Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


KS-Entry: Toolbar

1 Guideline


  • PHP Class:
  • External Library: Bootstrap NavBar
  • External Library:
  • Status of Entry: To be revised
  • Description*:
    • Purpose: The toolbar operates the items in the screen directly underneath it.
    • Composition: The Toolbar contains Buttons, Links and Input Elements. Related Elements can be grouped in one section divided by separators. Toolbars are placed directly underneath tabs. If there is a filter, it is underneath the toolbar.
    • Effect: Toolbars contain elements performing the following types of functionality:
      1. Start object: clicking the toolbar button launches an object like a test, survey, learning module or file
      2. Create: clicking the toolbar button creates a sub- or super item
      3. Delete: clicking the toolbar button deletes a  sub- or super item
      4. Assign: toolbar control that is comprised of more than one control (i.e. identifier, text input field, drop down plus the execute-button) in order to assign local roles objects
      5. Remove: clicking the toolbar button detaches a  sub item from the super item.
      6. Select for Presentation: clicking the toolbar button opens a source of data to pick items from (i.e. questions from pools) or a navigational device
      7. Browse Item: clicking the toolbar button allows users to flick / leaf through the sub-items
      8. Shortcut: clicking the toolbar button takes the user out of context to a new view (search, mail, results,...)
      9. Import: clicking on the toolbar button calls for an import screen
      10. Export: clicking the toolbar button triggers the creation of an export file
      11. Download:
      12. Manipulate every sub-item at once: clicking the toolbar button will perform a certain action on all sub-items
      13. Move: clicking the toolbar button will start the dialogue form shifting the object to another place
  • Background:
  • Context*:
  • Feature Wiki Reference:
  • Rules:
    • Usage:
      1. There MUST NOT be more than one Toolbar for per screen.
      2. Toolbars MUST NOT be used in the same view as forms.
    • Composition:
      1. Related Controls in Toolbars SHOULD be grouped using vertical separators.
    • Style:
      1. Toolbars MUST form a whole Gestalt by being enclosed in a light-grey rectangle.
      2. Two Seperators MUST not enclose empty content.
    • Ordering:
      1. Entries SHOULD be ordered according the proposed default ordering, if there are no good reasons (such importance for the workflow or frequent use of a certain action) not to. The following default ordering is recommended:
        • Start Object
        • Create super Item
        • Delete super item
        • Create sub item
        • Delete sub item
        • Assign
        • Remove
        • Select for Presentation
        • Browse Item
        • Shortcut
        • Import
        • Export
        • Download
        • Manipulate all at once (order might change depending of the nature of the action to be performed)
      2. If the default ordering is not used for some reason, the most frequently used entries MUST be located on the left-hand side the entries of lesser importance are located on the right-hand side (see feature wiki reference).
    • Responsiveness:
      1. Toolbars MAY be empty on mobile screens. Buttons should only become sticky when they trigger an important user activity.
      2. Labels in front of input fields MUST NOT be presented above the input on mobile screens.
      3. Controls addressing the same topic / issue SHOULD be presented in one row as long as there is sufficient space to display them.

2 Status

  • Effective from release: { not approved yet | x.y }
  • Approved by Jour Fixe at: { link to Jour Fixe agenda }
  • Implementation status: { implemented completely | partly implemented | needs implementation }
  • Funding for streamlining existing features: { name of organisation }
  • Implementation of guideline: { all developers | name of responsible developer }

3 Components that are not compliant with the Guideline

4 Discussion


Last edited: 11. Apr 2016, 13:58, Amstutz, Timon [amstutz]