Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Page is read-only.


Date and place

Monday, April 08, 2019 from 13:0018:05 at ILIAS-Verein office in Köln



13:00 - 14:20

1. Appointments
2. Maintained Versions

14:30 - 15:00

3. Publishing 5.4

15:00 - 17:45

4. Developing 6.0

17:45 - 18:00

5. Miscellaneous


At ILIAS office:

Participated via VC:

If you like to participate at the Jour Fixe via Skype, please join our Skype meeting!

1 Appointments

  • none

If you want to participate at one of the above mentioned workshops, please register for the related session. This helps to organise the workshop. Thanks!

2 Maintained Versions

2.1 Roadmap

Last releases:

  • ILIAS 5.4.0 published at March 20, 2019
  • ILIAS 5.3.14 published at April 04, 2019
  • ILIAS 5.2.22 published at February 14, 2019
Next releases:
  • ILIAS 5.4.1 scheduled for April 18, 2019
  • ILIAS 5.3.15 scheduled for May 2019
  • ILIAS 5.2.23 scheduled for April 18, 2019

2.2 Mantis Bug Reports

All open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe were screened by the product manager before the Jour Fixe and assigned to the responsible developers if necessary. The following issues were discussed in detail:

  1. #24359: Tooltips "stick", blocking the view of other screen elements : We highly appreciate this suggestion to backport a future KS tooltip solution to 5.4 (and probably 5.3). We will wait for Michael's PR and then pickup this report again to see what efforts have to be made to backport this new UI element. Report assigned back to Alexander.
  2. #25148: Add `array` paremeter type to ilPlugin::updateLanguages also for ILIAS 5.3 : Please add a bug report for the language update problem to notify plugin developers that the 'array' parameter has been removed from 5.4. A general change is now scheduled for 6.0.
  3. #24167: Gruppierung von Einträgen in der Learning History : We need a conceptual discussion for 6.0 if we want to agregate timeline entries (like expected by Oliver) or only have single event entries like known from the course and group timeline and like implemented for the Learning History for 5.4. Oliver will create a feature request for this. When the concept is clear, we can open this report again and see in which way we are going.
  4. #25229: Contrast of Delos is too low for WCAG : Thanks to Florian for adding this bug report and point us on the problem of contrasts in the Delos skin. Nevertheless, we close this report because text contrasts belong to the "AA" level of WCAG 2.0 and the accessibility guideline of ILIAS is only considering support of WCAG 2.0 A. So, this contrast problem is currently not considered as a bug. We ask Alexandra to create a pull request against https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/release_5-4/docs/documentation/accessibility.md to extend the accessibility support to WCAG 2.1 AA, so we could discuss this problem on one of the next Jour Fixe.
Postponed :

2.3 Bugfixing Statistic

Bug reports[1] set to status 'open' and not been touched by responsible maintainer for more than 21 days (checked this morning) as well as bug reports with priorisation voting:

Responsible Maintainer

Open bugs without feedback

Last JF

ø Age in days

Last JF

New Votes*

Old Votes**


Amstutz, Timon [amstutz]





Becker, Maximilian [mbecker]





1x2v 2x1v

Braun, Jean-Luc [braun]





1x2v 1x1v

Hecken, Stefan [shecken]

Heyser, Björn [bheyser]





2x2v 34x1v

Jansen, Michael [mjansen]




Thomas Joussen





Killing, Alexander [alex]






Klees, Richard [rklees]


Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]






Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

Langkau, Thomas [langkau]











Ahmad, Nadia [nadia]





Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]





1x3v 3x2v 33x1v


Neumann, Fred [fneumann]

Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]



1x3v 1x1v

Schneider, Stefan [sschneider]

Studer, Martin [mstuder]





Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]






Vollbach, Guido [gvollbach]






Weise, Daniel [daniwe4]

Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard]



* New votes: bugs priorised within the last 14 days   ** Old votes: priorised bugs before last JF (older then 14 days)   *** Resolved: Resolved or closed bug reports in the last 14 days

Bug reports with status 'Fixing according to priorisation' should be fixed before other bugs are tackled. Priorised bugs very important for one or more institutional members of the ILIAS society. Handling this reports with low priority contradicts the intention of the established bug fixing process.

2.4 Open Pull Requests to Discuss

The following pull requests in the ILIAS GitHub repository were marked with 'Jour Fixe' this morning:

  1. PR1709 • Unit Tests: PHPUnit 8 migration: Thanks a lot to Michael for this pull request. We highly appreciate the changes and accept the PR for trunk.
  2. PR1719 • UI: Play and pause glyph added: Pull request is highly appreciated and accepted for trunk. Please include Timon's requests and change the rule according to Matthias' comment.

2.5 Continuous Integration

Overview on current status and reports from CI-server at http://ci.ilias.de and https://travis-ci.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/builds:

  • automated tests: 3625 (+2 passing unit tests on PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2 since JF 2019-02-25
    • PHP 7.2 is now added as testing environment for trunk and release_5-4
    •  Please have a look into the skipped and incomplete tests in: Workflow Engine, Test and Assessment
    • Feel free to contact Klees, Richard [rklees] for support!
  • results of dicto architectural tests
    • 1 (net) violation added since JF 2019-03-10
    • WholeIliasCodebase cannot invoke ExitOrDie:
      • https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/5cd4305a9515933ce2c522b130024dac39c938f9/Services/MyStaff/classes/ListCourses/class.ilMStListCoursesGUI.php#L136
      • https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/5cd4305a9515933ce2c522b130024dac39c938f9/Services/MyStaff/classes/ListUsers/class.ilMStListUsersGUI.php#L109
      • This shows that we need some solution for async handlers.
  • Please run unit tests locally before committing.

Performance monitoring:

  • Pascal updated his test installation to PHP 7.2. Performance tests of trunk are currently not running, esp. the repository. PHP 7.2-related bugs need to be fixed first before continuing performance testing.

3 Developing ILIAS 6.0

3.1 Developing Issues in 6.0

  1. Required and Supported Software ILIAS 6

    JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe]: We would like to extend the current list of required software for JAVA to 8-11 and for MariaDB to 10.3 but ask the related maintainer (Stefan Meyer and Fabian Schmid) to check this before we make a final decision at the next Jour Fixe at April 24, 2019.

  2. Session Registration Notifications

    JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe]: We highly appreciate suggestion 03 and accept it for 6.0.

3.2 Feature Requests for ILIAS 6.0

The following suggestions were made for ILIAS version 6.0 which should be published in March 2020.

  1. Course Catalogue : We postpone a final decision about this feature to the next Jour Fixe. We see the advantages of such a light course catalogue but give Martin additional two weeks to finalise the concept and probably suggest some changes. We assume that there will be no performance problems when using the presentation table together with a Show More button and filter.

  2. Notification Center : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for 6.0. We keep the label "Notification Center" and list entries with "Latest Entry" (instead of "Time"). Scheme for presentation of time should be similar to already existing one in Chat. Please contact Michael Jansen for more details. Final decision about maintainership for "Notification Center" service still needs to be finalised and will be presented at the next Jour Fixe.

  3. Chat Improvements: PLR, input field and message collection : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0. We prefer to show the timestamp of the latest posting when several postings are stacked for one user. And we accept only to show Last name, First name when public profile is activated.

  4. Reading Time for Content Pages : We accept this feature request and schedule it for 6.0. ILIAS LM and blogs should use a central transformation service to estimate the needed time to read the text. This service still needs to be developed. To avoid a misunderstanding of the presented reading time, the labe used should be "Estimated reading time" to show that this is just an estimation. The estimated reading time is not the same as the metadata "Typical Learning Time" from the LOM metadata set. Language dependency is not needed. If the used language cannot be estimated by the service a notice "Cannot be estimated" shall be displayed. Settings to display "Estimated Reading Time" should be available per object (in Settings) and in Administration » Blogs (for blogs) and in Administration » Learning Modules for ILIAS LM.

  5. Show block only if defined permission is not given : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0.

  6. Copyright filter for media objects : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0.

  7. User Search: Add Search for Organisational Unit as search option : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0. Please check if the "Searchable" setting in Administration » User Administration » Standard Fields has an impact on the user search in courses and groups. In this case, the checkbox needs to be activated to show this search option. If not, a setting in Administration » Organisational Units » Settings would be highly appreciated to show and hide this option.

  8. Randomized Assignments : We highly appreciate this suggestion. We prefer option 2.1 "New Pass Mode - Random Selection of Assignments" and ask Fabian Sesterhenn to finish the feature request accordingly. We prefer only to show those assignments to a user that have been selected for this user (and hide the others). Additionally, a start screen that notifies the user that n assignments have been selected for him randomly should be implemented This helps user to understand why there list of assignments might be different from the one of another user. Peer review should not be supported when this pass mode is selected to avoid additional complexity.

    Postponed to next Jour Fixe

  9. Study Programme: Automatically add courses from category

  10. Present Competence Records once they are generated

  11. Restrict Relative Deadlines by Latest Submission Date

  12. Abandon Bookmarks

  13. Support of URLs on Info page

  14. PDF Export for Survey Results

4 Miscellaneous

Next Jour Fixe dates

  • Wednesday, April 24, 13:00 - 18:00 (changed date due to Eastern)
  • Tuesday, May 07, 13:00 - 18:00
  • Monday, May 20, 13:00 - 18:00
  • Monday, June 03, 13:00 - 18:00
  • Monday, June 17, 13:00 - 18:00

Layout Revision 6.0 working group

Virtual Meeting every Friday, 11:00 - 12:00

  • Weekly Meeting that deals with the project management of the General Layout and Menu Revision. Due to the complexity of the project, we coordinate the next steps and define responsibilities. If you want to stay in contact and get information about the project, feel free to join the Working Group and attend our VC.

[1] Bug reports counted only for core project, not for plugins

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:29, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]