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Cloning a master-client

1 Description

I'm in a project to deploy Ilias for a number of schools and need to make a few minor adjustments to make the fit perfect.
The aforementioned schools will be clients in a single Ilias installation (for now). Because we do not want to create each school (and all settings) from scratch, we want to create a 'master'-client that can be copied/cloned easily.
As I want to contribute everything back to the project, i want to integrate it seamlessly into ilias, no dirty hacks.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Release 4.3
  • Funding: Funded by Fundeon
  • Development: Feature has been developed by Fundeon

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Ger Apeldoorn / ilias@gerapeldoorn.nl

4 Discussion

What do you think? Would this be the best way to implement such a feature?

(26/3) I've made the changes, but used a slightly different angle.

  • Create a new client using the regular way
  • Click clone next to the newly created client
  • Select the source-client
  • data/client files are copied
  • html/data/client files are copied
  • database is copied to the new client
How can I get this code accepted by the project?

JF 2 Apr 2012: We highly appreciate this feature and schedule it for ILIAS 4.3. Please check the rules for getting involved as developer. Would you like to take over a feature maintenance for this functionality? Please send your code patch to alex.killing (at) gmx.de

GA 3 apr 2012: Patch sent.

Alex, 10 Apr 2012: I have integrated the patch, thanks Ger.

5 Implementation

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:02, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]