Feature Wiki
Rename the zip-file-structure of file-upload-questions
1 Description
The handling of the file upload question in the test tool should get easier. When you like to download all files of a file upload question, you can do this in the assessement menu "statistics > results by question > (File Uploads) Download". After you've clicked the download button, you get a zip file with the name of the question title. That's ok so. But when you unpack the zip file, the name of the folder is something like "tmpmu1oHk" and not like the name of the downloaded zip file. Also the file names in this folder are renamed by numbers.
This could be a problem for tutors, who like to give participants IDs for their filenames. This IDs got lost after downloading the zip-file. The tutor has to rename the files with the correct name - this is a unneeded step.
We propose a solution like in the ILIAS exercise tool. The name of the files and folders should be the same as the participants has given (file) and the participants name (folder) and not numbers.
Is there any reason, that the file handling of exercises is different to the file handling of upload-file-questions? What you think about this modification?
I posted this also in the mantis (see: Mantis 6206), but maybe this should be a new feature, so I posted here too.

The current zip file structure contains an additional index file, the content looks like the following:

2 Additional Information
- Idea / concept: yvonne.seiler@ilub.unibe.ch / Universität Bern
- Interest in funding: Universität Bern
- Maintainer: Heyser, Björn [bheyser], Databay AG AG
- Impementation by: Heyser, Björn [bheyser], Databay AG AG
- Testcases: Universität Bern
3 Discussion
JF 20 Sep 2010: Both solutions have drawbacks. IDs do not show their relation to the user. Using user names leads to issues with special characters. We definitely need a guideline for this to make it consistent. File Name Guideline
Heyser, Björn [bheyser], 28 July 2015: The maintainer supports this request in general. Using the fullnames of the users as well as the test title can lead to problems as JF has written above. Perhaps we can introduce/define a domain of valid characters for filenames, so we can sanitize the names by replacing or removing chars that are not included in this domain easily.
- Top folder and zip file are named according to test: "{test title}_{question title}_{'pass'_1}"
- Folders are named according to user names, e.g: "Kunkel, Elias Dario [elias]" => "Kunkel_EliasDario_elias".
4 Implementation
The zip structure now looks like the following:
- Zip File: {test_title}_{question_title}
- Main Folder: {test_title}_{question_title}
- Next Level: {lastname}_{firstname}_{login}
- Next Level: {'pass'_x}
- Next Level: contains the uploaded files for the question of this participant and pass

The filenames for zip package itself, main folder and user folders are sanitized/converted by ilUtil::getASCIIFilename(). The behaviour of this method is documented in the discussion at Filename Encoding.
Test Cases
- http://testrail.ilias.de/index.php?/cases/view/186: Eingereichte Dateien herunterladen
Tested successfully and approved at 11.8.2015 by Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener].
Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:14, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]