Feature Wiki
Information about planned and released features
Release 4.2
Page Overview
[Hide]On this page you can see which features were implemented for ILIAS version 4.2. You click on the feature titles to get more information about each development. There is also a list of all contributors of this ILIAS major release: Who Paid What in ILIAS 4.2.
1 ILIAS core
- Copy template permissions (Status: implemented)
- Date of last change in learning progress (Status: implemented)
- Migration of value field in table settings (Status: implemented)
- Optional Preconditions (Status: implemented)
- Oracle 11g support (Status: implemented)
- Potential performance improvements (Status: implemented)
- User Interface Plugin Slot Extension (for Personal Desktop) (Status: implemented)
2 User Interface, Usability and Accessibility
- Make objects-icons clickable (Status: implemented)
- Didactic Templates (Status: implemented)
- One image manager for all Tinys (Status: implemented)
- Redesign for comments, annotations and tags (Status: implemented)
- Revision of Last Visited Feature (Status: implemented)
- Revision of the Main Menu (Status: implemented)
- Revision of Repository Object Creation Forms (Status: implemented)
- Streamline Learning Progress Views (Status: implemented)
3 Personal Desktop and General Services
- Blogs (Status: implemented)
- Skills/Competencies in Portfolio (Status: implemented)
- Personal Resources (Status: implemented)
- Extension of the Personal Website (Status: implemented)
- Portfolio Exercise (Status: implemented)
- Revision of the Personal Desktop (Status: implemented)
4 Groupware and Course Management
- Add user field should accept also e-mail address (Status: implemented)
- Configurable course notification (Status: implemented)
- Connection between sessions and calendars (Status: implemented)
- Course offline notification for course admin/tutor inside courses (Status: implemented)
- Deactivation of system messages for new memberships (Status: implemented)
- Mail Notification for groups in ILIAS to send a daily report to group / course members. See also Activation of mail notifications for groups (Status: implemented)
- Manual sorting in groups: All in one block and manual sorting within this block (Status: implemented)
- Session Screen Improvement (Status: implemented)
- Show local role in member tab (Status: implemented)
- Sorting in Sessions (Status: implemented)
- Standardization the user interaction in the objects: preconditions, startobject, membership limit., ... (Status: implemented)
5 Communication and Syndication
- Force New Posting Titel (Status: implemented)
- Labeling of Sticky-Posts in forums (Status: implemented)
- Replacement of the Chat System (Status: implemented)
- Tree navigation in forums (Status: implemented)
- Usability improvements for forums (Status: implemented, Mantis 7842)
6 Learning and Content Management
Learning Module ILIAS:
- Copy Learning Modules (Status: implemented)
- Deactivation of Page History (Status: implemented)
- Embed Questions from Pools in Learning Modules (Status: implemented)
- Export IDs for Learning Module Pages (Status: implemented)
- Question Type Drop Down (Status: implemented)
- Revision of Automatic Question Feedback in learning modules (Status: implemented)
- Set layout for multiple pages in Learning Modules (Status: implemented)
- Usability improvements for LM editor (Status: implemented)
- New placeholders in SCORM-Certificate (Status: implemented)
- SCORM 1.2 Interface without JAVA (Status: implemented)
- SCORM 2004 RTE: Improvements (Status: implemented)
- SCORM 2004 RTE: 4th Edition Support (Status: implemented)
- SCORM 2004 RTE: Performance (Status: implemented)
- SCORM Debugger for SCORM data (Status: implemented)
- SCORM Editor: Assets, Entry and Completion Page (Status: implemented)
- SCORM Editor: Extended Support for Question Types (Status: implemented)
- SCORM Editor: HTML Export (Status: implemented)
- SCORM Editor: Import/Export for Page Templates (Status: implemented)
- SCORM Editor: Interactive images, image type limitation (Status: implemented)
- SCORM Editor: Keep sequencing and metadata information on import, Expert mode for sequencing editing (Status: implemented)
- SCORM Editor: Optional learning objectives, bullet lists (Status: implemented)
- SCORM Editor: Styles for RTE navigation (Status: implemented)
- Quick Import for Media Objects / Import multiple files from directory (Status: implemented)
- Reduce Number of Versions in Usage Tab (Status: implemented)
- Show only current usage of Snippets/Media Objects (Status: implemented)
- Automatic Table of Contents in wikis (Status: implemented)
- Blocking of single wiki pages (Status: implemented)
- Bread-crumb to navigate wiki within "last visited" (Status: implemented)
- Export of wikis (HTML) (Status: implemented)
- Instance Link Areas (Status: implemented)
- Links to other ILIAS resources in wikis (Status: implemented)
- Page last modified information on wiki pages (Status: implemented)
- Rename wiki pages (Status: implemented)
- Revision and extension of Wiki Navigation (Status: implemented)
- Wiki Editor - Set an anchor in a page (Status: implemented)
- Wiki-Editor / Submit-Buttons (Status: implemented)
- WYSIWYG and chapter-wise editing in wikis (Status: implemented)
- Reorganising Editor Administration (Status: implemented)
7 Test, Survey and Exercises
- Add questions from survey-pools (Status: implemented)
- Delete/Redesign buttons in survey (list view of questions) (Status: implemented)
- Info-Page Revision for survey and test (Status: implemented)
- Redesign of survey diagrams (Status: implemented)
- Save question-changes in a question-pool to surveys (Status: implemented)
- Survey: Express mode (Status: implemented)
- Survey: Preview (Status: implemented)
- Random Test Warning Message
- Online/Offline in tests (Status:implemented)
- Test: Express-mode (Status: implemented, Mantis 7895)
8 Administration
- Autocomplete in member search (Status: implemented)
- Editable Login Screen (Status: implemented)
- Extension of inactive account (Status: implemented)
- LDAP as data source (Status: implemented)
- Multiple ECS Configurations (Status: implemented)
- Reporting Object Statistics (Status: implemented)
- Revision of Activated Settings and Options (Status: implemented)
- System/Course admin search for users: Show also E-Mail (or other fields (Status: implemented)
9 Payment
- Accept Terms and Conditions within the Purchasing Process (Status: implemented)
- Additional editable login-screen for Purchasing process (Status: implemented)
- Buyable Upload/Download of Exercises (Status: implemented)
- Editable Billing Confirmation Mail (Status: implemented)
- Enable/Disable Shop-Information-Tab (Status: implemented)
- Explorer in Shop (Status: implemented)
- Mark Buyable Objects as Special (Status: implemented)
- Purchasing and Accessibility Information of Bought Objects (Status: implemented)
- Payment: Terms and Conditdions (Status: implemented)
10 Abandoned Features
- Former chat implementation (see Replacement of the Chat System)
- Digilib Books (first step: creation deacitvated; feature will be abandonned in 4.3)
- SCORM editor: PDF/ISO Image export
11 Postponed
Other features that have been scheduled for ILIAS 4.2 have been postponed due to missing funding or open discussion about implementation, see Postponed.
Last edited: 28. May 2024, 09:52, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]