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compact access to the »Legal Regulations« for users

1 Initial Problem

More and more information is being collected in the footer. This makes it a) cluttered and leads to large amounts of space on mobile views. Several of these entries deal with legal regulations. (See marking with »» )

  • Permanent Link 
  • powered by ILIAS (vX.Y)
  • »» Legal Notice
  • Contact Technical Support
  • Translation
  • »» Accessibility
  • Report Accessibility Issue
  • »» Terms of Service
  • »» Declaration of Data Protection (new entry)

possible worst case: Permanent Link • Legal Notice • Contact Technical Support • Translation  • Accessibility  • Report Accessibility Issue • Terms of Service • Declaration of Data Protection • powered by ILIAS (vX.Y) 

2 Conceptual Summary

Therefore, we would like to create a common location for legal regulations.

These are to be united: "Terms of Service", "Declaration of Data Protection" and "Accessibility Information"

For the Legal Notice, this is not possible due to the legal requirements - it must be reachable directly (one click) from every page. (See Telemediengesetz §5 and e.g. other legal notices.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • each Screen 

3.2 User Interface Details

  • Using a link in footer "legal regulations"
  • open Modal (see comment)
  • choose a document (using bulky links to present)
    • 'Declaration of Data Protection'
      • Declaration of Data Protection are presented
      • Close-Glyph in Modal-Header
      • Close-Button in Modal-Footer
      • IF there is an option to withdrawl, because approval is mandatory, there is a corresponding action in Modal-Body
        • IF this action is taken, the user is logged out. A redirection to "Refuse to Accept Declaration of Data Protection" is done to next login.
    • 'Terms of Service'
      • Terms of Service are presented
      • Close-Glyph in Modal-Header
      • Close-Button in Modal-Footer
    • 'Accessibility Information'
      • Accessibility Information are presented
      • Close-Glyph in Modal-Header
      • Close-Button in Modal-Footer

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 09 JAN 2023: 

For accessing the different documents, it could be a interruptive modal. 
However, before that there is already the dialogue in which I choose a choice about the document to be displayed. 

It is no longer a interruptive when I initiate a process such as withdrawl to the 'Declaration of Data Protection'. There isn't the effect "Upon completion the user returns to the original context"
If there is no option to withdrawl, then the documents would be presented in the main and meets the actual description of an interruptive modal.

A precise classification isn't possible.

Footer with new entry that unites others.
Different documents to choose from
Different documents to choose from – Alternative without button to cancel / to close.
Accessibility Information – Version without button to cancel / to close
Terms of Service » Version with Option to Withdrawl Consent. This will move to the Declaration of data protection.
Declaration of data protection » Version with Option to Withdrawl Consent.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

That depends on how we deal with the diversity of how the documents are handled.

It is a kind of remix of existing KitchenSink elements.

3.4 Accessibility Implications

no special accessibility aspects

4 Technical Information

No special technical changes/introductions planned.

5 Privacy

Nothing for user privacy.

The privacy documents will be accessed together.

6 Security

No special security aspects.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 30 Jan 2023: I support the idea and also strongly suggest to consolidate the different implementations under one joint service for legal documents, getting rid of redundant code and streamlining the functionality.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 06 MAR 2023: We prefer not to have a separate modal where all existing legal documents are displayed as links and opened as suggested by this FR. We prefer to improve the presentation of the footer of ILIAS and to allow to stack links horizontally as known from other websites (e.g. www.ilias.de). This will allow to call one the available documents straight from the footer, incl. the legal notice (which has to be available with one click). A workshop for a 'Footer Improvement' is organised by Fabian Schmid.

10 Implementation

{ The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible. }

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 6. Mar 2023, 16:07, Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]