Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Abandon PhantomJS

1 Reasons to Abandon Feature

Since the development has been suspended, phantomJS should be removed from ILIAS. You find more details why the development stopped here. 

2 Technical Information

Since we need a HTMLtoPDF tool in ILIAS, the maintainer would suggest wkhtmltopdf as alternative for phantomJS. There already  exists a PDF plugin for ILIAS based on wkhtmltopdf. 

3 Contact

4 Funding

Removing the feature from the ILIAS code base might need funding. If you are interest in funding this request, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

5 Discussion

Use the following discussion section to express your objections against this request or your consent to get rid of this feature.

Rabah, Rachid [rabah], 30 APR. 2019: I would suggest a "soft-exit" , by: 

  1. Integrate WKHTMLTOPDF in core, and make it default option
  2. leave phantomjs as fallback for v6.0
  3. abandon phantomjs with v6.1 and clean up code 
This strategy might be necessary, since the pdf-export is essential for the eassessment and the associated processes

Neumann, Fred [fneumann], 3 MAY 2919: I support Rachids proposal of having both options avilable in 6.0. If PhantomJS should not be kept in the core, it should at least be migrated to a plugin.

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner], 06 MAY 2019: How big is the difference in PDF output between wkhtmltopdf and PhantomJS? Or in the speed of PDF creation?

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 07 MAY 2019 : We highly appreciate this suggestion to get rid of PhantomJS. We would like to declare PhantomJS support in ILIAS as deprecated for 6 and abandon it with ILIAS 7. WKHTMLtoPDF shall be added as new PDF engine for ILIAS 6.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 12 AUG 2020 : WkhtmlToPdf has been included in core with ILIAS 6 but is not available for all components, yet.

6 Implementation

The `PhantomJS` renderer has been completely removed from the source code. All relevant TestRail test cases have been also removed.

Removed Testcases

The following testcases have been removed from Testrail or modified because the feature is no longer part of the ILIAS core.

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at 2020-11-12 by Jansen, Michael [mjansen].

Last edited: 26. Apr 2023, 07:44, Vollbach, Guido [gvollbach]