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Default Database Template Settings for 5.2

A new ILIAS installation comes with a default configuration.

  • Certain settings can improve performance, security or usability
  • The default configuration should optimize these general values - especially if the settings are hard to decide for ILIAS newbies and therefore unlikely to be changed

This list contains changes we make in the database template to offer better default settings with 5.2. The database template will be changed before publishing the first 5.2 stable release.

1 Requested Changes of Database Template

1.1 ILIAS core

1.1.1 RBAC / Roles

  • Administration » Roles : Roles and role templates need default permissions for new repository objects 'Group Link' and 'Individual Assessment': All global roles and role templates should get VISIBLE for group link. Role templates for author, course admin and group admin should get all permissions for group link and all permissions for individual assessment.

  • Administration » Roles » Settings » Enable Protect Administrator Role (Security):
    • Arguments:
      • The "Administrator" role is a special case in the ILIAS permission system: It has any conceivable permission and can neither be deleted and nor changed. Making someone an Administrator means to hand over full control. According to my experience, organizations using ILIAS tend to restrict this role to an absolute minimum of users.
      • According to my experience, the protection of the Administrator role is a setting that is most often activated, provided that people know about it at all. However, most users I know weren't aware of it until I pointed it out to them. It's a half-hidden feature.
      • I cannot imagine a scenario in which it was preferable NOT to protect the administrator role.What could be a reason for allowing non-administrators to make someone an administrator?
    • Proposed by Suittenpointner, Florian [suittenpointner]
    • Decision Jour Fixe: accepted at JourFixe-2016-07-04
    • Implementation: Changed for 5.2.0 at Dec 16, 2016

1.2 General Services

1.2.1 ILIAS Page Editor

  • Administration » Editing » ILIAS Page Editor » Repository Pages » Enable Content Editing in Repository (Usability)

  • Administration » Layout » Standard-Stylesheet (if it was editable) » Styleclass » Link: Links should have empty styles by default (especially no color, or underline) - all css-properties should be inherited from the skin instead. (design / user experience)
    • Proposed by Kiegel, Colin [kiegel]
    • Decision Jour Fixe: In general, we agree with this suggestion. But this setting is not handled by the DB template but by an xml file. Please create a FW page for default changes in content and system styles.

1.2.2 Learning Progress, Reporting and Statistics

  • Administration » Statistics and Learning Progress » Enable Object Statistics - because in contrast to the LP, object statistics can lose data when disabled

1.2.3 Search Engine

1.2.4 User Service

  • Administration » User Management » Settings » Fixed Session Duration » Switch on Session Reminder by default

1.3 Personal Desktop

1.3.1 Personal Desktop

  • Administration » Disable as much as possible regarding the Personal Desktop blocks (Usability)

1.4 Communication and Syndication

1.4.1 Notifications

1.5 Learning and Content Management

1.5.1 Learning Module SCORM

  • Administration » Learning Resources » Enable Default setting for learning progress (Usability). Explanation If learning progress is activated in general, the settings for new SCORM learning modules are set to ‘Collection of SCORM Items’ and all SCOs are selected for learning progress determination. Adjustments are still possible for every SCORM learning module.

  • Administration » Learning Resources » Enable storing data without session (Performance). Explanation: This ensures the storage of SCORM learning data even if ILIAS session expired. SCORM will also be MUCH faster.

1.5.2 Media Pools and Media Objects

  • Administration » Media Objects and Pools » Always Show File Manager (Usability)

1.6 Administration

1.6.1 Registration / Login / Authentication

  • Default setting of authentication method for user 'root' has to be 'ILIAS Auth', see Mantis 18115.
    • Proposed by
    • Decision Jour Fixe: accepted at JourFixe-2016-03-14
    • Implementation: not changed yet in DB template

1.6.2 Setup

  • Setup: brcypt-encription of passwords, because current default md5 is highly insecure (Security)

2 Discussion

Last edited: 7. Feb 2017, 08:36, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]