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Usability: Portfolio Content Tab

1 Initial Problem

The previous presentation of the content tab is difficult to survey. What is really important? What other options do I have?
There are excess informations and options.
Important information is not recognized immediately.
Wording is not consistent.

Status 5.3.2

2 Conceptual Summary

There are a few points that should give the user more overview and speak more clearly.
See orange mark.

  • "PDF" → New label "Export as PDF" (like HTML-Export-Button) 
  • "Pages" → New label "Tabs" (Tabs can be pages and blogs)
  • "1-5 of 5" →  Delete (There are never so many pages available that this information adds value)
  • Multi-Action to delete and copy page(s) → Delete (From experience this is never necessary. And if two or three tabs have to be deleted, this is reasonable. For the benefit of the overview. Incidentally: Copying blogs does not make much sense anyway, since no copy but only one more reference is created.)
  • "Edit Page / Blog" → Implement "Edit Page / Blog" as split-button. (Thus the most important function is directly tangible. "Delete" and "Copy Tab" are also quickly available. )

The new screen is much tidier.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Portfolio » Edit Portfolio » Content-Tab of this Portfolio

3.2 User Interface Details

Use the existing TableGUI.
Use Split-Buttons like in Forums. 

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

No technical issues here.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 3 April 2018: I support all these improvements.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 09 APR 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4.

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 22 OCT 2018 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C18823: Fertiges Portfolio als PDF exportieren
  • C1670: Reihenfolge und Titel speichern
  • C1674: Portfolio-Seite(n) kopieren
  • C1668: Portfolio-Seite aus Portfolio löschen


Approved at 2018-10-22 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

Last edited: 2. Apr 2019, 20:30, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]