Feature Wiki

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Export Participants by Courses

1 Description

We miss the permission setting "User may Export Member Data" in the section "Course". We would like to set this right only to the Role Template "Course administrator" and not to a global role.

see also: http://www.ilias.de/mantis/view.php?id=2793

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact:

4 Discussion

JF 5 Oct 2010: Adding this functionality on the course level would be a privacy issue for some institutions we know, since it is not globally avoidable to restrict this export. In general local admins/course admins that have the possibility to edit permissions could activated the export.

We currently tend to keep the behaviour as it is, since adding more options to privacy related settings make it more complex and error-prone to handle.

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 5. Oct 2010, 11:42, Killing, Alexander [alex]