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Introducing Content Page Object

1 Initial Problem

It should be possible to include minimal instruction objects into a learning path. Existing content objects like learning modules, wikis or glossaries are not suitable for this since they all come with too much additional features and user interface elements.

2 Conceptual Summary

A new repository object "Page" is introduced that only consists of one page that can be used for instructional information for learners. Clicking on the title will open the content page.

This new "Page Object" or "Neutral Learning Object" – short term "nele" is already implemented in our custom ILIAS 5.3 branch, named studynet

The new object type supports the following features:

  • Creation Screen: Create (with title and description), Import, Copy
  • Adding a 'Custom Icon' (similar to the feature currently only available for container objects)
  • Learning Progress
    • Deactivated
    • Manual by User (default)
  • Edit Content: ILIAS page editor
  • View Content: The page content in presentation mode
  • Standard RBAC permissions for leaf/content objects in the repository tree, incl. permission to view/manage the learning progress
  • Copy / Move / Link / Delete
  • Export / Import (ILIAS XML)
  • Lucene Search (Title/Description, ILIAS page editor content)

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Each Container Object:
    • Add new Item/Neues Objekt hinzufügen: There will be a new option 'Page Object' or 'Neutral Learning Object'.
  • Administration / Repository / Custom Icons
  • Object itself: see User Interface Details

3.2 User Interface Details

3.2.1 Add New Object

Add New Object
Creation Screen

3.2.2 Presentation in Container Objects

List GUI

3.2.3 Administration / Repository / Custom Icons

There will be some translation changes, because the 'Page Object' or 'Neutral Learning Object' will be the first leaf/content object which supports 'Custom Icons'.

3.2.4 Object itself

Edit Screen
Edit Icon
Edit Page Content
View Content
Learning Progress
Info Screen

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

  • This new object type comes with some refactoring of the 'Custom Icon' feature, which is currently only available for container objects. After 'merging' the code to the trunk, there will be some 'under the hood' improvements/centralizing regarding the 'Custom Icon' code.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Kiegel, Colin [kiegel] 2018-03-20: We have already implemented for a customer in a joint project with Leifos and Databay. We are currently looking for (crowd-)funding for trunk-integration. Databay estimates 2-3 days neccessary to do this. This includes refactoring of "custom icons" to make them available for non-container objects, too.

  • new ILIAS object "neutral learning object"
  • custom SVG Icon
  • learning progress
    • manual by user (default)
    • deaktiviert
  • page editor for content tab
  • standard RBAC
  • copy, move, delete
  • search
  • export / import

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 03 APR 2018: I support this suggestion (I wanted something very similar already years ago...) and think it will be very usable in different scenarios. But I would like to have some modifications / changes before adding this type to trunk:

  • Title of this new object type should be "Page Object". This type of repository object will not only be used in learning scenarios but for presenting information without context to learning as well.
  • The permalink for this page should be added to the footer of the view screen (not clearly indicated on screenshot above).
  • The "Settings" screen of the object needs a checkbox for enabling the "Info Page" (similar to the category object), see screenshot below - because this will allow to present the object tab-less for learners when learning progress is not activated. In this case there is no need to present learners the data (created at and owner) left over on this screen.
  • The "Actions" dropdown top right is missing on the screenshot above either. But they are needed to support actions like "Add to Desktop", "Comments" or "Notes".

Jansen, Michael [mjansen], 04 Apr 2018: Thx Matthias. Of course there will be a permanentlink in the footer as well as a actions menu on the top right. It's just skin/project specific that these elements are hidden.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 09 APR 2018: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for 5.4. We would like to

  • … use the name "Content Page" for this object type.
  • … have custom icons for this object type (thanks for the code refactoring)
  • … have the checkbox to activate the Info page (similar to category object).
  • … show the learning progress control for 'Manual by Tutor' on the learning progress tab.

Jansen, Michael [mjansen], 13 July 2018: We need an additional learning progress mode which automatically determines the user's status. The LP should be completed once the user accesses/visits the ContentPage.

To address this development issue we created a separate feature wiki page: Content Page: Automatic Learning Progress Determination

8 Implementation

Implemented as described above.

8.1 Creation

Add New Item
Creation Screen: Create
Creation Screen: Import
Creation Screen: Copy

8.2 Configuration

8.2.1 Settings

Settings Screen
Custom Icon Configuration (if enabled globally)
Style Definition/Configuration for the Page Content

8.2.2 Contents

Edit Page

8.2.3 Learning Progress

Learning Progress Configuration

8.2.4 Permissions


8.3 Contents

Info Page
Info Page (with manual 'Learning Progress' enabled)
Manual Learning Progress (Hidden Info Page)

8.4 Export


Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2018-06-28 by Jansen, Michael [mjansen]

  • C24603 : Objekt anlegen
  • C24605 : Einstellungen vom Objekt bearbeiten
  • C24604 : Inhalt pflegen
  • C24606 : Objekt löschen
  • C24607 : Objekt kopieren
  • C24608 : Objekt exportieren
  • C24609 : Objekt importieren
  • C24610 : Icon bearbeiten
  • C24611 : Manueller Lernfortschrittsmodus: Lernfortschritt manuell setzen/auslösen
  • C24612 : Lernfortschritt deaktivieren
  • C24613 : Lernfortschritt einsehen
  • C24602 : Objekt suchen


Approved at 20 JUL 2018 by Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz].

Last edited: 20. Jul 2018, 16:54, Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz]