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Introducing xAPI support

1 Concept

xAPI - short for Experience API - is also known as « Tin Can API » or « Next generation SCORM » and has become a new and powerful standard to communicate and track learner activities not only in Learning Management Systems but in all kind of electronic devices such as simulations or mobile APPs. It allows to extend the range of tools and activities for learning and training and is an important step to build up a total learning architecture.

This page is just an overview of all related feature requests that are needed to set up a first implementation of xAPI support in ILIAS. The description of the feature as well as the related discussion and the Jour Fixe decisions are part of each feature request page.

2 Related Feature Requests

2.1 Necessary for 5.4 Implementation

The following features become part of first xAPI implementation in ILIAS 5.4:

2.2 Optional Requests

The following features shall already be implemented for 5.4 but might be postponed to 5.5 in case of missing time and manpower:

3 Contact

Last edited: 31. Jul 2018, 11:49, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]