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Introducing Dashboard

1 Initial Problem

Within the scope of the Personal Desktop and Page Layout Revision we decided to dissolve the personal desktop. This request describes the concept of the Dahboard introduced with ILIAS 6.0 and provides an overview of where the components of the Personal Desktop are located in ILIAS 6.0. 

2 Conceptual Summary

The Dashboard is listed in the MainBar as the first entry. If users click on the Dashboard-entry, no slate opens, but the page is reloaded and a Dashboard-Screen, which is intended to give users an overview, opens in the content area.

The dashboard screen displays main- and sidepanels. Depending on the configuration Recommended Content, Courses and Groups, Study Programs and Favourites can be displayed in the main panels. The main panels are not mutually exclusive. Everything can be activated.

News, Calendar, Mail and Tasks are displayed in side panels. Like Main Panles, Side Panels can also be activated/deactivated individually in the Administration.

2.1 Recommended Content

The concept of Recommended Content will not be fully implemented with ILIAS 6.0. As we would like to extend the Dashboard in the ILIAS 7.0 versions, the Recommended Content will be implemented in a first step as follows:

  • In the Main Panel Recommended Content all objects are displayed that a person with access to to Administration > Roles added to the Desktops "Selected Items" (ILIAS 5.4) of all members of any role.
Accordingly, the Selected Items from ILIAS 5.4 are divided into Recommended Content and Favourites. If no Recommended Content is specified for a role, the Main Panel is not displayed.

To Do
  • Introduction of the Main Panel Recommended Content on the Dashboard.
  • Under Administration >> Roles >> Role XY the Tab Personal Desktop Items must be revised.

2.2 Courses and Groups

Courses and Groups are only displayed on the dashboard in a main panel.

The main panel Courses and Groups can be activated or deactivated under Administration >> XY >> Dashboard. In the byline below the checkbox for deactivating Courses and Groups on the dashboard, users receive the following message:

  • If you want to display Courses and Groups in the main menu entry Repository, click here to activate the corresponding view.

The link leads to Administration >> Layout and Navigation >> Main Menu >> Items. A default deactivated Item Courses and Groups is stored here. Users can activate the Item. Courses and Groups are now listed under Repository. No side panels are displayed on the Screen Repository >> Courses and Groups

2.3 Study Programmes

If a user is a member of a study program, the main panel Study Programmes is displayed on the dashboard (see Overview in ILIAS 5.4).

2.4 Favourites


Option 1:
Favourites are only displayed in the slate under under Personal Workspace >> Favourites. An action takes users to a management screen that is displayed in the content area. Here you can delete several favourites or, for example, change the sorting.

Option 2:
Favourites are displayed in the slate under under Personal Workspace >> Favourites and on the Dashboard. An action (Personal Workspace >> Favourites) takes users to a management screen that is displayed in the content area. Here you can delete several favourites or, for example, change the sorting.

Favourites are only displayed in the slate under under Personal Workspace >> Favourites. An action takes users to a management screen that is displayed in the content area. Here you can delete several favourites or, for example, change the sorting.


  • It is possible to activate Favourites on the dashboard Administration >> XY >> Dashboard. Favourites are displayed in a main panel.
  • If the Favourites are only to be displayed on the dashboard, the entry Personal Workspace >> Favourites can be deactivated via Administration >> Layout and Navigation >> Main Menu >> Items.

2.5 Tags

The tags are displayed in the slate under Personal Workspace >> Tags. The concept for tags in ILIAS 6.0 is described on this page: Navigational Slates «Favourites» and «Tags».


Bookmarks are abandoned with ILIAS 6.0.

2.7 Administration

Changes in administration compared to ILIAS 5.4

Dashboard administration in ILIAS 6.0

The splitting of the Personal Desktop leads to the following new administration menu entries.

  1. System and Maintenance
  2. Layout and Navigation
  3. Dashboard (Bulky Link) (new)
  4. Repository and Objects
  5. Personal Workspace
  6. Achievements
  7. Communication (Mail, Contacts, News and Webfeed, ?Public Chatroom Setting?) (new)
  8. Organisation (Bulky Link) (new)
  9. User Management
  10. Search and Find
  11. Extending ILIAS
All menu items are described in detail on this page: Default Configuration of Main Bar Items (ILIAS 6)

Please note, that there will be separate presentation settings tabs for Favourites/Memberships due to this feature: Set Personal Desktop to Deck of Card Listing.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Dashboard
  • Administration >> Dasboard
  • Administration >> Communication >> Comments
  • Administration >> Personal Workspace >> Notes
  • Administration >> Personal Workspace >> Calendar
  • Administration >> Organisational Units

3.2 User Interface Details

* see above

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information


5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Jour Fixe, 21 OCT 2019 : The described changes and extensions have already been accepted with the General Page Layout revision and scheduled for ILIAS 6. But we highly appreciate this dedicated page and the described suggestions.

  • For the presentation of lists on the Dashboard we recommend the following sorting:
    • Favourites
    • Recommended Content
    • Study Programmes
    • Courses and Groups
  • The specific page for courses and groups in "Repository" should be de-activated by default (and can be activated in the Main Menu service when needed addionally.
  • Favourites is activated in Dashboard and as a dedicated page in "Personal Workspace" (where the favourites are managed, too).
  • We suggest the following byline for the dashboard administration: "If you want to give users access to theirCourses and Groups through the main menu, click here to activate the corresponding view."
  • We highly appreciate the additional administration pages for the administration menu entries. Please add the new entries to Default Configuration of Main Bar Items (ILIAS 6).

8 Implementation

Administration >> Dashboard

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2019-11-26 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]
Secondary Panel Calendar

  • 31990 : Seitenblock 'Kalender' in der Administration aktivieren
  • 31983 : Ansicht umschalten
  • 18538 : iCal-Link überprüfen
Secondary Panel News
  • 31991 : Seitenblock 'Neuigkleiten in der Administration aktivieren
  • 31984 : Zeitraum für Neuigkeiten auf dem Dashboard ändern
Secondary Panel Mail 
  • 32000 : Mail Seitenblock auf dem Dashboard in der Administration aktivieren
Secondary Panel Tasks 
  • 32001 : Task Seitenblock auf dem Dashboard in der Administration aktivieren
Standard Panel Selected Items 
  • 31988 : 'Favoriten' in der Administration aktivieren
  • 3198 : Objekt als Favorit hinzufügen
  • 31986 :  Objekt aus Favoriten entfernen
  • 31987 : Mehrere Objekte aus Favoriten entfernen 
  • 31957 : Standard-Sortierung für 'Favoriten' festlegen 
  • 1855 : Favoriten auf dem Dashoboard sortieren
  • 31989 : Standard-Ansicht für 'Favoriten' festlegen 

Test cases completed on 2019-11-26 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • amended 18747 : 'Kalender' und 'Herunterladen von Dateien aus Terminen' aktivieren 
  •  Bookmarks cases were already deleted by someone other than me. 
  • 31997 : Notizen in der Administration aktivieren
  • 31998 : Kommentare in der Administration aktivieren
  • 26624 : Lernverlauf in der Administration aktivieren
  • Chatviewer cases were nowhere to be found, thuis either they were deleted or they never existed in the first place
  • I could not find cases for system messages, draft postings for forums or moving blocks 


Approved at 2019-11-28 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

Last edited: 9. Dec 2019, 12:12, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]