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Centralizing online/offline status - step 1

This feature request is part of a couple of request to centralise the online/offline status in ILIAS objects:

1 Initial Problem

Currently there is no centralized implementation for handling the offline status in different modules.
With release 5.4 the following object types support offline status and each of them used an own implementation

  • Booking Manager
  • Chatroom
  • Date Collection
  • Glossary
  • HTML Learning Module
  • Course
  • Learning Module
  • Media Cast
  • Poll
  • Portfolio Template
  • Survey
  • Survey Pool
  • Test
  • Test Pool
  • Wiki

2 Conceptual Summary

Methods for retrieving and manipulating the offline status will handled in the object service base classes.
ILIAS objects have to define whether they support online/offline settings in their module.xml

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

No changes in existing views.

3.2 User Interface Details

{For each of these views please list all user interface elements that should be modified, added or removed. Please provide the textual appearance of the UI elements and their interactive behaviour.}

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

The following changes are required for implementing a centralized online/offline setting

4.1 Required Changes for  Repository Objects

  • Remove online/offline form elements in settings
  • Remove access checks regarding read access depending on offline status
  • Refactor methods for offline status handling in object classes
  • Remove offline status table columns in object settings
  • Remove object specific language variables
  • Migration to new of DB strucure
  • Remove online/offline handling for copying objects
  • Remove object specific ListGUI implmentation for the presentation of the offline status in the Repository, Personal Desktop and the Search
  • Remove online/offline handling for import and export

4.2 Required Changes for Services

The following changes in the Service "Object" are required for a centralized offline status handling:

  • The online/offline status presentation for repository objects in the Repository,  Personal Desktop and the Search will be handled class.ilObjectListGUI
  • Access checks ("Visisble" is granted only if the object is online or the user has "Write" permission) will be handled in class ilAccessHandler
  • The offline status will be kept after copying an object. The offline status of the top copied container will be set to "Offline".
  • ilObjectGUI will provide methods for the handling of the offline status in settings forms.
  • new methods in ilObjectDefinition for querying wether an object type support online/offline status

The Lucene-Search needs to support the new offline status handling.

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]
  • Maintainer: different maintainers.
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: different module containers

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 02 JUL 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. Please provide some more information about the technical concept to give a better impression of possible dependencies, esp. for objects that do not support online/offline yet.

8 Implementation

No changes in existing views. Centralized online/offline status is supported for 5.4 by the following object types:

  1. Course
  2. ILIAS Learning Module
  3. HTML Learning Module
  4. SCORM Learning Module
  5. Survey
  6. Test

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2018-10-26 by atoedt

  • 939 : HTML-Lernmodul online / offline setzen
  • 24928 : Kurs online / offline setzen
  • 24930 : Lernmodul online / offline setzen 
  • 24934 : SCORM Lernmodul online / offline setzen
  • 24935 : Umfrage online / offline setzen
  • 24939 : Test online / offline setzen 
Test case available but object type not supported yet:
  • 24924 : Buchungspool online / offline setzen 
  • 24925 : Chat online / offline setzen
  • 24926 : Datensammlung online setzen
  • 24927 : Glossar online / offline setzen
  • 24931 : Mediacast online / offline setzen
  • 24932 : Set the poll online / offline 
  • 24933 : Portfoliovorlage online / offline setzen
  • 24937 : Fragenpool online / offline setzen
  • 24938 : Fragenpool online / offline setzen
  • 24940 : Wiki online / offline setzen 


Meyer, Stefan [smeyer] Approved at 26 Oct 2018 by Arne Schröder

Last edited: 17. Sep 2024, 18:09, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]