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Workspace: Sorting

1 Initial Problem

The personal workpace, tab 'My Resources' currently always sorts all items alphabetically (ascending). It should be possible to offer additional sorting options e.g. like in the repository.

2 Conceptual Summary

There are two alternatives

  • Implement the sorting similar to the repository sorting in containers
  • Implement the sortint similar to the selected items block configuration on the personal desktop (using simple dropdown)

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Personal Workspace > My Resources > Folder > Content
  • Altertative 1
    • Workspace > Folder > Settings
    • Workspace > Folder > Sorting

3.2 User Interface Details

3.3 Alternative 1

We make this similar to the sorting feature in the repository.

Each folder needs a settings screen that enables the user to set the sorting field and order.

This would include a "Sorting" subtab in the case of manual sorting. In general options would be:

  • Adopted from a parent (Default)
  • Alphabetical: Asc/Desc
  • Creation Date: Asc/Desc
  • Manual (could be omitted)

3.4 Alternative 2

The ordering is implemented similar to the configuration of the selected items block on the personal desktop.

In this case the new sorting KS element should be used:

Options would be:

  • Adopted from a parent (Default)
  • Alphabetical: Asc/Desc
  • Creation Date: Asc/Desc

3.5 New User Interface Concepts

No new user interface concepts.

4 Technical Information

No technical issues.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] 2018-12-17: 
I would like to advertise alternative 2.
We are aiming for a similar implementation for badges (6.0), for example, and have already implemented it in certificates (5.4).
» test54 » Personal Desktop » Achievements » Certificates
» Chapter3.2 on Clean up the Badges area in Achievements

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 17 DEC 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule alternative 2 for 6.0. We prefer this solution because it picks up an already introduced UI element (view control Sortation) and because it is easier to understand and better suitable for sorting of personal items (while alternative 1 better fits for huge container lists in categories a.s.o.). We can omit manual sorting and wait until a more comtemporary solution for drag&drop of items will be supported by the KS.

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 02 OCT 2019 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C31892: Sortierung des Arbeitsraums ändern


Approved at 11 Sep 2019 by Rene Sens, Bundesverwaltungsamt.

Last edited: 2. Oct 2019, 15:01, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]