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Icons in the breadcrumb navigation

1 Description

It was a proposal of the university of Berne in the usability report to show the breadcrumb navigation without the small icons. But it's much more difficult to work without this icons. If you have a course with a lot of folders, it's not easy to find the top of the course.

f it's possible to change this behavior and to show the small icons again, I would vote for this!

2 Status

  • Scheduled for Release: Postponed, originally scheduled for 4.1
  • Funding: Required
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by Alex Killing, LEIFOS

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: ...

4 Discussion

2009-09-18, Little: I'm tempted to write: "I told you so - right in the beginning!" ...but I'm not that mean... ;-) Even if it's a horrible idea to the design and my team will hate me: I'd be really glad if the icons wouldn't disappear! They are a grand help for orientation.

Jour Fixe, 21 SEP '09: We cannot change this for 4.0. And we do not know if the majority of our users prefer icons (or not). We suggest to add a setting to the administration to enable / disable icons in the breadcrump list. But this need funding and cannot be realised before 4.1.

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 27. Mar 2018, 08:08, Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener]