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Navigational Slates «Favourites» and «Tags»

1 Initial Problem

The current "Selected Items" / "Add to Desktop" requires instruction to opterate and is not self-evident.  People have a really hard time to get it even if instructed. 

2 Conceptual Summary

We re-name the Selected Items to Favourites. We re-name the action Add to Desktop to Make Favourite.
We have three different merely navigational Slate Elements opening a list presenting navigational shortcuts created by the user. They are emplayed to navigate only.  

  • Favourites (tafka Selected Items)
  • Bookmarks 
  • Tags 
The option to add objects to the 'Selected Items' of a global or local role is taken out of the Favourites concept: Favourites are determined by user only. The superintendence is with the learning individual. 

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Mainbar > Favourites Slate: Standard List Panel of Favorites, items link to repo objects, actions are available corresponding to current view. Addional Top Level Dropdown with actions to manage (remove) multiple objects.
  • Mainbar > Bookmarks Slate: Tree or List view of bookmarks (may be abandonded)
  • Mainbar > Tags Slate: Tag Cloud in Slate with links to existing detail views.

3.2 User Interface Details

We use UI Page Layout: Layout and MainControls, Main- and Metabar, Slates #1335

  • Panel Listing Standard in small size 
  • Grouping of entries according to location or object type is required

Click on Favorites calls Drill-Down
The Bookmarks have folders and require some kind of tree

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Killing, Alexander [alex], 8 Feb 2019: There is a proposal for lists in secondary? panels which might be applicable to slates as well. Afaik there will also be a KS Tree implementation that should be used for the Bookmark Tree (if Bookmarks are not abandonded altogether). For the Tags we might want to create a new KS Tag Cloud component.

4 Technical Information

If all the dependencies (see page layout revision) are available, there should not be any technical issues.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 2019-02-21: @Alexandra: Thanks for the mockups.

I always understood that the entries above and below the entry filling the slate would remain. You can see this quite well in the previous implementation. (In addition two pictures.)
I also think it makes sense, because you can only win navigation options without increasing clicks.

AT@Oliver: The list of Favourite can be quite long, thus it will push all other entries down and out of sight.  The entries bear categorization and an icon, even if there are only 8 items all other entries will be pushed away. Supposedly most users have mor then 8 entries on Ausgewählte Angebote. With this legth the accordion make litte sense. 

Amstutz, Timon [amstutz], 2019-02-21: @Alexandra: Thanks for this contribution. I like the (for me) core contribution a lot, rename the selected items to favorits. Full support from my part. However, I am somewhat unsure about the implication you correctly pointed out: 

The option to add objects to the 'Selected Items' of a global or local role is taken out of the Favorites concept: Favorites are determined by user only. The superintendence is with the learning individual.

I do not use this, In fact I was not even aware of it. However this seems like a thing that could be used quite regularly in other institutions; is there a replacement for this? 

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], good point. Note that in drilldowns the might differ, see: Tree for General Layout and Menu Revision. However if you would place a tag cloud in there, the above an bellow entries would afaik really be shown. I think we should go step by step here. Things in "Conceptual Sumary" can be decided upon as of today. The Mockups are a good contribution however, I would propose to wait with a decision on that untill we see how the concrete proposals of drilldown and tree will look (currently worked on by CaT).

AT@Timon: The basic replacement is Recommended Content. Building on that more advanced concepts to build on this were suggested: Content Recommended by Superior and Content Recommended Through Contacts. Thus people will have a conceptually sounder replacement plus a very promising outlook. That should do. 

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 11 MAR 2019 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0. At the time being we cannot say how the slates look like and behave. So it might be that there are still changes in the presentation of Favourites or Bookmarks once the slades are available. But for now, the heritage presentation of Bookmarks and Tags can be re-used. Nevertheless, renaming and replacing can be done anyway.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 08 APR 2019: The English language file of ILIAS is using British English. Therefore, the new slate should be called "Favourites" and adding repository objects to this list should be labeled "Make Favourite". I also have corrected this in the title of this page.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 28 OCT 2019 : In the meantime, bookmarks have been abandoned for ILIAS 6, see Abandon Bookmarks. Therefore, I have removed "Bookmarks" from the title of this feature request.

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed on 2019-11-26 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • 31994 : Tags im Persönlichen Arbeitsraum nutzen
  • 31992 : Tag-Service aktivieren
  • amended 1322 : Tags anlegen
  • amended 1330 : Tags löschen
  • amended 1332 : Bestehende Tags editieren
  • amended 31992 : Zeige Tags aller Benutzer aktivieren/deaktivieren
  • 31995 : Mit Favoriten im Slate des Persönlichen Arbeitsraumes navigieren
  • 31996 : Favoriten im Slate des Persönlichen Arbeitsraumes konfigurieren


Approved at 2019-11-25 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

Last edited: 9. Dec 2019, 12:05, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]