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Remove System Messages from Personal Desktop

1 Description

It will be fine if the block "system messages" can be set on "disabled" (of admins or users themselves like other blocks). I Think this is one of the information which the students not absolutely need.

It would be very nice to add an option in the "Personal Desktop" section of the administration panel: "Enable System Messages" to just switch on and off the box on the Personal Desktop.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

Matthias Kunkel, 11 Oct 2010: It would be great if system messages could be deleted easily - without reading all of them (esp. new user notifications...).
But before we start to remove the system message box we have to discuss the idea of system messages before. I think we have to clarify which notifications and messages are that important that everybody gets them in a special box on the personal desktop - and which not. The notification about a new user that has been registered in a course is less important then a notification about a user that needs confirmation before getting access to the course. In the first scenario there is no disadvantage for the new user if I do not react on this mail while in the second there is real problem - the user doesn't get access to the course! If we reduce the number system messages and keep only the real important ones, I guess no one will complain about this box of messages any more. And even the presentation of these messages might be changed.

HJL, 10.3.2011: For a first implementation I suggest to give users the opportunity to move the block "system messages" to the right-hand column (With this implementation, all users can work with a two column-interface - with a "tidy" desktop). See picture below.

JF 14 Mar 2011: We will not tackle this issue for 4.2. But we agree that a discussion is necessary for 4.3.

Caspar Noetzli, 13. Feb 2012: I like the idea of HJL: It should at least be possible to the move the block "system messages" to the right-hand column.

HJL, 16. Feb 2012: Thanks Caspar. So we can think about:
a) System Administration can disable system messages
b) Users can disable system messages themselves like other blocks
c) Users can move the block "system messages" to the right-hand column (me and Caspar think, this should be possible at least)
d) System Administration can decide for new users: Where are the blocks situated. With this it is possible that institutions works with a "clean" 2-column interface.

Sascha Kaiser, 16.02.2012: I´m agree to the proposal of HJL. At present we have hidden the "system messages" since 1,5 year (by hardcoding) and nobody missed it.

Matthias Kunkel, 30 JUL 2012: Due to the feature Revision of Block Sorting on Personal Desktop (since 4.3) it is now possible to move the block System Messages to the right column of the desktop (req. c from Feb 16).
Nevertheless, we still need a discussion about the feature "System Messages" at all. From my point of view there are still some open questions:

  • What is the general purpose of this feature (independent from the current implementation)?
  • Which processes shall be supported and what information delivered?
  • Could we substitute this feature and extend the mail and / or notification feature to fullfil these requirements?

HL, 30. Jul 2012: I support the idea to rethink the "System Messages" for ILIAS 4.4:

and to substitute this feature.

Jour Fixe, 08 July 2013: A possible "small" solution for 4.4 could be:

  • Remove the "System Messages" block completely.
  • Add a block option to the "Mail" block "Show System Messages" (activated per default).
Please contact Databay, if they find the time to do this for 4.4.

Matthias Kunkel, 31 Mar 2014: A last try - I add it to the wish list for 4.5 and hope we get funding and developer ressources for it.

Matthias Kunkel, 28 Feb 2015: This  feature was already scheduled for a previous ILIAS version but not implemented due to missing funding or time. We re-schedule it automatically for 5.1 to save time for discussing new feature requests.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], April 11, 2016: Feature is highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.2. Block is deactivated for new installations. System messages will still appear in the mail inbox folder (when activated) but no longer on PD.

4 Implementation

A new radio group was introduced to decide how to handle system messages on the Personal Desktop. An administrator can choose if system messages should be hidden, displayed as a separate block, or being included in the mail block.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2016-08-16 by atoedt

12945: Anzeige der Systemnachrichten auf dem Persönlichen Schreibtisch konfigurieren 


Approved at 2016-08-16 by atoedt

Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:14, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]