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Custom Metadata in Media Pool

1 Initial Problem

Mediapools do not allow for filtering according to Custom Metadata, which would be very helpful for re-using Mediaobjects from huge pools. 

2 Conceptual Summary

  1. Global Custom Metadata can be created in the the Metadata section of the global Administration and and Mediapools show under "Assigned Objects".
    • Custom Metadata Sets can be imported and exported
  2. Global Custom Metadata can be activated in the Settings-tab of a specific Mediapool. 
  3. Media Objects can be assigned with Custom Metadata.
  4. In Mediapool > Content-tab > All Media Objects Users can use the Custom Metadata filters to narrow down the List of Media Objects according to one or more Custom Metadata criteria.  

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Global Administration

  • Administration > Metadata > Custom Metadata > Custom Metadata Sets table > Assigned Objects gets a new entry for Media Pools
  • Administration > Metadata > Custom Metadata > Add > Assigned Objects gets a new entry for Media Pools
  • Administration > Metadata > Custom Metadata > Presentation sub-tab > new entry for Media Pools
Media Pool 
  • Media Pool > Settings 
  • Media Pool > Metadata gets new sub-tabs "LOM " and "Custom Metadata" 
  • Media Pool > Content > All Media Objects gets new Custom Metadata Filters 

3.2 User Interface Details

Custom Metadata in global Administration > Metadata > Custom Metadata
Settings-tab activation
Editing Custom Metadata in Custom Metadata sub-tab
Custom Metadata Filters along normal filters

3.2.1 Handling of Objects in multiple pools

It is important to understand that the metadata will be assigned to the media objects within a pool context. This means, this metadata will not be visible or editable if the same object is referenced in a second media pool unless this pools uses the same (global) metadata set.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 13 DEC 2017: I fully support this request and the introduction of custom metadata in media pools. But an important change in the worksflow is not covered by this suggestion yet. Filtering for media objects according to metadata won't be made in the media pool itself - at least in most of the cases. You need this feature when adding a media object to a page editor content, e.g. to an ILIAS learning module. But the current workflow for doing that points you to the following screen:

It is obvious that we are not on the screen where all media objects are shown (tab 'All Media Objects') but in the 'Folders' tab. I can only open folders and select the listed media objects within but no filter is presented here. So if this feature shall have any effect on content editing (and not just on content administrating media objects within the pool), it is necessary to offer also the 'All Media Objects' view within the workflow of adding a media object from a pool into a page. Additional effect: it would also strengthens the use of LOM metadata that are already available.

P.S.: I made a related feature request 'Copyright filter for media objects' to offer an additional filter for copyright.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 13 DEC 2017: I discovered the request 'Filter for inserting media objects from media pool' and I guess it offers the solution I was requesting of above.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 03 JAN 2018: I recommend to rename this page to "Custom metadata for media objects and pools" as this request does not only trigger media pools but media objects, too.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 3 Jan 2018: I fully support the request. I added the section "Handling of Objects in multiple pools" above to clarify the behaviour if objects are referenced in multiple contexts.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 10 JAN 2018: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4.

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2018-09-04 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • 1260 : Benutzerdefinierte Metadatensätze anlegen (amended) 
  • 24678 : Datenfeld Text (freie Eingabe) anlegen
  • 24679 : Datenfeld Datum anlegen 
  • 24680 : Datenfeld Datum und Uhrzeit anlegen
  • 24677 : Datenfeld Auswahlliste (Einfachauswahl) anlegen
  • 24681 : Datenfeld Ganzzahl anlegen 
  • 24682 : Datenfeld Gleitkommazahl anlegen 
  • 24683 : Datenfeld Standort anlegen 
  • 24684 : Datenfeld Auswahlliste (Mehrfachauswahl) anlegen
  • 24685 : Datenfeld Externer Link anlegen 
  • 24686: Datenfeld Interner Link anlegen 
  • 24674: Benutzerdefinierten Metadaten in einem konkreten Medienpool aktivieren
  • 24687 : Verschiedene Ausfüll-Aufdräng-Optionen Benutzerdefinierter Metadaten in Medienpools
  •  https://testrail.ilias.de/index.php?/cases/view/24688 
  • 24688 : Benutzerdefinierten Metadaten zu einem Medienobjekt eingeben


Approved at 2018-09-27 by Ralf Steffen, Uni Hannover

Last edited: 9. Apr 2019, 12:05, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]