Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Release 4.2

On this page you can see which features were implemented for ILIAS version 4.2. You click on the feature titles to get more information about each development. There is also a list of all contributors of this ILIAS major release: Who Paid What in ILIAS 4.2.

1 ILIAS core

  1. Copy template permissions (Status: implemented)
  2. Date of last change in learning progress (Status: implemented)
  3. Migration of value field in table settings (Status: implemented)
  4. Optional Preconditions (Status: implemented)
  5. Oracle 11g support (Status: implemented)
  6. Potential performance improvements (Status: implemented)
  7. User Interface Plugin Slot Extension (for Personal Desktop) (Status: implemented)

2 User Interface, Usability and Accessibility

  1. Make objects-icons clickable (Status: implemented)
  2. Didactic Templates (Status: implemented)
  3. One image manager for all Tinys (Status: implemented)
  4. Redesign for comments, annotations and tags (Status: implemented)
  5. Revision of Last Visited Feature (Status: implemented)
  6. Revision of the Main Menu (Status: implemented)
  7. Revision of Repository Object Creation Forms (Status: implemented)
  8. Streamline Learning Progress Views (Status: implemented)

3 Personal Desktop and General Services

  1. Blogs (Status: implemented)
  2. Skills/Competencies in Portfolio (Status: implemented)
  3. Personal Resources (Status: implemented)
  4. Extension of the Personal Website (Status: implemented)
  5. Portfolio Exercise (Status: implemented)
  6. Revision of the Personal Desktop (Status: implemented)

4 Groupware and Course Management

  1. Add user field should accept also e-mail address (Status: implemented)
  2. Configurable course notification (Status: implemented)
  3. Connection between sessions and calendars (Status: implemented)
  4. Course offline notification for course admin/tutor inside courses (Status: implemented)
  5. Deactivation of system messages for new memberships (Status: implemented)
  6. Mail Notification for groups in ILIAS to send a daily report to group / course members. See also Activation of mail notifications for groups (Status: implemented)
  7. Manual sorting in groups: All in one block and manual sorting within this block (Status: implemented)
  8. Session Screen Improvement (Status: implemented)
  9. Show local role in member tab (Status: implemented)
  10. Sorting in Sessions (Status: implemented)
  11. Standardization the user interaction in the objects: preconditions, startobject, membership limit., ... (Status: implemented)

5 Communication and Syndication

  1. Force New Posting Titel (Status: implemented)
  2. Labeling of Sticky-Posts in forums (Status: implemented)
  3. Replacement of the Chat System (Status: implemented)
  4. Tree navigation in forums (Status: implemented)
  5. Usability improvements for forums (Status: implemented, Mantis 7842)

6 Learning and Content Management

Learning Module ILIAS:

  1. Copy Learning Modules (Status: implemented)
  2. Deactivation of Page History (Status: implemented)
  3. Embed Questions from Pools in Learning Modules (Status: implemented)
  4. Export IDs for Learning Module Pages (Status: implemented)
  5. Question Type Drop Down (Status: implemented)
  6. Revision of Automatic Question Feedback in learning modules (Status: implemented)
  7. Set layout for multiple pages in Learning Modules (Status: implemented)
  8. Usability improvements for LM editor (Status: implemented)
Learning Module SCORM:
  1. New placeholders in SCORM-Certificate (Status: implemented)
  2. SCORM 1.2 Interface without JAVA (Status: implemented)
  3. SCORM 2004 RTE: Improvements (Status: implemented)
  4. SCORM 2004 RTE: 4th Edition Support (Status: implemented)
  5. SCORM 2004 RTE: Performance (Status: implemented)
  6. SCORM Debugger for SCORM data (Status: implemented)
  7. SCORM Editor: Assets, Entry and Completion Page (Status: implemented)
  8. SCORM Editor: Extended Support for Question Types (Status: implemented)
  9. SCORM Editor: HTML Export (Status: implemented)
  10. SCORM Editor: Import/Export for Page Templates (Status: implemented)
  11. SCORM Editor: Interactive images, image type limitation (Status: implemented)
  12. SCORM Editor: Keep sequencing and metadata information on import, Expert mode for sequencing editing (Status: implemented)
  13. SCORM Editor: Optional learning objectives, bullet lists (Status: implemented)
  14. SCORM Editor: Styles for RTE navigation (Status: implemented)
Media Pools:
  1. Quick Import for Media Objects / Import multiple files from directory (Status: implemented)
  2. Reduce Number of Versions in Usage Tab (Status: implemented)
  3. Show only current usage of Snippets/Media Objects (Status: implemented)
  1. Automatic Table of Contents in wikis (Status: implemented)
  2. Blocking of single wiki pages (Status: implemented)
  3. Bread-crumb to navigate wiki within "last visited" (Status: implemented)
  4. Export of wikis (HTML) (Status: implemented)
  5. Instance Link Areas (Status: implemented)
  6. Links to other ILIAS resources in wikis (Status: implemented)
  7. Page last modified information on wiki pages (Status: implemented)
  8. Rename wiki pages (Status: implemented)
  9. Revision and extension of Wiki Navigation (Status: implemented)
  10. Wiki Editor - Set an anchor in a page (Status: implemented)
  11. Wiki-Editor / Submit-Buttons (Status: implemented)
  12. WYSIWYG and chapter-wise editing in wikis (Status: implemented)
  13. Reorganising Editor Administration (Status: implemented)

7 Test, Survey and Exercises


  1. Add questions from survey-pools (Status: implemented)
  2. Delete/Redesign buttons in survey (list view of questions) (Status: implemented)
  3. Info-Page Revision for survey and test (Status: implemented)
  4. Redesign of survey diagrams (Status: implemented)
  5. Save question-changes in a question-pool to surveys (Status: implemented)
  6. Survey: Express mode (Status: implemented)
  7. Survey: Preview (Status: implemented)
  1. Random Test Warning Message
  2. Online/Offline in tests (Status:implemented)
  3. Test: Express-mode (Status: implemented, Mantis 7895)

8 Administration

  1. Autocomplete in member search (Status: implemented)
  2. Editable Login Screen (Status: implemented)
  3. Extension of inactive account (Status: implemented)
  4. LDAP as data source (Status: implemented)
  5. Multiple ECS Configurations (Status: implemented)
  6. Reporting Object Statistics (Status: implemented)
  7. Revision of Activated Settings and Options (Status: implemented)
  8. System/Course admin search for users: Show also E-Mail (or other fields (Status: implemented)

9 Payment

  1. Accept Terms and Conditions within the Purchasing Process (Status: implemented)
  2. Additional editable login-screen for Purchasing process (Status: implemented)
  3. Buyable Upload/Download of Exercises (Status: implemented)
  4. Editable Billing Confirmation Mail (Status: implemented)
  5. Enable/Disable Shop-Information-Tab (Status: implemented)
  6. Explorer in Shop (Status: implemented)
  7. Mark Buyable Objects as Special (Status: implemented)
  8. Purchasing and Accessibility Information of Bought Objects (Status: implemented)
  9. Payment: Terms and Conditdions (Status: implemented)

10 Abandoned Features

  • Former chat implementation (see Replacement of the Chat System)
  • Digilib Books (first step: creation deacitvated; feature will be abandonned in 4.3)
  • SCORM editor: PDF/ISO Image export

11 Postponed

Other features that have been scheduled for ILIAS 4.2 have been postponed due to missing funding or open discussion about implementation, see Postponed.

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 09:52, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]