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User Agreement by Country

1 Initial Problem

A User Agreement is a text which needs to comply with the rules of the users country.

As you may know, big websites like facebook, needed to customize the terms of service for the appropiate country of the users, too.
i.e. the users in the EU has different rights as a user which is located in the US.

To stick to the law its necessary to assign different terms of services to the country of the user as set in the users profile.

Because: a tos is binded to the country and its laws - not to the language.

2 Conceptual Summary

As mentioned in User: Criteria-based »User Agreement« documents its possible to add other criteria to the terms of service settings.

In a perfect world scenario, the agreement of a user will be reset, if he change his country.

New Logic at Login (red=new)

1. check if terms of service (tos) activated.

  • yes: goto 2
  • no: do nothing
2. check if user accepted the TOS.
  • yes: goto 3
  • no: show suitable TOS
3. check the last accepted document based on the history of the TOS. Deviate the conditions (language, role, country) from the current conditions?
  • yes: goto 4
  • no: do nothing
4. remove the flag "TOS accepted" and show the current TOS

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Terms of Service - Terms of Service

3.2 User Interface Details


3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information


5 Privacy Information


6 Security Implications


7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Hesse, Joel [Joel_Hesse] 03.02.2020: The maintainer agreed. Please discuss the feature in Jour Fixe for decision. Thanks.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 24 APR 2020 : I see the need of this feature and will support it. But wouldn't this be the right moment to abandon the text input based user field for 'Country' and just use the selection list in the future? Otherwise, you might have matching problems if one enters "USA" and another user "United States" a.s.o.

Klees, Richard [rklees], 27 APR 3 2020: I like the idea to introduce a new condition for the tos-document the user signs to factor in the user's country. As Matthias, I would expect that problems will arise if we deal with an unrestricted text input for the country.

Please note that, besides the new condition, this requests another feature, which to me is orthogonal to the further: When and how do we automatically request a new agreement from the user? As far a I understand, you suggest that we do so if any of the conditions that lead to the current document have changed for a given user on login. I think this will require some deeper discussion. First of all: Why would we want to do that? If I change my language from englisch to german: Why does this invalidate the previous agreement? If I move from, e.g. Germany to Belgium (fairly common around Aachen...), why would this invalidate the previous agreement? Maybe it would be best to move this to a second feature page to get a little more insights in the use cases for this automatic invalidation.

Hesse, Joel [Joel_Hesse], 04.05.2020: I think we shouldn't make this change to a bigger one as needed. And yes: if i move from germany to belgium the system should check if a a new tos is required to accepted by the user at next login. (if setting is activated, see settings mockup).

Due to an external system which is providing the country to ILIAS (in our Case) the text format of the field is not a problem for us.
The country is written every time in the same way to to a drop down in the external system.

But i understand that this might by a problem for other users. So this could lead to a change of this user field - yes.
I guess this could lead to a manual correction by the user (if the field is a mandatory field) at next login or manual correction by the update to ILIAS 7 by the admin for all users.
I hope this is not a problem at all - in the end its better for all users - the data are more accurate than before. If we want to get serious with international support of ilias on the long term this change might by mandatory anyway.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 11 MAY 2020 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for ILIAS 7. The suggestion to abandon the text input field for Country in the user data should be handled in a dedicated feature request. This request should give an idea how to migrate existing data, too. A request can be made as usability feature request for ILIAS 7 to make it already available when this feature will be published.

10 Implementation

Implemented as described and shown above.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2020-08-07 by Jansen, Michael [mjansen]

  • #25118 : Kriterium hinzufügen: Darstellung des Formulars
  • #36177 : Re-Evaluation von Nutzungsvereinbarungen
  • #36178 : Optionale Re-Evaluation der Nutzungsvereinbarung nach dem Login


Approved at 07.07.2020 by .

Last edited: 7. Aug 2020, 10:48, Jansen, Michael [mjansen]