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Splitting up File Object into Object and Service

1 Initial Problem

In the file administration (Administration >> Repository and Objects >> Files), functions can be set that affect the file as a tool (e.g. file preview) as well as functions that are used by different objects across the installation (e.g. default suffix whitelist).
This fact is to be taken more into account by adapting the administration, because it is not yet transparent to the user whether the settings affect the file object or the file services.

2 Conceptual Summary

The file administration should be divided into settings that affect the file object and settings that affect different file services (such as File Upload Service or File Delivery Service). Settings for the file object only affect the file as a tool in the repository. Settings for the file services affect most objects that use file services or in the future the FileStorage-Service. Upload settings like for example the whitelist also affect all objects that use \ilUtil::moveUploadedFile() and belong to the settings of file services.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Administration >> Repository and Objects >> File
  • Administration >> System Settings and Maintenance
  • Administration >> Repository and Objects >> Repository

3.2 User Interface Details

The file administration gets at least one new tab: File objects. These settings affect the file as a tool.

There are two ways to include the settings for the file service in the administration:

With this option, the file administration gets a new tab where the functions that affect the file services can be set.

With this option, the administration node "System settings and maintenance" will get a new entry "File services". Here you can set the functions that affect all objects that use file services.

There are also a few features that should be abandoned at this point:

Please check Page for abandoned feature: Abandon Disk-Quota

Please check Page for abandoned feature: Abandon File-Manager

The "Enable Drag and Drop Upload" section can be removed, because this is a default behavior that does not need to be (de) activated.

There are also a few functions that should be moved in this step:

The tab "WebDav" can be moved to the administration node "Repository and Objects" >> Repository.
The section "Enable download action for folders" affects the administration in the repository, so it will be moved to this administration node.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

No new User Interfaces needed. Form will just be moved as implemented as new UI Components Forms where possible.

4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Privacy Information

No privated information from users needed.

6 Security Implications

There are no new possible security issues due to the usage of existing components such as forms.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 11 MAY 2020 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 7. We prefer to have a dedicated administration node for file services and another for the file object. The settings screen of the file object administration (first screen in 3.2) should get two sub-tabs to separate form and table (tab 1: Settings, tab 2: available renderers). We will discuss the option to administrate the update directory (currently placed in the nodes for learning modules and media objects) in a separate feature request (Create objects from Upload Directory). We also accept to abondon the setting for drag&drop, to Abandon File-Manager and to Abandon Disk-Quota with ILIAS 7.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 12 OCT 2020 : Concerning the future position of the WebDAV tab and the option to allow the entire content of a folder we would like to have:

  • a new administration node "WebDAV" in "Extending ILIAS"
  • adding the setting "Download folder..." as a new setting in administration node "Repository" (as suggested above).

10 Implementation

There is a new node in the administration for File Service Settings:

Ather Settings are still in Administration->Repository & Objects->File:

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}
  • 31880: Datei mit nicht auf Whitelist stehender Endung herunterladen
  • 31877: Blacklist-Datei unberechtigt hochladen
  • 31864: Blacklist-Datei berechtigt hochladen
  • 31865: Blacklist-Datei in ZIP unberechtigt hochladen
  • 31866: Blacklist-Datei in ZIP berechtigt hochladen


Approved at 2020-10-30 by Schmid, Fabian [fschmid].

Last edited: 15. Dec 2021, 09:09, Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]