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HTML-LM Improvements

1 Description

The usability of the HTML learning module could be improved easily by some little modifications:

  • Setting unzip command when uploading files:
    • Current workflow is 1. create LM, 2. upload zip file, 3. unzip file in file directory
    • Suggested workflow: 1. create LM, 2. upload zip file and set command to unzip archive immediately (as checkbox)
  • Setting start page automatically: ILIAS should have a look in the unzipped directory and try to identify the start page (index.htm, index.html, start.html...). If successful it can already set it as start page and notify the user. If there is no or several possible start pages, it should notify the user that the start page has to be set manually.
  • Add options to activate specific features in Settings tab. Tabs for seldom used features like Licence and Bibliographical Data should appear only, if feature is activated. This reduces visual noise in the LM editing menu.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Matthias Kunkel

4 Discussion

JF 26 July 2010: We highly appreciate this improvement. We think that an additional confirmation-like screen after uploading a zip file ("Should the zip file be extracted? Yes/No") would be a little bit more explicit.

Alex Killing 13 Apr 2014: I sill support the feature request (and the JF comment of 26 Jul 2010).

Matthias Kunkel, 13 Apr 2014: Based on the recommendations by the maintainer and the head of development I schedule the feature for 4.5.

Matthias Kunkel, 12 Sep 2014: Jörg asked if a setting per object for "Licence" and "Bibliographic Data" is really necessary. I would say: "Yes, even if we have global settings for both (to activate them in general), a dedicated setting per object makes sense - and is consistent with the handling of the calendar in courses and groups (general setting for activating it, setting per object for the specific course or group).

JF 15 Sep 2014: If globally deactivated, the feature(s) should not appear in HTML learning modules. If globally activated the features should still be deactivated per default on the object level. But it should be possible to activate them (on the object level).

5 Implementation

JL 18 Aug 2014: This feature has been implemented for 4.5/trunk. Some minor details still need to be discussed:

  • As License and Bibliographical Data already have dedicated (global) settings we are not sure if more settings are really needed.

Marko Glaubitz, 19.02.2015: The automatic start file discovery has been set to discover a html file with the same name as the zip file that contained the learning modul. This is, for example, the case when a HTML learning modul is created with Camtasia.

Tabs for Licence and Bibliographical Data can be activated per module now.

Unzip option in success message after uploading zip file
File has been successfully unzipped and index file automatically set
Licence and Bibliographical Data can be activated in module settings

Last edited: 19. Jan 2015, 19:33, Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz]