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New tab ‘Media‘ and revised tab ‘Questions‘

1 Initial Problem

Some ILIAS Learning Modules sometimes include many Questions or Media Objects. There is no way of knowing how many Media Objects are used in this Learning Modules and on which pages. 

  • Teams may want to replace all media object in a learning module to adapt it to a different CI, a new product version or the like.  
  • Teams of authors sometimes struggle with a unified approach to managing media. Media Objects can be created directly on the Page or be Media Objects are partly created in different Pools. This may lead to Media Objects from very different sources. 
  • In order to control the content or to uniformly reorganize it, currently a user has to see through all pages of a learning module:
    • Then edit the Media Object.
    • Then open Advanced Settings.
    • Then  open the tab Usage.
    • Only then can you see where the media object was created. This is very time-consuming and frustrating.
  • The Questions-tab currently serves the purpose of "didactic oversight" but not of "authoring oversight". 

2 Conceptual Summary

New tab ‘Media‘

An additional tab ‘Media‘ is added.

  • The first subtab "Media Subtitles" is moved here out of the Content tab.
  • in the secon subtab "Usage" all Media Objects that have been inserted into a Learning Module via the Page Editor are listed. 
  • The columns are "Page Title", "Media Object" and "Media Pool" and "Usage".
  • The "Media Pool" column lists every Media Pool in which contains the media object. Clicking on the name of the Media Pool in the column leads to the Media Object in the corresponding Pool. If the Media Object was created in the ILIAS Learning Module itself, nothing is displayed in the column ‘Media Pool‘.
  • In the Column "Usage" all usages outside Media pools are listed. 

one and the same media object could be referenced in mor than one Media Pool and content object

Extension of the ‘Questions‘-tab in ILIAS Learning Modules

A new sub-tab 'Usage' should be introduced.

The structure of the list should correspond to the structure of the 'Media'-Tab.

However since the connection between the pool and the question is severed when the question is copied into the lreaning module there is no need for linking the pools. 

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Edit view of a Learning Module>>New tab ‘Media Objects‘
  • Edit view of a Learning Module >>Tab ‘Questions‘

3.2 User Interface Details

See above

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 25 June 2018:

  • Currently this FR contains two features which should be handled in two feature wiki pages (question overview may be implemented by the T&A maintainer).
  • For media objects: There is nothing like a feasible "origin" of a media object. You can create a media object in pool a, then link it in pool b and pool c and use it afterwards in glossary d, e and learning module f and g. You could also come to the same references in all these objects but start with creating the media object in learning module g. I would suggest to simply list all media pools that contain the media object in one columns. Additionally all content object that reference the media object could be listed in a second column.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 25 June 2018: In general I support the idea, please see my comments above.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 26 JUN 2018 : The proposed 'Media Objects' tab will be - like the 'Questions' tab today - outside the tab 'Content'. To be honest, I don't like this. Questions and media objects should be part of the Content tab, even if there are already a lot of subtabs in 'Content'. But that's where they belong to logically.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 24 SEP 2018: As far as I know the 'Questions' Tab can not be part of the 'Content' tab because of the sub tabs. But if there is a solution for navigating below the level of subtabs, I support this idea.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 24 SEP 2018 : We highly appreciate this FR and schedule it for 5.4 with the following changes:

  • We create a new tab "Media" and move "Subtitles Media" from "Settings" to it.
  • The order of tabs is changed as follows: Content | Media | Questions | Info | Settings | ...

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 31 JAN 2020: To make the feature more concrete, I took the comments of the JF and the maintainer into account and revised the mockups.

  1. The "Origin" column is renamed "Usage".
  2. A new Tab "Media " is created and the Sub-Tab "Subtitles Media" is moved from "Settings" to it. Accordingly, the "Media"-Tab contains the Sub-Tabs "Usage" and "Subtitles Media":
  3. The sub-tab "Usage" is added to the "Questions" tab.
  4. The order of tabs is changed as follows: Content | Media | Questions | Info | Settings | ...

Media > Usage
Questions > Usage

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 03 FEB 2020 : Thanks for updating the mockups according to the last JF comments. We still like this suggestion and reschedule the feature for 7. Please consider if the presentation table could be a better way to visualise this information and make them available for mobile divices.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 18 JUL 2023 : Thanks for updating the feature request and putting this suggestion back on our agenda. Just a few comments and recommendations:

  1. As this feature request does not only tackle the new 'Media' tab but also the existing 'Questions' tab I recommend to rename the request to something like 'New tab ‘Media‘ and revised tab ‘Questions‘.' This will help us later to find the discussion about this feature.
  2. I assume that information about the 'Usage' of media objects is more often requested than the subtitles features. This is why I suggest to make the 'Usage' subtab the first subtab within the tab 'Media' – same for tab 'Questions'.
  3. The mockups in chap. 2 currently have a different order of tabs. Based on the JF decision from 2018 they should be placed as follows: Content | Media | Questions | Info | Settings …
  4. While in 2020 the Jour Fixe still proposed the use of the KS Presentation Table, in the meantime the KS Data Table is available to be used for this implementation (tab 'Media' and 'Questions').
  5. I would highly appreciate if the 'Usage' table in 'Questions' would also mention the test question pool where a question comes from (in case it was not created directly in the learning module). Even if the relation between pool and the question in the learning module is different to media objects, getting this information will make it much easier for authors to modify the question and to import it again (as a new question).

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 24 JUL 2023 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9.

  1. Ordering of tabs should be realised as decided at JF in 2018: Content | Media | Questions | Info | Settings … Media and Question tab are considered as content-related tabs and are allowed to be placed left of Info tab without violating the Tabs Guideline.
  2. Ordering of sub-tabs should always start with new 'Usage' sub-tab.
  3. Feature wiki page will be renamed to 'New tab ‘Media‘ and revised tab ‘Questions‘'.
  4. No additional column for original question pool will be added.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 13 MAY 2024: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 10 / trunk with the following modifications:

  • The following column titles should be modified: Page Title > Page Usages | Media Pool > Media Pool Usages | Usage > Other Usages
  • The ordering should be: Media Object | Page Usages | Media Pool Usages | Other Usages
  • The media objects should be sorted alphabetically.
  • For the question tab the column titles should be: Question (ordered alphabetically) | Page Usages

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 13. May 2024, 16:45, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]