Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Deletion of plugins and related data

1 Guideline

An uninstallment procedure for plugins has been implemented with ILIAS 5.1, see FR Uninstall Plugins. Part of this accepted request was the following guideline:
  1. Every plugin slot must provide delete methods to remove its data files/directories, tables and database entries.
  2. Every plugin must provide delete methods to remove its data files/directories, tables and database entries.
  3. Plugin slots which cannot delete files and/or database entries of plugins, must provide a proxy plugin, which ensures that the system can be used without errors about missing plugins.

The feature request was accepted but no guideline page was created additionally. This is to be made up herewith.

2 Status

  • Effective from release: ILIAS 6
  • Approved by Jour Fixe at: JourFixe-2019-09-09
  • Implementation status: { implemented completely | partly implemented | needs implementation }
  • Funding for streamlining existing features: { name of organisation }
  • Implementation of guideline: { all developers | name of responsible developer }

3 Components that are not compliant with the Guideline

4 Discussion

Jour Fixe, 09 SEP 2019 : Deinstallation of plugins has been introduced with ILIAS 5.1. But the according guideline has never been accepted. This has been done today. Guideline is effective from ILIAS 6.

Last edited: 9. Sep 2019, 13:59, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]