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System/Course admin search for users: Show also E-Mail (or other fields

1 Description

It would be a great help for daily user management to have the possibility for systemadministrators to decide:

  • if systemadministrators search for a user in the member-tab, then they get also the fields "E-Mail" and "Institution" and "..." in the result-list.
  • if coursadministrators search for users in the member-tab, then they get also the field "E-Mail" in the result list.

This would be very helpful, because very often, admins cannot see with the fields Login, First name and Last name, if they add the correct user to the course. With more information for systemadministrators and courseadministrators, they can better decide.

Ex.: At university of Bern, if you search for Martin Studer, you see
  • m.studer Martin Studer
  • m.studer2 Martin Studer
If you have also the field E-Mail, then you see
  • m.studer Martin Studer martin.studer@ilub.unibe.ch
  • m.studer2 Martin Studer martin.studer@students.unibe.ch

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Lauener Universität Bern

4 Discussion

JF 14 Dec 2009: If we want to move forward with this feature we need to take care about privacy. These things must be configurable in the administration.

M. Kunkel, A. Killing, 1 Apr 2011: We confirm the feature for 4.2. We will go on with the privacy configuration discussion during the development.

HJLauener, 23 Nov 2011:
OK, sehe ich. Aber: Aufgrund der Aussage von JourFixe: "If we want to move forward with this feature we need to take care about privacy. These things must be configurable in the administration." müsste man wohl noch nachbessern - um den unterschiedlichen Datenschutzbestimmungen gerecht zu werden. Denn ev. gibt es ja Institutionen, die verhindern müssen, dass Kursadministratoren alle E-Mails einsehen können.
In der Administration soll der Plattformadministrator einstellen können:
* Welche Angaben im Suchfeld automatisch erscheinen dürfen: Benutzername? E-Mail?
Der Plattformadministrator soll auch bestimmen können:
* welche Attribute bei der Darstellung der Resultate standardmässig bereits ausgewählt sind und in der Liste angezeigt werden (Wir wünschen, dass z.B. Kursadmins bereits die E-Mails und Institution ohne zusätzlichen Klick einsehen können.)
* und welche Attribute zusätzlich von Kursadministratoren über das Dropdown "Columns" gewählt werden können.

JF 5 Dec 2011: Currently the "Searchable" attribute for the user fields in the administration controls whether the field is listed in the search form and as a (selectable) column in the search results. From a privacy perspective this seems to be fine with us.
For the column selection we would like to implement a generic solution: Any table that offers the possibility to select columns, should offer a feature "Set as platform default selection" for administrators. In this way the feature is available for other tables, too.

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 09:50, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]