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Persistent Storage of Copyright Information

1 Initial Problem

Object types with metadata support in ILIAS allow to select a Creative Commons licence - if Creative Commons support is enabled in Administration. The available CC licences are preset by the installation and can be configured and edited in the metadata administration. For each object with an assigned CC licence, the ID of the licence is stored.

The problem of the current implementation is the possibility to change the selected CC licence for a specific content by just editing the licence settings in the administration. If a file has been set under the CC BY-SA and an administrator changes the text of the licence title and description in the administration, the licence shown on the Info page of the file is no longer the one that has been chosen when having published the file.

2 Conceptual Summary (revised)

The current concept of storing copyright information in the database by using an ID should be kept. As mentioned by the Jour Fixe (see chap 7), having IDs will make handling of this information within the system easier and allows to filter or search for objects assigned to a specific copyright. But some additional features should support the use of different versions of CC or other licences:

  1. Selected licences in the Copyright administration could be set to 'Outdated'. In this case the licence, its text and ID are kept for all objects that are already assigned to this licence. But this licence can no longer be assigned to new objects. 'Outdated' licences are labelled accordingly on the quick edit screen (tab Metadata) and have a deactivated radio button.
  2. Sorting of offered copyright options should be done manually to build clusters of licences. The usual nummeric sorting input (10, 20, ..) should be re-used. This allows to move preferred licences on top and outdated to the bottom.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Administration » Metadata » Copyright
  • Administration » Metadata » Copyright : Edit Copyright Defaults

3.2 User Interface Details

Edit screen for Copyright Default

The edit form for a copyright default gets an additional list "Usage" with two radio groups for "In use" and "Outdated".

List of available Copyrights

Table of available copyright defaults gets

  • a column for manual sorting
  • a 'Save Sorting' button (missing on screenshot above)
  • a column for showing the status of each licence (in use | outdated).

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information


5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]: 18 Dez 2017: I support the general request. 

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 18 DEC 2017: We reject the current suggestion because we will loose the possibility to search for licences easily. A better option would be to introduce a flag for 'No longer supported' that prevents that such a licence still can be assigned to an item and to add a warning message at the edit scree of a licence that changes at the licence will affect x objects that are already using this licence, incl. and a confirmation screen when saving the input.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 25 JUN 2018 : Feature request has been reviewed according to JF decision. We keep the IDs for the copyright defaults and introduce a new option 'Status' to define if a licence is in use or outdated. We prefer radio boxes to a checkbox as it distinguishs better between these two options. The suggestion of the JF for a confirmation screen when editing a licence has been already addressed in Improved Creative Commons Support : Confirmation.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 30 JUL 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. Please change the label "In Use" to "Active" and add bylines to both options.

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 26 OCT 2018 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C24946: Copyright-Vorgaben sortieren
  • C24921: Copyright-Vorgabe outdaten


Approved at 29.10.2018 by Kruse, Fabian [Fabian].

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:28, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]