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Page Editor » File List Editing

1 Initial Problem

File Lists have not been adapted to the new general Page Layout of ILIAS 6 and ILIAS 7.

File Lists offer one or more files for downloading. The File List is embedded in the page.

This allows offering comprehensive background information i.e. texts of laws, parts of journal articles or to add a more demanding or remidial content for didactic differentiation. 

2 Conceptual Summary

See chap. 3.2

3 User Interface Modifications

The creation and edit workflows will be moved to the slate. Kitchensink components will be used where available.

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Editor > Insert File List > New File 
  • Editor > Insert File List > File From Repository
  • Editor > Insert File List > File from Personal Resources
  • Editor > File List > Edit Files
  • Editor > File List > Edit Properties

3.2 User Interface Details

3.2.1 Create File Lists

The creation slate consists of three accordion sections. All forms are KS forms. The former language input is omitted. The input of the title field is required.

  • Upload Files
    • A required title field
    • A multi-file upload field
    • Buttons "Save" and "Cancel"
  • Select File from Repository
    • A required title field
    • Buttons "Continue" and "Cancel"
  • Select File from Personal Workspace
    • A required title field
    • Buttons "Continue" and "Cancel"

(A) Upload Files

  1. The multi-file upload allows to already select multiple files.
  2. If not title is entered or no files are selected when clicking "Save" ILIAS will present the form again.
  3. Clicking "Save" will insert the file list. All files are sorted alphabetically by default.
  4. ILIAS returns back to the page editing.

Upload Files

 (B) Select File From Repository Workflow

  1. If not title is entered when clicking "Continue" ILIAS will present the form again.
  2. Clicking "Continue" will open a modal with the repository tree.
  3. All file objects are clickable/selectable.
  4. Clicking/Selecting a file will close the modal and switch the slate to the Editing View of file lists.

Note: If a KS tree picker is available at the time of the implementation, it will be used in the modal. If this tree picker allows to select multiple files, this will be integrated, too. In this case the accordion section will be named "Select Files from Repository".

Select File From Repository 1
Select File From Repository 2

 (C) Select File From Personal Resources Workflow

  1. If not title is entered when clicking "Continue" ILIAS will present the form again.
  2. Clicking "Continue" will open a modal with the personal resources tree.
  3. All file objects are clickable/selectable.
  4. Clicking/Selecting a file will close the modal and switch the slate to the Editing View of file lists.

Note: If a KS tree picker is available at the time of the implementation, it will be used in the modal. If this tree picker allows to select multiple files, this will be integrated, too. In this case the accordion section will be named "Select Files from Personal Resources".

Select File From Workspace 1
Select File From Workspace 2

3.2.2 Edit File Lists

Editing View

During Editing, the main content area will stay in the page view and just highlight the currently edited file list elements. Similar to media editing.

The slate will contain the following elements:

  1. A Primary Button "Finish File List Editing"
  2. A Dropdown "Add" with the entries
    1. Upload Files
    2. Select File From Repository
    3. Select File From Personal Resources
  3. A Button "Change Title"
  4. An Ordering List with
    1. Order Column
    2. Title Column
    3. Action Dropdown containing a "Delete" Action
    4. "Save Order" Button

Editing View

(A) Add Workflows

  • Clicking "Upload Files" will open a modal dialog containing a form with a multi-file upload field and "Save" and "Cancel" buttons. "Saving" will add the files and return to the updated Editing View.
  • Clicking "Select File From Repository" or "Select File From Personal" will open the same modals as in the creation workflows. After selecting a file ILIAS will return to the updated Editing View.

Add Dropdown
Add Files From Upload
Add Files From Repo (Personal Resources similar)

(B) Change Title Workflow

Clicking the "Change Title" button will open a modal with a form containing a text input field for the title and "Save" and "Cancel" buttons. Changing the title and clicking "Save" will return to the updated Editing View.

Edit Title

 (C) Delete File Workflow

Clicking the "Delete" action of a file will open a confirmation modal containing the selected file. After confirming the deletion ILIAS returns to the updated Editing View.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


Using UI Elements of KitchenSink:

  • KS elements will be: all forms, all modals, all buttons, the dropdown, the ordering table.
  • If a KS tree picker is available it will be used.

4 Technical Information

No technical issues.

5 Privacy Information

Current state of the component: https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/trunk/Services/COPage/PRIVACY.md

This feature will not implement privacy related changes.

6 Security Implications

No security issues

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this project, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Related: Improving File List Presentation
Only the presentation issue is picked up in this article. 

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 19 JAN 2021: It would be very helpful if the screenshots above (highly appreciated) get captions. I do not understand always what they mean. Thanks!

Killing, Alexander [alex]: 17 Feb 2021 If this is done with the new forms, we definitely need a KS element for this File +-updown thing. I have no idea how it excatly would work. What happens when clicking on "+"?

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 18 FEB 2021: Thanks for the feature request. Just some questions:

  1. As Alexander already asked, what will happen next when I click on the "+" glyph on the second screen of "Editing" (chap 3.2)? IMHO, the three create options currently offered on screenshots 2, 3 and 4 have to appear again to allow me to add a second file by uploading it or re-using it from the repository or from my Personal Ressources. Would these accordeons and forms replace the content of the slate on screenshot 2, chap. Editing? And after having added a second file, where would I be re-directed? What would be presented in the slate?
  2. Is it right that uploading multiple files at once won't be supported with this request? The form on screenshot 2 in sec. "Inserting" looks like it allows only the selection of one file per upload.
  3. Assumed, that a file list (sic!) does usually contain more than one file, shouldn't we ease the re-use of existing files in the repository and Personal Ressources by selecting multiple files in the repository picker modal on screenshots 7 and 11? At least, the screenshot and texts do not give me a hint that this is intended.
  4. And concering accessibility: do we have to require a file list title? Or can it be also "Untitled"? Up-to-now, a title is not mandatory.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 24 Nov 2023: Matthias, I am currently revising this FR based on the feedback. But also due to the current changes in the KS, especially the upcoming availability of the ordering table and the ongoing LUI discussions. Chapter 2 now reflects what I think what we need. We will update the mockups in the next days, too. EDIT 4 Dec 2023: Done.

Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], 08 JAN 2024: I am unsure whether all the editing options of a table in Slate are easy to use for users due to the limited horizontal space. For example, I see problems with longer file titles and the many possibilities that exist in the small space. 
Have you thought about whether the whole KS DataTable could be displayed in the content area - including actions - as we currently do with the editor's data table? I imagine: In the slate, what could be left is an input field with the name of the file upload (directly manipulable). In my opinion, the "Add" action belongs directly to the table, but we do not yet have a standardized procedure for adding entries to a DataTable, so this would probably have to remain in the slate for the time being. Best regards Yvonne

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 08 JAN 2024: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature for ILIAS 10. Concerning Yvonne's suggestion to move the table of files to the main content, we prefer Alexander's suggestion which keeps all UI elements I am currently using in the slate (and makes it easier to work with in mobile view).

10 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 8. Jan 2024, 14:53, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]