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Hide Info-tab by Default for Selected Objects

Tabs shown like Learning Progress or Members can be hidden by configuration. It is not possible though to configure objects such that users do not see a single tab.

However objects like Forums, Mediacasts, Folders, Glossaries, Data Collections and many more would be tab-less if only the Info-tab would go away.

A tab-less object offers little distraction because there is less to click and explore and it will look sleaker. 

1 Initial Problem

Tabs shown like Learning Progress or Members can be hidden by configuration. It is not possible though to configure objects such that users do not see a single tab.

However objects like Forums, Mediacasts, Folders, Glossaries, Data Collections and many more could be tab-less if only the Info-tab would go away.

A tab-less object offers little distraction because there is less to click and explore and it will look sleaker. 

2 Conceptual Summary

Configure the Info-tab
In categories it is already possible to switch the info tab on and off. This feature should be extended to other objects.
The Settings-tab of all following objects should have a checkbox to switch on or off the Info-tab in 'Presentation' section.

  • Bibliographic List Item > Settings-tab 
  • Booking Tool > Settings-tab 
  • Chat > Settings-tab 
  • Cloud Object  > Settings-tab 
  • Data Collection > Settings-tab 
  • Exercise > Settings-tab 
  • Folder  > Settings-tab 
  • Forum > Settings-tab 
  • Glossary > Settings-tab 
  • Mediacast > Settings-tab 
  • Media Pools > Settings-tab
  • Questionpool for Survey > Settings-tab
  • Questionpool for Test > Settings-tab
  • Weblink  > Settings-tab 
  • Wiki > Settings-tab 

Users who want to look up something on the Info-Screen, they have to switch it on to do so.

"From the Outside"

  • A User has the permission 'visible' on an object.
  • The Info-tab of that very object is set to 'off' in the Settings.  
  • That User clicks on / enters a Permanent link to the object and ILIAS displayed the Info-tab, even though it is switched off "on the inside". 
"In Case of Emergency" 
  • A User has the permission 'visible' on an object.
  • The Info-tab of that very object is set to 'off' in the Settings.  
  • Something terrible happens and ILIAS can still dump the User on the switched off Info screen. 

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Bibliographic List Item > Settings-tab 
  • Booking Tool > Settings-tab 
  • Chat > Settings-tab 
  • Cloud Object  > Settings-tab 
  • Data Collection > Settings-tab 
  • Exercise > Settings-tab 
  • Folder  > Settings-tab 
  • Forum > Settings-tab 
  • Glossary > Settings-tab 
  • Mediacast > Settings-tab 
  • Media Pools > Settings-tab
  • Questionpool for Survey > Settings-tab
  • Questionpool for Test > Settings-tab
  • Weblink  > Settings-tab 
  • Wiki > Settings-tab 

3.2 User Interface Details

Setting should be put in the "Presentation" section

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

Killing, Alexander [alex], 2 Oct 2017: Again I think we need a way for a common settings section the settings forms.

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: Lenich, André [andre.lenich]
  • Maintainer: literally everybody
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

27. September 2017, Amstutz, Timon [amstutz]: To be a little more in line with the other features proposed in the revision ("E.g. the Show/Hide Title and Icon") please use the label: "Show Info Tab" with the default off. Those this also remove the info option in the action dropdown in the repository list? If so clearly state so in the feature request and the by-line of the setting in the settings form (screenshot).

2017-09-29 Kiegel, Colin [kiegel]: I appreciate this move. Would this hide the Info tab for all users, or only some? I could imagine to make a distinction between people, say with or without edit permissions. Or put in other words: Does it make sense to hide the Info tab from users, but not (system) administrators? I strongly lean towards a "yes" on this aspect. In its current form it's e.g. useful to inspect other references of the same object (but only for administrators).

In case of emergency: Let's say, only one tab is supposed to be shown to the user. In this case the tab menu will be hidden. Now, what if the user winds up in the hidden Info tab. How can he navigate, if there is no tab menu? Will the info tab or tab menu reappear in this case?

AT Answer to Colin: Navigate to the PD. 

Killing, Alexander [alex], 2 Oct 2017: @Colin, there is another feature request that moves the "administrative" information into another properties screen. So I think it should be hidden for all users, if the option says so.

I set the to "Checked and Attendance". Not sure how we proceed in general with a higher number of maintainers being involved.

Schmid, Fabian [fschmid] 2017-10-09: I think you should not introduce a setting to hide the infotab until we have answers to the questions asked here: https://www.ilias.de/docu/goto.php?target=wiki_1357_Remove_Info_Tab_For_Selected_Object_Types#ilPageTocA15 . Maybe we should think about another location for those infos (not a tab, but currently no suggestion what it would be then). Alexandra, Richard and I had a short discussion concerning this.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], October 09, 2017: We had a longer discussion about this request and would like to drive it into another direction:

  • We suggest to abandon the link 'Info' in the ListGui actions menues. In this case, users with READ and VISIBLE only we no longer see the dropdown error (which removes visual clutter from the object lists in containers).
  • In case a user has only VISIBLE permission for an object, the object's title is linking to the Info page (which means that now all object titles in LIstGUI are linked!)
  • This suggestion is contradictory to the suggestion in Making Operating Information of the Info-tab and Info-Action in Lists permission-sensitive where we want to hide the Info page when no information is provided for a user/role.
  • Please provide a revised concept for the feature in an upcoming Jour Fixe.

AT: I revised the article somehow, but mostly the other one mentioned in the former JF comments. This one changes very little: The contradiction is healed in the other article. I have talked this over with Richard Klees and he is fine with the idea of dealing with this siiue using settings if a global default can be set.  
I re-submit. 

Killing, Alexander [alex], 19 Oct 2017: I support the request, if we implement this together with Making Operating Information of the Info-tab and Info-Action in Lists permission-sensitive, my prefernce/understanding would be:

  • We only deactivate the subtab "Info" > "General". The option needs to explain, that a) the "Operating" information stays being accessible and that users with "Visible" permission only, will still be forwarded to this screen, since clicking the title of the object will lead to this screen (titles will always be linked).
  • In the case of anonymous user we might display a standard message saying that logging in will give more access on the "Info" > "General" screen.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Oct 23, 2017: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. We would like to have the following changes:

  • Enabling 'Info Tab' should always be placed in section 'Presentation'. A byline should explain its behaviour (see below)
  • Object titles are always linked if VISIBLE permission is given.
    • For users with role ANONYMOUS a related message is presented on the Info screen saying they need to login in / register to get access to object. Please discuss wording with product manager.
    • Logged in users with only VISIBLE see the 'Info' page anyway.

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 18. Jul 2024, 18:57, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]