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SOAP: Add methods to manage OrgUnits including positions

1 Initial Problem

Org Units are not included in the SOAP Webservice yet. Since the positions feature in OrgUnits was introduced for 5.3 it is no longer possible to use the SOAP-Calls which adressed the local roles within the OrgUnits to get/set users list for employees and superiors.

2 Conceptual Summary

SOAP methods are added to manage Organizational Units in ILIAS.
The OrgUnitSOAP Service will include the following actions and methods:

  • Show all positions, at least with title and ID
    • getPositionIds
    • getPositionTitle
  • Show User IDs for a position in an OrgUnit
    • getUserIdsOfPosition
    • getUserIdsOfPositionAndOrgUnit
  • Read standard positions (superior and employee)
    • getSuperiorPositionId
    • getEmployeePositionId
  • Adding a person to a position in an OrgUnit
    • addUserToPositionInOrgUnit
  • Removing a person in a position in an OrgUnit
    • removeUserFromPositionInOrgUnit
  • Export Assignment of users to positions when exporting a user account in Simple XML
    • getOrgUnitsSimpleXML
  • Import Assignment of users to positions when importing a user account in Simple XML
    • importOrgUnitsSimpleXML

3 User Interface Modifications

This feature does not include any user interface modifications.

4 Technical Information

The Feature has been implemented as described above. For the use of these Soap Services wirte access to OrgUnit Administration ist required (Edit Settings permission). If Permissions are not sufficient, an error is returned.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Studer, Martin [mstuder] 17.04.2019: I support this feature request.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 24 APR 2019 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0.

Lorenz, Katharina [klorenz], 01 MAY 2019: We have implemented two more methods concerning the assignment of users to positions when importing and exporting user accounts (Simple XML).

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 07 MAY 2019 : The two additional methods are accepted as well for 6.0.

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

No test cases required for SOAP features due to general decision of Jour Fixe against manaul testing of SOAP.



  • getOrgUnitsSimpleXML
  • importOrgUnitsSimpleXML
Approved at 05. Nov. 2019 by Wischniak, Stanislav [wischniak].

  • getPositionIds
  • getPositionTitle
  • getUserIdsOfPosition
  • getUserIdsOfPositionAndOrgUnit
  • getSuperiorPositionId
  • getEmployeePositionId
  • addUserToPositionInOrgUnit
  • removeUserFromPositionInOrgUnit
re-Approved at 2019-11-21 by Jackisch, Ingo [jackisch]

Last edited: 21. Nov 2019, 13:41, Jackisch, Ingo [jackisch]