Feature Wiki

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Use New Filter for Cron Jobs Table

This feature requests was originally part of a request "Use New Filter in More Tables". The related feature wiki page has been devided into three requests due to separate components and maintainerships:

1 Initial Problem

It is hard to use the administration table for cron jobs when too much entries are displayed. It needs unnecessary time to sort the table and to find the item one is looking for.

2 Conceptual Summary

The Cron Jobs administration table in ILIAS would benefit from having the new table filter to focus easily on the item a user is looking for.

Additionally, the current column title "Id" should be renamed to "Action". The Id column currently contains a title and a description about what this cron-job is doing. But this info could not be considered as an id.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Cron Jobs (in Administration » General Settings and Maintenance)

3.2 User Interface Details

UI Standard Table should be used with options:

  • Action ($title)
  • Component ($with_def: all | {components} )
  • Schedule ($with_def: all | Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Quarterly | Yearly | Every x minutes | Every x hours | Every x days )
  • Status ($with_def: all | active | inactive)
  • Result ($with_def: all | Ok | Crashed)

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

  • The entered input in the `Action` filter element will not be applied as filter using the database. The string presented here is provided by the respective plugin and composed of the job title and description, translated by the given `ilLanguage` instance. So filtering/sorting/pagination will be processed in the PHP code, NOT in the database. This could be an performance issue if therere are hundreds or thound cron jobs in the future, but should be okay for now.
  • Schedule Filter: We will only provide options for the 8 schedule types of `\ilCronJob::getAllScheduleTypes` (see: https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/trunk/Services/Cron/classes/class.ilCronJob.php#L91). There will be no filter to express `Show cron jobs with a schedule of 'All 5 Minutes'`.

5 Privacy Information


6 Security Implications


7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 20 JUL 2020 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept it for ILIAS 7. We would like to use the new Data Table with the new filters for this request.

JourFixe-2020-09-14: We follow Michael's suggestion and accept the use of the new filters with the old data table implementation. In case the new data table is available within the ILIAS 7 beta phase, a substitution could be made as usability fix as well.

10 Implementation

Implemented as described above.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 05 OCT 2020 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

  • #36188 : Tabelleneinträge filtern


Approved at 23 SEP 2020 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

Last edited: 5. Oct 2020, 16:39, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]