update frequency. Portfolios loses relevance if the block is abondonned. The relevance of Portfolios may be very high for portfolio assignments and personal presentation. Suggestion: Move block from the PD Overview. Detailed access is available via My Workspace.
  • Forum Postings Drafts are user-customised navigational trails. Their update frequency varies with individual usage. Users could use other means to navigate to Drafts of Posts if block has gone missing. Suggestion: Move block Forum Posting Drafts from PD Overview. A list of personal drafts may be kept, but the entry point should be moved to the Main Menu. 
PD-Blocks to be abandonned and feature dies
  • System Messages: This block provides general guidance by the organisation. The update frequency is typically high. The information relevance is typically low. System messages can be streamed into the mail. Abandon block from ILIAS all together. 
  • RSS Feed Blocks are user-customised trails. They are typically of a high update frequency. Missing it has few consequences. Abandon block from ILIAS all together, since it seems to replace general rss feed reader functionality for the user. This could be very usefuly to link to other institutional information/news, if being configurable for admins. But in this case this should be reduced to one RSS block.
  • Chatroom Viewer provides general navigational guidance to users. The update frequency may be high. Ususally chats are not used for information that must not be missed. Suggestion: Abandon block from ILIAS all together. 
PD-Blocks to be abandonned and feature is transformed
  • Bookmarks are user-customised navigational trails. Their update frequency varies with individual usage. Users could use other means to navigate to objects if block has gone missing. However their booksmarks to external sites would be missing. Suggestion: Abandon block The Bookmarks as a side block will be abandonned but the Feature should be migrated to Slates
  • Tags are user-customised navigational trails. Their update frequency varies with individual usage. Users could use other means to navigate to objects if Tags have gone missing. They would however loose their classification of objects. Suggestion: Suggestion: Abandon block The Tags as a side block will be abandonned but the Feature should be migrated to Slates
PD-Blocks to be added
  • Tasks are specific guidance. Typically users are required to take action in time i.e. handing in an assignment. Tasks can have a update frequency. Missing a tasks has severe negative consequences.  Suggestion: Add a new block Task List on the PD Overview.

2 Conceptual Summary

2.1 Goals of the Revision

  • Defining the purpose of the view thus allowing to decide on its (future) elements.
  • Reducing complexity and moving functionality to other parts of ILIAS where appropriate. 
  • Reducing the column layout at least to a two column layout.
  • Providing a consistent user experience.

2.2 Suggestion 

Middle Column
Important guidance stays on Personal Desktop 'Overview'. 

  • 'Study Programme' 
  • 'My Memberships'  
  • 'Selected Items' 
  • 'Recommended Content' (IF that feature request is to be accepted)
Remaining PD-Side Blocks
Only those services get blocks that can be assumed to have consequences of missed. Specifically PD-Side Blocks that do NOT Remain on 'Overview' but are moved elsewhere
User-customized trails do NOT get a block on Personal Desktop 'Overview'.  The following Blocks should be moved to other parts of ILIAS. 
  • Notes are user-customised navigational trails. Their update frequency varies with individual usage. Loosing your Notes would be really bad.  Suggestion: Move block Notes from PD Overview. Provide access to the feature through main menu, since even if frequency and relevance are high, all the notes are being provided by the users themselves. The entire Notes screen should be overhauled.
  • Forum Postings Drafts are user-customised navigational trails. Their update frequency varies with individual usage. Users could use other means to navigate to Drafts of Posts if block has gone missing. Suggestion: This becomes a Task.
  • Bookmarks and Tags are user-customised navigational trails. Their update frequency varies with individual usage. Suggestion: The Blocks for Bookmarks and Tags are abandonned from the Personal Desktop.  However Bookmarks and Tags become navigational slates.  
PD-Side Blocks to be abandonned entirely 
The Blocks for System Messages, RSS Feeds and Chat Viewer should be abandonned from the Personal Desktop.  

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Personal Desktop » Overview
  • Administration  »  Personal Desktop


Basic Concept

Add an option to visualise courses as Item List with Lead Icon, Item List with Lead Image or Deck of Cards (center column). Add the same options for courses in study programmes and move from are tree visualisation of study programmes to a list visualisation (with a limited heading hierarchy). Set Personal Desktop to Deck of Card Listing

3.2 User Interface Details

Use new 6.0-Layout with Top-Bar and Main-Bar 
Use KS Standard Panels for Blocks: see Request Streamlining Blocks as Panels 

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Not in the moment.
We re-organize.

4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] 27 Apr 2018:  Please check Usability Improvements of the Personal Desktop

Amstutz, Timon [amstutz] 17 September 2018:  Thanks a lot for this good groundwork on how to make the PD more focused and usable along with the Page Layout Revision of the upcoming ILIAS version. The following points I like to highlight:

  • I think your outlined option 1 for the layout is the way to go for ILIAS 5.4. We are running of time for a fancier look for the PD and I think the elements at hand (e.g. Deck of Cards or Listing panel with Lead Image) will work nicely here.
  • I am not sure if we need Mails and News once we have the Notification center planed for ILIAS 6. For 5.4 I agree that we must keep them.
  • I am a little unsure about "Selected Items". I completely agree with "It should be moved to Main Menu and be consolidated with bookmarks/favourites. Strong guidance (e.g. fill out survey) could be provided by task list or other means in a better way." However, what if we can not achieve this for 5.4. I would propose to leave as is as fallback. Do you see a clear way forward for the consilidation with bookmarks? What would the action "Add to Personal Desktop" on the Repository screens then perform, add as bookmark? 
Thanks a lot for this step forward in cleaning up this view.

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt] 2018-09-18: The action "Add to Personal Desktop" will be "Add to Favorites". The Favourites offer a button "Add Bookmark". The Bookmarks will be blended into the Favorites list. 

Amstutz, Timon [amstutz] 2018-12-17: @Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], thanks a lot for the additional table and the mockups. This gives a really nice overview and helps to grasp the idea quickly. @Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler] and I looked over it, and like the general concept. However, we had and some point a hard time in grasping, which view follows which pattern listed in "Purpose, Goals and Rivals", maybe extend the table with an additional column that makes this clear (e.g.  Overview: General Guidance by organisation). 

Further comments:

  • Extend Column Position, with label, e.g. 2. Personal Workspace.
  • Mockup Favorites, News are there (which should IMO not belong there), My Portfolios is missing.
  • Public comments use full horizontal space if available.
  • Private notes duplicate in table, why? Maybe remove.
Again, thanks a lot for all your effort! This is a big step forward.

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] 2018-12-19: Thank you, Timon.

  • Extend Column Position: check
  • The pages Favorites, Public Comments, Private Notes, Tasks are part of the request. We need a definition where all the blocks that were previously on the PD should now belong. My portfolios will be added.
  • Central blocks should take only one defined place. In my opinion the same problem as https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=24272
  • The central block and the side block of Private Notes offer the information in different ways.

Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], 20.12.2018: Again, thanks a lot again for your brain work and effort! I read the whole article and had some few questions left, I would like to ask or point out:

  • In chapter two you describe that the "My Portfolio" block is to be abandoned. In the table, however, it is displayed as a side block of the "Favorites". Which path is suggested here for tracking? If necessary, this has to be adjusted in the accordion or in the table.
  • In chapter two you describe that the "RSS Feed Block" should be abandoned. Am I right in assuming that this would also remove the entire feature "Add RSS Feed" (current action in the action menu of the PD)? I didn't quite understand what is meant by "But in this case this should be reduced to one RSS block".
  • Chapter 2.1 under Rules specifies that "user-customized trails" do not receive a block. I was wondering if "Bookmarks" is not exactly such a block and breaks the rule? Maybe the rule has to be adapted a bit.
  • It is described that a tile view is useful for the course list (My Membership). I support that! I can imagine that this is also a useful representation for the "favorites".

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] 2019-01-02: Thank you, Yvonne.

  • Block "My Portfolio": Adjustment is done in accordion.
  • Block "RSS Feed": @Alexandra: do I understand correctly that at most one RSS feed block can exist and this is specified by the administration? For everything else you would need a general revision of the component "RSS-Feed", right?
  • Rules "user-customized trails": @Alexandra: This is due to the growth of the article, isn't it? It must now be clear that the blocks will be removed from the overview screen. They will then be distributed to favorites and others according to the table. How do you see this?
  • Set Personal Desktop to Deck of Card Listing was schedulded on 2018-11-12.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 01 FEB 2019 : I am a bit confused about the label of this screen. Is it still "Overview" - like shown on the Administration screen - or is it now "Dashboard" (as this screen is also been labeled in Default Configuration of Main Bar Items (ILIAS 6)? Thanks for clarification.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 04 FEB 2019 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept it for the next steps of implementation of the page layout revision. The discussion about the best label for that what is called "Overview" at the moment is kept open. We prefer a more precise and meaningful label but won't stop the discussion about the revision at all. Decisions about related features will be discussed and made in distinct feature requests.

8 Implementation

8.1 Overview Personal Desktop Revision

The final implementations and related screenshots are handled in the separate features and following chapters.

Test Cases

The test cases are handled in the separate features and following chapters.


Approved at 2019-11-27 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

8.2 Adapt side blocks Calendar, News and Selected Items to Secondary Panel

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2019-11-26 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]
Secondary Panel Calendar

  • 31990 : Seitenblock 'Kalender' in der Administration aktivieren
  • 31983 : Ansicht umschalten
  • 18538 : iCal-Link überprüfen
Secondary Panel News
  • 31991 : Seitenblock 'Neuigkleiten in der Administration aktivieren
  • 31984 : Zeitraum für Neuigkeiten auf dem Dashboard ändern
Secondary Panel Mail 
  • 32000 : Mail Seitenblock auf dem Dashboard in der Administration aktivieren
Secondary Panel Tasks 
  • 32001 : Task Seitenblock auf dem Dashboard in der Administration aktivieren
Standard Panel Selected Items 
  • 31988 : 'Favoriten' in der Administration aktivieren
  • 3198 : Objekt als Favorit hinzufügen
  • 31986 :  Objekt aus Favoriten entfernen
  • 31987 : Mehrere Objekte aus Favoriten entfernen 
  • 31957 : Standard-Sortierung für 'Favoriten' festlegen 
  • 1855 : Favoriten auf dem Dashoboard sortieren
  • 31989 : Standard-Ansicht für 'Favoriten' festlegen 


Approved at 2019-11-27 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

8.3 New Administration Node Achievements and Comments 

Test Cases

Test cases completed on 2019-11-26 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • amended 18747 : 'Kalender' und 'Herunterladen von Dateien aus Terminen' aktivieren 
  •  Bookmarks cases were already deleted by someone other than me. 
  • 31997 : Notizen in der Administration aktivieren
  • 31998 : Kommentare in der Administration aktivieren
  • 26624 : Lernverlauf in der Administration aktivieren
  • Chatviewer cases were nowhere to be found, thuis either they were deleted or they never existed in the first place
  • I could not find cases for system messages, draft postings for forums or moving blocks 


Approved at 2019-11-27 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

Last edited: 27. Nov 2019, 21:12, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]