Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Assignment Type Wiki

1 Initial Problem

Teams cannot not hand in truely collaborative piece of work.  

2 Conceptual Summary

Tutor Workflow 

  1. In the Assignments Tutor selects Team Wiki and clicks Add Assignment.
  2. ILIAS presents the New Assignment form. 
  3. Tutor provides a title. 
  4. At Location for Newly Created Wikis Tutor indicates the place in the Repository where the Wikis are to be created. (Repository Picker)
  5. At Template Tutors indicate the Wiki that should be copied from (Repository Picker). The label template is obviously disputable. 
  6. Then Tutor configures the rest of the Assignment and save. 
Participant Workflow
  1. Participants form teams or are put into teams. 
  2. In the assignment accordion one of the team members clicks on Create Wiki
  3. ILIAS creates a copy of the designated Wiki Template in the designated place.
  4. ILIAS inserts the "Assignment Title: Team Title" as the title of the wiki.
  5. ILIAS takes  Participants to the Page-tab of the start page of the newly created wiki. 
  6. Participant is presented with a Hand-In message on the Start-Page as known from Blogs or Portfolios.
  7. Participants work on their wiki.
  8. One Participant of the team clicks on "Finalize and Submit Wiki".
  9. ILIAS creates an HTML Export and uses it as submission in the assignment. 

2.1 Permission Handling / Repository Objects as Assignment Submissions

In general there are three options where to locate the wiki:

  1. In the personal workspaces
  2. In the repository
  3. Neither in the repository nor in the personal workspace
This proposal chooses the second option, since a workspace solution would need some synchronisation on the sharing or general availability side (same object in multiple workspace trees), which would make an implementation complex. Option 3. would need a completely new access control solution which would also need more conceptual work and increase the implementation effort.

Permission handling in the repository will be implemented following these points:
  • First the general permissions are handled by RBAC and the usual access control system. If a user does not have a certain permission with the current access control system, the user will not gain it through the special handling of the object by the exercise.
  • When any team member creates a new wiki for an assignment the owner of the newly created wiki will be the owner of the exercise. Also before creating the wiki the permission of the owner of the exercise to create new wikis in the target location is checked. The team members will not need the creation permission and will not become owner of the wikis.
  • On creation the exercise stores internally that the wiki (or any other repository object) belongs to a certain team of a given assignment. The exercise will provide an interface and an implementation that allows repository objects to check, if
    • a) an object is part of an exercise assignment (if yes, get the assignment id and title and a link to the assignment back): getAssignmentOfObject
    • b) access should be denied to the object for a given user: isAccessDenied
  • The exercise object will determine the return value for isAccessDenied in the following way:
    • If the object is not part of an exercise assignment return false 
    • else if the current user is member of the team being assigned to the object return false
    • else if the current user has "edit settings" permission on the exercise (this includes all admins) return false
    • else return true
  • Objects types that implement an assignment type for the object should
    • Use getAssignmentOfObject to present an information message to the team users at an appropriate place that should provide the assignment title and a link back to the assignment.
    • Use the isAccessDenied method in their ilAccess handler to revoke all permissions to the object, if false is returned by the method.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Exercise > Tab Assignments > Sub-tab Edit > New Assignment Type is addded to drop-down
  • Exercise > Tab Assignments > Sub-tab View 
  • Form > New Assignment
  • Start Page of Wiki created from assignment 
  • Exercise > Submission & Grades 

3.2 User Interface Details

New Type of Assigment
Form "New Assignment"
Hand-In Message as in Blog
After Handing in as in Blog
Submission and Grades >> Assignment View
Accordion Team wiki

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 2 Oct 2017: I support this request in general. The editing of the wiki must be restricted to team members, right? This will require and the information message will require the wiki component to get some dependencies to the exercise component.

Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz], 05.10.2017: I can only support this idea. I've had some lectureres at the University of Freiburg who wanted to do something like this as well.

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 09. Oct 2017: I support this idea.
Additional ideas: 
a) The Participant Workflow should be supplemented by "10) a re-submission from any team member"
b) I would very much advocate if in such a context the relevant object, here the Wiki, which is edited collaboratively, would be available to the team members in their workspace.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], October 09, 2017: We like the suggestion in general. But we need a clear idea of the permission handling for the created team wikis. Please provide a solution that can later be adapted to other components, too (e.g. data collection). Additionally, we would like to change the label from 'Team Wiki' to 'Wiki' and to remove the 'Submit and Finalise' button from the info message and move it to a tool bar.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 19 Oct 2017: I outlined the permission handling in the section "2.1 Permission Handling / Repository Objects as Assignment Submissions" above.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 04 DEC 2017: We highly appreciate this feature request and schedule it for 5.4. Please add the permission 'Submission and grades' to the list of permissions that grant access to the wiki.

, 18.12.2019:
Problem: There doesn't seem to be a possibility for Wiki-Teams to make their work available to other participants of a course.

(Scenario: There is an ILIAS-course with 200 participants. In the exercise module they are tasked with forming groups of 6 and making Wikis (target folder is inside course). Select Wikis are supposed to be presented by groups and discussed with other members of the course. This can happen either via presentation of a wiki, or through sharing a wiki on ILIAS with all course members. If many groups want to share their wiki and maybe receive commentary on ILIAS, sharing seems the only viable option.
So this is the problem situation: how does a group share their Wiki with other course members?)

At the moment, the owners of the Wiki cannot access the settings of their own Wiki, and it seems that as long as the Wiki is tied to the exercise, it will never be visible to anyone who doesn't have specific sets of rights (like e.g. tutor, admin).

I can imagine the following solution:
Let the creators of the Wikis access the Settings of their own Wiki, so they can create a personalized title (to make their Wiki distinguishable from others) and tick or untick the button "Online".
Make it so all Wikis where the setting "Online" is activated will be shown to all course-members (right to see but no right to modify) after the hand-in deadline of the exercise expired.

Possible problem with this solution:
What if some members don't want to share the Wiki, but the others do it anyways? Is this a problem that the software design needs to adress?

8 Implementation

Assignment Settings
Learner Presentation Assignment
Learner Presentation Wiki Message
Wiki List in Container

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2018-09-12

  • 24697 : Übungseinheit "Team-Wiki" hinzufügen ohne Vorlage
  • 24698 : Aufgabenstellung lesen und selber Team bilden
  • 24699 : Gruppenarbeit abgeben
  • 24700 : Eingereichte Lösung noch mal ändern
  • 24701 : Übungseinheit "Team-Wiki" hinzufügen MIT Vorlage und Tutor-managed Teams
  • 24705 : Tutoren erstellen neue Teams
  • 24706 : Tutoren weisen bestehenden Teams neue Benutzer zu
  • 24702: Gruppenarbeitswiki abgeben


Approved at 10.10.2018 by Universität Hohenheim.

Last edited: 18. Dec 2019, 16:32, Undisclosed