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Tabs Guideline

1 Guideline

Tabs guideline as decided at JF, 22. Feb 2010. Keep the following order:

  • Content-related tabs, if content is not a "separate view" (like SCORM)
  • Info tab
  • Settings tab (rename "Properties" to "Settings")
  • Member or similar user lists
  • Learning Progress tab
  • All other tabs (not in this list)
  • Metadata tab
  • Export tab
  • Permissions tab

Additionally the Settings tab should always contain title/description settings, even if it is stored in Metadata redundantly.

1.1 Issues

  • Edit Properties vs. Settings vs. Properties (-> Settings!)
  • Where to place a general Export tab (Last one before Permissions!)
  • Forum: Moderators tab after Edit Properties? (Yes: "Settings", "Moderators")
  • File: Rename Edit tab? (Open issue)
  • Some objects start with Info tab. Would there be a "content" like first tab? See "Content/Separate View" rule above. File, Wiki, Learning Module ILIAS (Edit), Learning Module SCORM, Exercise (Yes, make content-like tabs coming first, then info)
  • Learning Modules ILIAS (Edit) alterntive beginning tabs: Chapters | Info | Properties | All Pages (No: Chapters, All Pages, Info, Settings!)
  • Learning Modules ILIAS (Edit): History tab before Learning Progress (Yes)
  • Exercise: Your Submission before Info? (Open -> Exercise Revision)
  • Test: History before Learning Progress? (Yes)
  • Media Pools: Folders | Info | Edit Properties | All Media Objects | Clipboard | Permissions? (No: Folders, Alle Media Objects, Info, Settings, Clipboard, Permissions!)
  • Do we allow more "Content"-like tabs at the beginning, e.g. Media Pools: Folders | All Media Objects; Learning Modules ILIAS (Edit): Chapters | All Pages (Yes!)

2 Status

  • Effective from release: ILIAS Release 4.1
  • Approved by Jour Fixe at: February 22, 2010
  • Implementation status: implemented completely
  • Implementation of guideline: all developers

3 Components that are not compliant with the Guideline

4 Discussion

JF 16 Nov 2009: In general we highly support a streamlining of the tabs.

  • We prefer to use "Settings" all the time instead of "Properties" or "Edit Properties"
  • The position of Export will be discussed when the export revision starts
  • Title and Description should always be put at the top of the first (if there are multiple subtabs) settings screen. Even if the object has a metadata tab and the information is editable in both places.
  • We have different opinions on whether the metadata tab should be located more on the right (e.g. always before learning progress / permissions) or not
  • We agree that member/user lists should be placed after settings, so the forum moderators tabs should be located behind the settings tab.
  • We agree that multiple content-like tabs may appear at the beginning of the tabs.
  • The History and Clipboard tabs mentioned above should be fixed.
  • The exercise tabs will be discussed when the "multiple assignments per exercise" feature implementation starts

Alex, 13 Feb 2009: I revised the candidate guideline. Proposal for export: Tab before Permission. Major open issue: Metadata tab. My current preference: Put it before Export. If we put it there, it's even more important to put title/description into the settings tab redundantly.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 01 FEB 2023: I would like to extend the existing guideline by a rule for the first sub-tab of all Settings tabs with sub-tabs. Instead of different labels in the various objects a general lang var should be used by all object types. Suggested lang var would be common#:#general# with label 'General' / 'Allgemein'. The rule only applies to objects that have a Settings tab with sub-tabs. I would provide the respective PRs to reduce the effort of involved maintainers.

The extended guideline (incl. some editorial revision) would be the following:

  1. Order of Tabs

    Keep the following order of tabs in all objects:

    • Content-related tabs, if content is not a "separate view" (like SCORM)
    • Info tab
    • Settings tab (rename "Properties" to "Settings")
    • Members tab or similar user-related tabs
    • Learning Progress tab
    • All other tabs (not in this list)
    • Metadata tab
    • Export tab
    • Permissions tab

  2. Settings Tab

    1. The Settings tab should always contain the text inputs for Title and Description, even if both are also stored in Metadata redundantly.
    2. The first sub-tab of Settings should always be labeled General and use the related language var common#:#general#.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 06 FEB 2023: We highly appreciate the suggested extension of the Tabs Guideline and accept it for ILIAS 9.

5 Implementation

5.1 Changes in ILIAS 9

Learning Module ILIAS (Edit)
Content | Media | Questions | Info | Chapters | All Pages | Properties | Metadata | Links | Export | Weblink Check | Learning Progress | History | Permissions

5.2 Tabs

as of ILIAS 4.0.1

Root Node (Repository)
Content | Edit Properties | Permissions

Content | Info | Edit Properties | Local User Administration | Permissions

Content | Info | Settings | Metadata | Members | Learning Objectives | Learning Progress | Permissions

Content | Info | Settings | Members | Learning Progress | Export | Permissions

Content | Info | Edit Properties | Learning Progress | Permissions

Chat Rooms | Info | Edit Properties | Recordings | Blocked users | Permissions

Topics | Moderators | Info | Edit Properties | Permissions

Edit Properties | Permissions

Info | Edit | Metadata | Versions | Permissions

Content | Info | Metadata | History | Weblink Check | Permissions

View Content | Info | Settings | Permissions

Info | Settings | Pages | Contributors | Permissions

Learning Module ILIAS (Edit)
Info | Chapters | All Pages | Properties | Metadata | Links | Export | Weblink Check | Learning Progress | History | Permissions

Learning Module HTML (Edit)
List Files | Info | Properties | Metadata | Bibliographical Data | Learning Progress | Permissions

Learning Module SCORM
Info | Properties | List Files | Tracking Data | Certificates | Metadata | Learning Progress | Permissions

Terms | Info | Properties | Metadata | Export | Permissions

Info | Your Submission | Edit Properties | Members | Learning Progress | Permissions

Questions | Info | Settings | Metadata | Participants | Export | Manual Scoring | Statistics | Learning Progress | History | Permissions

Questions | Info | Properties | Metadata | Preconditions | Invitation | Export | Maintenance | Statistics | Permissions

Question Pool Test
Questions | Properties | Metadata | Print View | Export | Permissions

Question Pool Survey
Questions | Properties | Metadata | My Phrases | Export | Permissions

Media Pool
Folders | All Media Objects | Info | Edit Properties | Permissions | Clipboard

5.3 Compliant to Guidelines in 4.1

  • Root Node
  • Categories
  • Groups
  • Folders
  • Learning Modules (ILIAS)
  • Mediapools
  • Chat
  • Forum
  • Exercises
  • Course
  • Web feed
  • File
  • Weblink
  • Mediacast
  • Learning Modules (HTML)
  • Glossary
  • Survey
  • Test
  • Question Pool Test
  • Question Pool Survey
  • Wiki

5.4 Still to do for ILIAS 4.1

Last change: 05 May 2010; Please remove object's entry when tab sorting has been updated.

Learning Module SCORM
List Files | Info | Settings | Learning Progress | Tracking Data | Certificates | Licence | Metadata | Permissions
jl: "List Files" may not be necessary, should be reviewed

jl: was changed accordingly, but should be reviewed
Ordering should be:
Organization | Info | Settings | Objectives Alignment | Metadata | Export | Permissions | (Preview)

5.5 Open Decisions

Concerning Learning Modules:

  • I suggest to merge the tabs for Links and Weblinks to reduce the number of tabs and to put together what is related which each other. (Matthias Kunkel, 29 Mar 2010)

Concerning Learning Modules SCORM and HTML:

  • How about using Content instead of List Files?

Last edited: 27. Jul 2023, 17:12, Gruber, Ann-Christin [acgruber]