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Tree for General Layout and Menu Revision

This Feature is part of the General Layout and Menu Revision. See also mobile version Page Layout Revision (Mobile).

We have split the concept for desktop and mobile, although both have thought of each other and have the same goals, but need different implementations. The underlying concept of main bar and slate should be implemented as similarly as possible for both devices.

The attached PDF-file provides an overview of the current status of the Page Layout Rersion. All elements of the new layout are described and clearly separated. Mock Ups help you to uniquely identify the elements. In addition, rules are defined for the behavior of all elements.

1 Initial Problem

The concept of General Layout and Menu Revision raises the question of how the repository tree and other tree representations are represented in the slate. JF asked on 10 SEP 2018:

"We would like to know how clicking through the tree could be possible without the need to present more than two indentations (left aligned + one). Matthias made a related suggestion. But there is also the need for opening more than one node at once to administer the course or category.".

This entry was created to answer the open questions.

Repository Tree Sidebar
Tree Learning Module
Tree Bookmarks
Tree Media Pool
Tree Org Units
Tree Forum
Tree Personal Workspace
Tree Taxonomies
Tree Competences
Tree Mail

Trees where I want to" move or get / link other things are presented in the content area and are not primarily affected by the General Layout and Menu Revision.

If you want to get an overview of the current conceptual work of these trees, click on the following Feature Request: KS Tree Select Input

Tree Copy/Link
Tree Move
Tree Adopt Content (Step 1)
Tree Adopt Content (Step 2)
Tree Import Test Questions
Doubled Tree: Repository Tree (Sidebar) and Copy Object

2 Conceptual Summary

There are different needs that a tree in ILIAS has to cover. These include

  • more than 1 node can be opened at the same time
  • Titles should be easy to read
  • have no more than two indentations to indicate nesting
  • (item groups aren't visible in tree)
The tree also occurs in different places:
  • Where "I move myself" (e.g. repository tree, learning module chapters/pages) ((sidebar)) and
  • where I want to "move or get/link other things" (e.g. set internal link, copy content, move objects) ((content)).

When using trees in slate of General Layout and Menu Revision, the combination of accordion trees (foldable) and drill downs (you dive into the sublevel, analog smartphones e.g. settings) can be useful.

We have to decide when a hierarchy should be displayed in a collapsible way (several hierarchy levels opened in parallel) and when a drilldown element makes sense (everything else is faded out, only what you are currently in is visible).

Repository Tree "I move myself"

Menu Hierarchy Level 1 "Repository" (Drill-Down)
Repository Tree (Accordions)
Learning Module Tree (Accordions)
Test List of Questions (no hierarchy)
Help (Accordions, multiline)

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Repository Tree
  • Bookmarks Tree
  • Taxonomies Tree
  • Forum Tree
  • Mail Tree
  • Media Pool Tree
  • Org Units Tree
  • Personal Workspace Tree
  • Competences Tree
  • Learning Moduls Tree
  • everywhere where ILIAS nodes and trees are used

3.2 User Interface Details

{For each of these views please list all user interface elements that should be modified, added or removed. Please provide the textual appearance of the UI elements and their interactive behaviour.}

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

  • Note that the tree behaviour will need to be discussed in detail as soon as the PR for the tree is made.

4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • see Metadata

7 Discussion

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 06 DEC 2019 : Scheduled as part of the feature request Page Layout Revision (Desktop) in Jour Fixe at 11 FEB 2019.

8 Implementation

8.1 Adapt view with left hand Tree in Workspace to new Layout

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 NOV 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]


Approved at 2019-12-05 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

8.2 Adapt view with left hand Tree in SCORM Editor to new Layout


Test cases completed at 06 DEC 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C2207: Kapitel / SCOs / Assets zum SCORM Lernmodul hinzufügen


Approved at 06 DEC 2019 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

8.3 Adapt view with left hand Tree in Administration » Trash to new Layout

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 NOV 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]


Approved at 06 DEC 2019 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

8.4 Adapt view with left hand Tree in LM Editor to new Layout

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 NOV 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C31978: Bearbeitungsansicht des Lernmoduls öffnen


Approved at 2019-12-05 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

8.5 Adapt view with left hand Tree in ILIAS LM to new Layout

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 NOV 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]


Approved at 2019-12-05 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

8.6 Adapt view with left hand Tree in Org Units to new Layout

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 NOV 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]


Approved at 06 DEC 2019 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

8.7 Adapt view with left hand Tree in Competences to new Layout

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 NOV 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C1344: Kompetenzen mit Kategorien organisieren


Approved at 06 DEC 2019 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel].

8.8 Adapt view with left hand Tree in Taxonomies to new Layout

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 NOV 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C38: Knoten anlegen


Approved at 06 DEC 2019 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel].

8.9 Adapt view with left hand Tree in Media Pools to new Layout

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 NOV 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C771: Ordner anlegen


Approved at 06 DEC 2019 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel].

8.10 Adapt view left hand Taxonomy Tree in Glossaries into Slate

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 NOV 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C5799: Taxonomiedarstellung aktivieren


Approved at 06 DEC 2019 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel].

Last edited: 6. Dec 2019, 17:28, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]