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xAPI: Statement Reducer

1 Initial Problem

xAPI-using applications may not meet the requirements for data minimization of Europe and Germany in particular.

2 Conceptual Summary

These options are only available when using the xAPI proxy which processes the statement filtering.

Apart from data, which are required for the executability at restart of the content, only statements which are defined in a whitelist should be transmitted to a Learning Record Store (LRS). In addition, data could be replaced by fake null values (blackened). There is also an option to exclude all substatements from storage - only parent statements will be stored.

It must be ensured that the xAPI application gets the expected feedback. Therefore the proxy provides standard responses as if all statements were stored unfiltered.

This feature is a prerequisite for the feature xAPI: limited Learning Record Store (LRS).

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

xAPI/cmi5-object -> settings

Settings at object level might be set to readonly in the Administration of the LRS-Type.
All settings are also available in the Administration of the LRS-Type. After each of the 3 sections it should be an option to decide, if the settings are default, but changeable for objects or if the settings are not changeable for objects. This option already exists for the setting 'user identification' and 'user name'.

If the option is set to 'not changeable for objects' these settings for objects are readonly.
On the info page for xAPI/cmi5-objects the section 'Info about personal data transmitted at launch' - which already shows information about the settings for user identification and user name - should be renamed to 'Info about personal data transmitted' and within this section, there  should be a hint, if one of the settings for statement reducing is set. This hint should not display all the settings - a short hint like 'Not all statements are sent to the Learning Record Store.' should be enough.

3.2 User Interface Details

There are items and subitems. If an item is selected, the subitems are displayed. If none of the subitems is selected, the item should not be selected.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

There are no new Interface Concepts.

4 Technical Information

The statement filtering should not have any impact to the learning experience. Filtered out statements must not have any impact to the determination of the ILIAS learning progress. There might be a slight performance loss by filtering the statements. Caching of conditions is used to minimize database queries. No potential security issues.

5 Privacy Information

Less personal data is stored. Privacy notices are displayed to users via the information page in addition to the existing privacy notices.

6 Security Implications

There are no security relevant changes.

7 Contact

8 Funding


9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 12 OCT 2020 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 7.

10 Implementation

The implementation followed exactly the concept.

Settings of LRS-Type

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2020-11-11 by Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]

  • C42424 : Geänderte Einstellungen zum LRS-Typ werden übernommen
  • C42425 : Nur Daten zum Lernerfolg speichern 
  • C42427 : Daten schwärzen 
  • C42428 : Substatements nicht speichern


Approved at 2020-11-11 by Michael.Wagner (BG RCI).

Last edited: 22. Nov 2020, 23:42, Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]