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Show-More Behavior

1 Initial Problem

We know of three screnarios where masses of objects need to be dumped into categories. The data dump is too big to be performantly displayed in the normal List GUI. Users will work from this dump in a way. 

  1. Courses are created by a campus management system or a seminar management system and blasted into a category. Expected numer of courses  ~ 4.000
  2. Groups are created by students to allow informal learning in Teams. Expected numer of groups ~ 800
  3. All kinds of objects from an Open Educational Resources Repository are displayed. Expected numer of objects ~ ??

2 Conceptual Summary

One way of working oneself through such a long list is to chunk it in smaller pieces.

  • Initially show the first chunk of  n items.
  • Upon request show the next bit of n items. 
  • Rinse, repeat. 

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Settings-Tab of Categories 
  • Content-Tab of Categories

3.2 User Interface Details

Settings-Tab of Categories 

The section Additional Features gets a new Checkbox Limit Items Per Block: Checkbox that changes the behavior of the Content-Tab such that the super long list are no longer presented initially but only a chunk of the maixmum defined length. 

Content-Tab of Categories

If Limit Items Per Block is activated and set to i.e. 5, then the length of the list is limited to 5.
Underneath the i.e. 5th item an emty list GUI field is appended with a Show More button. 
After clicking the Show More button, the next i.e. 5 items are displayed again appended with a Show More button. 
User can now request chunk upon chunk of the list until User arrives at the last chunk, which does not have a button. 

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: {Please add your name.}
  • Maintainer: {Please add your name before applying for an initial workshop or a Jour Fixe meeting.}
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

7 Discussion

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 02 JUL 2018 : Just two remarks / questions:

  • Why don't we use this fade-out style here, too - similar to the already introduced one in the timeline, see below?
  • How about placing the "Show More" button centralised instead of left-aligned. It remembers me too much of a wrong placed toolbar. And centralised would be more eye-catchy, too. (If accepted, should be changed in timeline, too.)

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 02 JUL 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4 with the following change:

  • We would like to have a new KS element "Show More Button" that can be addressed separately and that comes with a spinner wheel for showing the loading of new items when clicked. The button should use the entire space under each block (when needed) and be centralised. The existing list implementation can be re-used.

Mela, Alix [ILIAS_LM] @Stuttgart: If there are 100 files in a category and the setting says that only 25 are shown, but my user has got permission to see only 2 of the first 25, there is a "more"-button, because ILIAS knows, there would be more. Clicking on "more" lets the button disappear. Would this be a bug or hasn't this been part of the requirements?

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2018-10-29 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • 24954 : Anzahl angezeigter Objekte beschränken


Approved at 2018-10-29 by Seeland, Per Pascal [PerPascalSeeland]

Last edited: 16. Apr 2019, 15:44, Mela, Alix [ILIAS_LM]