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Time Scheduling by Poll

1 Initial Problem

We have to schedule appointments all the time ... not only in the ILIAS community ... not only in times of Corona.
We often use external tools like doodle.com or the DFN variant (http://terminplaner4.dfn.de/ aka foodle).

Poll already allows today (ILIAS 6) to specify dates as options for voting.
However, these are simple text inputs.

2 Conceptual Summary

Target: I would like to do the time scheduling with ILIAS - that is what we work with before and after the coordination.

I would like to be able to enter appointments in the form of days and times. Start and end date & start and end time.

If a duration of a selection option is defined when creating the first appointment and further appointments are created (via +), the next selection options are automatically given the same duration. (This is what you expect as a user nowadays.)

Participants in the poll should be able to view the results of the poll per participant (personalized or cumulated and anonymized).
This does not necessarily have to be accessible via the Result tab.
Better still, instead of pie and bar charts, it would be possible to select the already existing grids with positive selections as output display. (This is not far from the benchmark tool doodle).

One should be able to mark a result of the date determination as selected.
For this, you are offered to create a session (rights required.)
Title of the session = title of the poll.
Start and end date and time is known.


  • Mail an Teilnehmer oder Mail an Container
  • Sitzung(en) anlegen


  • Pie and Bar Charts become omitted. Daher in "normaler" Poll auch keine personalisierte Ausertung in einem Modal.
  • Das mit dem Modal machen wir nur an diesem Poll-Typen
  • iCal anbeiten.
    • Enweder an jedem Termin ein iCal-Event
    • nur an finalen Terminen
    • NICHT einen gemeinsamen über alle angebeotenen Termine
    • Oder: eine gemeinsamen iCal über alle posiftiv votierten 
Initial Problem: 
  1. The personalized display of results in the results tab is not visible from the outside. (Precondition: Display Results is set to "After Vote" or "After Voting Period".)
Conceptual Summary
  1. The table of personalized results should be accessible from outside, like the pie chart and bar chart.
    • The form-key "Show Result" in Settings tab should also offer a value "Selection Table" ("Auswahltabelle") – In addition to the bar chart and pie chart.
    • Instead of a chart a button "Show Results" is offered.
    • The personalized results are placed in a modal.
    • The existing table is displayed. 
    • The dialog is closing on a "X"-Glyph or leaving on a button "Results by Participants" (only if Permission "Edit Setting" is given.) 

wir benötigen eine sehr (!) einfache option, externe Nutzer an einer solchen Abstimmung teilnehmen zu lassen. 

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Poll » Settings
Poll » Results
Poll in Container

3.2 User Interface Details

MockUps coming soon.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

If possible nothing new.

4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Privacy Information

It has no impact on personal data and privacy.

6 Security Implications

We do not see any changes for special security issues.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

10 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 4. Jan 2022, 07:45, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]