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xAPI: Statement Viewer with checking external LRS

1 Initial Problem

There are several reasons for viewing statements in ILIAS:

  • Test scenarios
  • Transparency over own data to the object in the LRS
  • Requirement to be able to better assess learning success and learning behavior on the basis of statements
  • Need to be able to see the statements of colleagues
  • Content Evaluation
On the other hand, a statement display can be confusing due to the often many data and lead to uncertainty.

The Statement Viewer in the existing cmi5/xapi-Plugin is based on the Tin Can Statement Viewer (https://github.com/RusticiSoftware/TinCanStatementViewer; Apache License Version 2.0).
It is similar to the SCORM test tool and SCORM Protocol Data. It is not a learning progress reporting tool in the strict sense.
Below are two screenshots of this statement viewer, which was extremely helpful for checking the communication with the LRS and should be implemented in a clearly modified form.

Statement Viewer

The second row of filters can only be seen when 'show advanced options' is clicked. The username is not displayed here because it was not sent to the LRS. If you click on a statement (for example, attempted 'course 257'), the raw data (Statement-Details) will be displayed as follows.

View of Statement-Details

This popular statement viewer is based on Javascript and is very fast. Nevertheless, there are the following serious disadvantages that should now be resolved:

  • It is only supported in English as language.
  • The meaning of the filters is sometimes difficult to understand (for example, Activity ID).
  • It is unclear which verbs could be used for filtering.
  • Only at the LRS can be set whether users can see only their own statements or statements of other users. It is therefore not possible to differentiate between ILIAS roles.
  • If the username should not be sent to the LRS for privacy reasons, then it remains unclear which user has caused which statements.
  • There is no export of the statements e.g. as a csv file.
  • The statement display does not look appealing and does not correspond to the usual ILIAS display of data.

2 Conceptual Summary

The disadvantages of the described statement viewer should now be remedied by settings for display, by role-setting, by pre-filtering the data by ILIAS and by the use of the iltable2gui.
The user interface itself is sketched under 3.2.

Settings for display

In the settings it is determined whether users without edit rights will get the Statement Viewer in a separate tab called 'Learning Experiences'.

Settings for Statement Viewer

Right 'read outcomes'

The RBAC rights setting 'read_outcomes' determines whether users have the right in principle to view the data of others as well. In principle, because it may be prevented by the LRS client that data from other users can be viewed. Without the right 'read_outcomes' users can only see their own statements.
The right 'read_learning_progress' can not be used because the learning progress can be deactivated and in principle the display of the very detailed statements can not be allowed despite the right to view the learning progress.

Pre-Filtering of data by ILIAS

Without relying on a restrictive setting of the LRS, the following filters or data modifications should be implemented by default without modification by users:

  • if the right 'read_outcomes' does not exist, only own statements will be displayed
  • Only statements for the specific object are displayed. The filter 'Activity ID' is omitted in the UI.
  • If the name of users in the LRS is missing, names will be displayed nevertheless. The pseudonymization is reversed.
    • Object in a container object with user management (also reference): Only statements of the members are displayed.
    • Object in a container object without user management: All statements are displayed with names.


Although the use of the iltable2gui can indeed bring performance disadvantages in this case, but clearly outweigh the advantages in terms of uniform presentation and security against data manipulation. It is also possible to export the statements (without JSON raw data) as a csv / Excel file.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Settings of xAPI Object.

3.2 User Interface Details

Please note: The Interface for users who are only allowed to access own statements is without the filter and the column 'user'.

Modal with JSON-raw-data appears if user clicks on View Raw Data; Link 'export' is missing.
Modal with raw data

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

Obsolete: The Statement Viewer based on Tin Can Statement Viewer (https://github.com/RusticiSoftware/TinCanStatementViewer) uses jquery.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 29 JUL 2019: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for 6.0. Matthias, Uwe and Björn will continue the discussion to find good labels for the permission "read_outcomes" and the name of the tab "Learning Experience". It is important to give a clear distinction to Learning Progress. Implementation will use the new filters from KS as well as the KS table and modal. Sorting of entries in table (Learning Outcomes) should be possible. Björn will create a bug report in case the modal does not allow more width than in the current screenshot above (nevertheless no special width for this use case). Postions will not be supported for 6.0 (but can be implemented in a later state when funding is available).

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed on 2019-12-08 by Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]

  • 32088: Anzeige von Lernerfahrungen


Approved at 26 Nov 2019 by Bakker, Onno [onnobakker].

Last edited: 9. Dec 2019, 00:02, Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]